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That movie came out in '96. Great cast Billy Bob Thorton, Dwight Yoakem, Robert Duvall, John Ritter. Just to name a few. A shop i used to work in we would find ways of getting a quote from that movie in anytime we could, car wont start "Aint got no gas in it" want some lunch "I'd take one of those little ol' chicken legs". Forrest Gump was another one we quoted a lot. 

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Thanks Frosty! I changed it. 

I haven't watched the movie in over two decades but it was a favorite of my ex and we watched it more times than I can count. 

We quoted lots of various movie lines for various daily stuff, or sometimes just to make each other laugh. Sling blade and Gump sure had lots of good stuff. So did Kalifornia. 

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It drives my wife crazy when i do movie quotes, so of course i do it all the time. 

Made me this here sign bracket to hang from my shop. My old sign was just to big and bulky, i will keep it put up somewhere my the new one is much lighter. Just a piece of wood painted green with a black anvil in the middle is what will be on the sign itself. 


This hanger went a bit wonky so i will have to take it off and straighten it out.


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Nice work Les. The blacksmith’s knife from one of your previous posts inspired me to try wet forming the sheath on the left. It came out ok, but I should’ve had at least another 1/2” of leather above the finger curl. Either way you got me to learn something new!

Keep it fun,


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Thanks Goods, seeing the work posted on IFI is what has given me inspiration and ideas for projects and I have used them to learn new techniques, including what adjustments I need to improve the project the next time I do it. 
I’m glad one of my projects inspired someone to try it out. 

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Worked on a few different things, including solving a technical problem bending 1/2” x 2-1/4” flat bar for the railing project (the secret is spot-heating with the oxypropane torch just enough to get it sufficiently malleable to bend in the Hossfeld):



 Also finished up a couple of yarn bowls for Lisa’s shop, including one with a chased dragon head design:


Not shown is a modification I made to my post vise stand, torching about 1-1/2” out of the vertical I-beam, welding the top back down in a slightly better alignment, and relieving the spot where the vise attaches to its mounting bracket. This will make it MUCH easier to switch back and forth between using the stand for the vise and using it as a base for the Hossfeld. 

Also, I had a bit of a brainwave when I realized that instead of making the fancy bracket I’d been thinking about for mounting my bench shear on my striking anvil, I could just clamp it on the vise. Sometimes the best answer is the simple one that’s been staring you in the face. 


In all, a productive few hours. 

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I think I mentioned a few weeks ago remounting my belt grinder on a new stand. It turns out that the new arrangement makes it harder to reach the foot peg for changing the belts, so I added a simple foot pedal that makes things much easier. Inverted class II levers for the win!



I also started repairing my horizontal bandsaw, as detailed (and with advice solicited) HERE

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Billy I prefer coral mushrooms fried in butter with a little salt and butter, perfect as a side for grouse or ptarmigan strips. Picked fresh off the mountain is the best. my father enjoys morels but I haven't acquired a taste for them

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