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What did you do in the shop today?

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Very nice Goods! My leather work isn’t half that nice, 

well not exactly in the shop but I got my metal rack cleaned up and cut out all the weeds growing in it from the last 4 months lol, I still need to trim some tree branches, I also finally got my Ibeam an square tubing off the ground, 

now if I could only motivate myself and to go around the property an actually move all the metal piles to the storage rack so it’s all in one place  I’d have it made lol, 21193B57-8E02-4E09-B661-4D8762904F2E.thumb.jpeg.3034e33ece06816514615e87e2daeadc.jpeg3473E14A-3996-45DA-9060-D64C721910B3.thumb.jpeg.eb9e4c58ebadec7657ac7cf5b03fb89b.jpeg

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I put down some old corrugated roofing panels to keep the weeds out of my scrap pile; got some still trying to grow through the nail holes---they usually self girdle and die. My biggest issue is with tumbleweeds blowing in.  Nasty things!  All stickery, drop seeds everywhere and have about the same flammability as gasoline!  Definitely something to use the pitchfork to move onto the burn pile.

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That’s not a bad idea Thomas! Laying down the metal, 

im gonna have to eventually move the rack, odot is widening the highway and they are gonna be cutting in through my property, 

I haven’t decided we’re I’m gonna move it yet, but if I put it back on dirt I’ll borrow your idea,

I’m not looking forward to moving it because it’s 8’ tall an 20’ long so it’s kinda a pain to move around, 

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TW, I envy you. I can’t bring myself to spend time organizing, and I’ve got a lot to do. If I have free time, I just want to be working at the anvil.

The only way I think my leather working will improve is if I spend some money on some decent tools and spend time working with them. I watched Torbjorn Ahman’s latest video last night after finishing the sheath and realized having the right tools would make it much easier/neater. Of course I still need much more practice before I would get anywhere near his level of perfection…


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Neither… they refuse to buy the property out, they just want to buy the footage for their right of way, no wall either… 

Another pain is they are wiping out my loop for my repair business an I’m fighting with them over that, 

We are gonna have to get rid of our livestock because the field we have them in will be cut down to the point there won’t be enough room for them, 

we have a baby and my wife is terrified of a 65mph highway being that close to the house so we’ve decided that we will move on our own an find another house, but we will keep the property since the business is already established here, and rent our home out to who ever is brave enough to live there, 

it’s not just us, there’s a dozen other families facing the same situation through here, the district federal congressman an state congressman an state senator have all got involved on behalf of the land owners but it didn’t really get anywhere, so now it’s just trying to negotiate for whatever you can get because you can’t stop imminent domain, 



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Under the Spreading Bodark Tree the Village Smithy Stands...Is your area damp enough you can just cut limbs and stick them in postholes?  My neighbor was able to do that with cotton woods.  Now each year I get to drop a match and watch my smithy floor burn. I'd rather be able to build a monkey brain chucker...

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Grounds pretty dry, first rain we’ve had in months was last night but it didn’t really soak in here, but Osage are pretty tuff trees they may not care lol, 

ive got to move my fences first, they are only going to replace one of them, after that I’ll look into what all and where all I can plant 

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Gandalfgreen, I’ll ship you a branch or a sapling if you want, they are a common tree around here,

ive got some friends who make bows out of different local woods an I’m pretty sure they all have at least one or more made from Osage, 

no you can’t stop ID but you can be a thorn In their side an make them work an pay for it before you agree to sign the papers lol, 

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TW, if you and your neighbors haven't yet, talk to an attorney who is EXPERIENCED in eminent domain issues.  You almost certainly cannot stop the project because a highway is a legitimate "public purpose" for which the government is allowed to take private property.  But, it must pay "just compensation."  That is where the disputes come in.  I have litigated a number of these (from the government side).  One of the things the government and their appraisal folk tend to ignore is "the damage to the remainder."  If you can document that the cutting off of the drive to your business will damage your business X amount that becomes part of the "just compensation."

I don't know how the eminent domain statutes are set up in OK but in CO you (the land owner) can have the choice of a judge or a panel of 3 "freeholders" (property owners in the county) decide just compensation at a trial.  Usually, it is a case of the government's appraiser saying the taking is worth, say, $10,000 and the land owner's appraiser saying it is worth $20k and the judge or the panel usually deciding to cut the baby in half and awarding $15k.  Often, to avoid the time and expense of litigation the government will go ahead and pay $15k if they know the land owner is willing to go to trial.

Also, it is usual if it goes to trial and the landowner is awarded at least $1 more than the government was offering the government is required to pay the landowner's court costs, appraisal fees, and attorney's fees.  That motivates the government to settle.

I could go on at length but I will just repeat my initial advice:  Talk to an attorney who has experience in this area, NOT just some local general practitioner who usually does small personal injury cases, divorces, wills, and some criminal defense.  It probably won't cost much, if anything, for an initial consultation.  Unfortunately, I don't know any OK lawyers to recommend.

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ID sux. I hope you end up in a better situation. 

   Didn't do much in the shop today. But tried to start my tractor to move the water heater. It turns over fine, has spark, has gas, has compression, is in time, but won't fire up and run.  Ended up having to heave the heater into the pickup, and get it kinda close, and then walk it from there. Anyway, got it set up, and did a trial run.  From lighting the match, to 180 degree water was less than 10 minutes. If I'd stoked it up big, it would have warmed the swimmin' pond from 70 degrees to about 80 degrees in mabe 10 hours. So, now I need to get out there and start cutting firewood. (dangit)

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George, thank you for the advice! 

it’s kinda the same setup here, but to my understanding if it goes to court the judge appoints 3 local property owners to decide, 

ive tried talking to several of my neighbors about us all getting together and finding a ID lawyer out of Tulsa but I everyone is scared, confused and angry so that didn’t go far either, the sate has made their first offer and it’s kinda insulting what they offered as payment to put a highway in a bunch of front yards, but to my understanding we have a couple chances to counter the offer before it goes to court, 

As far as compensation for my loss of income for the business, I was told that federal law says I can’t be paid unless there’s a total buyout of the property, which I thought was pretty convenient for them….

Gandalfgreen, your right that train ain’t stoppin, 

bluerooster, what kinda tractor is it? And what engine does it have? 

JHCC, you teach blacksmithing online? 

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29 minutes ago, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

bluerooster, what kinda tractor is it? And what engine does it have? 


JHCC, you teach blacksmithing online? 

It's a Ford 2N. Very similar to (but newer than) the 9N but with a Hi/Lo gear option. Yet still older than the 8N. 

It has served me well for the past many years, but of late it's been a real PITA to start, and today just wasn't going to start at all.  I guess I'll have to get it sussed. Problem is that I suspect it to be ignition related, but the only ignition parts available here are cheep made stuff from TS.  NAPA has a few items, but not all.

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Even if the OK Highway Dept. is using federal money the eminent domain proceeding proceeds under OK law, not federal law (which is similar but I have never been involved in a federal takings case).  Like I said, I don't know OK law but most states have a provision for damage to the remainder of the property because even though it hasn't been physically taken it's value has been reduced.  There are actually times when a taking will improve the value of the remainder through improved access.

Even if your neighbors aren't on board I suggest that you, personally, talk to an attorney.  Once you have you can then approach your neighbors again and see if they want to join in if what the lawyer says would benefit them.

I'd also suggest talking to an appraiser who is experienced in condemnation valuations.  Consider what kind of a witness he or she would make.  I've had appraisers who were very good technically but were really bad as witnesses.  You want someone who is engaging, outgoing, and can relate the appraisal as a good story.  Ask about their courtroom experience.

I would not go into negotiations without an attorney by my side.  The OHD will try to low ball you and they have their own legal department advising them.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.  You are probably talking enough money on the table to justify legal and appraiser costs.  If you were talking about a few hundred or thousand dollars you could do it yourself but this sounds like a big enough deal to justify taking it seriously.

Also, if you are making money on your animals, even if it is your own food, eliminating your grazing is to be figured in to what is being taken from you.

PM me if you have any specific questions.


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