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I bought the rapid/quick tong kits from Ken's Custom. Haven't worked them yet, still finishing up my propane forge (this sub freezing temperature has kept me inside where it's warm). The instructions seem simple enough, and the materials I was shipped look nice enough to me, but I'm not an expert.

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6 minutes ago, Deimos said:

Do they even have creepy crawlies in the frozen lands? I thought they only had polar bears and moose.

That's a good point. Oh, and lemmings. And seals. And whales. And penguins ;) 


3 minutes ago, Jealdi said:

The instructions seem simple enough, and the materials I was shipped look nice enough to me, but I'm not an expert.

That's who I was looking at. Do you know if you got the rapid or quick? The quick comes with only 4 pairs. I'm certainly not an expert either

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Ayup, that's a dachshund, they're as different individuals as a breed can get. Does he have an internal clock accurate enough to navigate space shots? Ours are both pretty vocal though only barky if there's something to be barky about

Did you see the news a little while ago where a dachshund chihuahua (dahuahua) was attacked by a puma, in it's  mouth with a paw holding it down and the other house dachshund attacked the puma and drove it off? 

Ronnie jerked the leash out of our hands pretty often as a pup and it chased her so she's afraid of a leash on the ground. Early training.

Okay, venomous arthropods, I know I didn't specify but all spiders are venomous, some are poisonous to. 

I'm old enough I don't want a pet I can't let sleep in my lap without having to stay alert. Baxter and I often snooze through TV shows, especially if I have a blankie.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I do not have any but i have heard some folks that have to say that they are a good buy.

Used to have a ball python for a while that i fed live rats to. I had to switch to frozen becuase the only place that would sell feeders quit selling them. Why you may ask? Not becuase they are dangerous to the reptiles but becuase some lady wanted to get a pet rat for her small son and while looking at the rat it bit him. 

Thomas, my coal i keep in the barn. In some of the dustier parts of the coal you have to look real good for the tootsie rolls that the barns cats like to leave. And trust me you want to get them out before you put it in the forge. They do burn but boy howdy do they stink to high heaven. 

Thanks for all the well wishes from everyone. Baby is now home and fine. But, i did get a call last night that my youngest daughter fell and broke her leg on the ice. Pretty bad. She had surgery this AM. 

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12 minutes ago, Deimos said:

Do they even have creepy crawlies in the frozen lands?

Before they started doing these individual state quarters, the eagle on the back of the US 25-cent piece was a half-size model of an Alaska mosquito.

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Sorry to hear that, Billy. Will keep you in my thoughts.

I have been to Alaska, and boy are you wrong! Look up in the sky. See the majestic eagles with the 6' wing spans. Those are half size models of an Alaska mosquito

3 hours ago, Frosty said:

I'm old enough I don't want a pet I can't let sleep in my lap without having to stay alert. Baxter and I often snooze through TV shows, especially if I have a blankie.

Nile monitors will sleep with you...

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When I was in Anvik in '87 for the hundredth anniversary of the founding of Christ Church Mission by my great-grandfather (for whom I am named), my grandfather and I shared a bedroom in the old mission house. The first morning, someone asked him if the mosquitoes had bothered him at all, to which he replied in the negative. I thought (but did not say aloud), "That's because they took one poke at your leathery hide and decided to go for the tender youngster on the other side of the room!"

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The thing is, with mosquitoes that big there are advantages and disadvantages. Advantage one- You can see them coming. Advantage two- it shouldn't be possible for there to be a large population as they'd deplete the food source. Disadvantage one- It doesn't matter if you can see them. Unless you're willing to point a Smith and Wesson M&P at your arm and pull the trigger, they ain't leaving. Disadvantage two- They really don't care about the laws of physics, so there are still plenty.

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2 minutes ago, Frosty said:

Ayup, that's a dachshund, they're as different individuals as a breed can get. Does he have an internal clock accurate enough to navigate space shots? Ours are both pretty vocal though only barky if there's something to be barky about

The little one has no concept of time, its either play time, or sleep time.

The grumpy one will sleep on his pillow till about 10 in the evening, then wake up, grab his toy and walk to his cage. If you wait to long to let him in he will get very very grumpy, cuz 10 in the evening is puppy bedtime (he knows what that means).

I am not surprised by a Dachshund fighting of a Puma, since their name comes from fighting Badgers, and Badgers are 90 shades of mean.

9 minutes ago, JHCC said:

 "That's because they took one poke at your leathery hide and decided to go for the tender youngster on the other side of the room!"

I will remember that one when the mosquitoes prefer my wife over me. 

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I came a few millimeters from losing an eye to my pet rooster when I was a kid. Picked up one of the hens and all I saw was a white flash. Five stitches on my lower eyelid to patch me up. I won't tolerate a mean rooster now,  and keep an eye on em when I'm around them. My rooster Cogburn is a gentleman and has never been agressive around people but I still keep an eye on him. 

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1 minute ago, Deimos said:

would love to have a school of Cuttlefish (or Cuddlefish like I call them), but that would be impossible or/and cruel.

Well... All cephalopods are difficult. The thing is, while you could have cuttlefish, it would be expensive, difficult, and ultimately- cuttlefish only live a couple years! And then, cuttlefish are fairly territorial so wouldn't like each other much.

But I do agree, cuttlefish are awesome. There's one species that's  only a couple inches long!

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2 minutes ago, Deimos said:

And you will sleep inside of the Nile crocodiles, in many many pieces.

Basically what I meant, but I couldn't figure out a good preposition with the right scansion. "Encompassing" didn't sound quite right.

That did remind me, however, of my great-aunt saying things like, "I'll be happy to play cards with you once I surround my dinner."


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1 minute ago, Chimaera said:

And another that actually hypnotizes its prey with flashing white stripes!

That is the one I love, one moment it is just a normal squid thingy, the next it is doing some freaky light show to get you into its belly, or it changes the texture of its skin to be like "ima rock now".

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So, a quick search tells me that you can keep a dwarf cuttlefish (about 2.5" long as an adult) in a 30 gal tank. Of course, that's saltwater, but as it isn't a reef tank it wouldn't be nearly as difficult. They suggest also getting a few hermit crabs and snails to go with him as a clean up crew. Might want to seriously look into that.

Would get some tank experience beforehand, though.

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