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I Forge Iron

Justin’s Smithing progression. [PIC heavy]

Justin Topp

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Ok; so maybe cast from steel rather than cast steel.  It's a weird bit of historical blacksmithing trivia: Cast steel refers to steel first made by Huntsman in the 1700's where he figured a way to take blister steel---made from wrought iron---and melt it; equalizing the carbon content and removing the ferrous silicate slag in it. Sheffield England was famous for it and was still teeming cast steel after 1900! As it was more expensive it was used as an advertising gimmick and so I have a number of late 19th century tools marked "Cast Steel" even though they were forged from the ingots that were cast and NOT cast into form!)

I guess nowadays cast steel would be like cast iron  as items get cast into their final forms.  So just ignore me as I digress into cutting edge technologies of 1800's!

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Just thought of something. I was hoping to get some input. So I was wondering if you could use lead as a base to an anvil. To add weight without getting much bigger. Similarly to a farriers anvil that the top half is steel and the bottom half is aluminum. I was wondering if lead would work to do the opposite and make it heavier? Or would it be too soft and deform despite the steel upper half. This is ignoring the fact of lead poisoning. Pictured below is the half aluminum anvil for reference 



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Not a good idea if you plan on laying the steel over the lead.. 

If you figure wrought iron anvils end up with sway or camel back and are wrought iron with a steel face just imagine what lead would do..  

Now if you made a hollow base and and poured the lead in to add weight it might work..  As is filling a hollow base with mercury. 

Weight in an anvil is a good thing..  

The idea that it is the initial impact of the hammer that does all the work so having a loosely mounted anvil is ok sure works great for science but in practice I find it less then ideal. 

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I’ll take a look at that. Thanks. 

I started some box jaw tongs and I must say. I’m rather pleased with how this forge weld came out. It’s completely invisible. Top and side view shown. 



also with the little anvil before stripping the paint it started leaking a bit and the liquid smelled like vinegar. Also no bondo was to be found. It was welded to fill voids. 


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