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I Forge Iron

Strange looking horn on a Swedish anvil

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2 hours ago, Boneyjoe said:

I think it's a soderfor 

Soderfors Sweden and the crown shield logo is stamped right above the weight so I'd say that's a pretty good . . . think. :rolleyes:

I've  never seen a horn like that either but Soderfors is a foundry first and anvil maker a couple steps down the list, when they were casting anvils. They'll cast anything you're willing to pay for so I suppose you could find: horns, heals or bodies in almost any configuration.

I love cast Swedish steel anvils, I have a 125lb. Soderfors and have never worked on finer. Put that beautiful old lady to work, she'll put a smile on your face as you shine up hers.

No grinding please, a wire brush to clean off loose rust if you wish but no grinding removing steel only shortens the useful life.

Frosty The Lucky.

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On 12/1/2019 at 4:15 PM, FlatLiner said:

I wonder if the horn broke off and they ground down part of what was left so they could have a small bick.

I guess that's possible but the lines are so clean really seems to have been built like that. I think it's a soderfor 




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14 hours ago, Chelonian said:

Given the slight gap on the bottom (meaning it's not one piece), my guess is the horn broke off, and someone bored a hole into the end of the horn and jammed that extra piece in as a replacement.

I agree after closer inspection not really sure how one would go about boring a hole in something this hard I know anything would be possible but to drill with an inch and a half or inch and 3/4 hole in an anvil this solid would be no small undertaking..

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Thanks for all the great information we passed it along to a young knife maker in my area @finchs_forge  Christmas came very early for him we included a large box of really big industrial files and a massive 10 inch Vise he's going to make each of the family members a Custom Knife from the old files

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Thank you pretty excited about it the Anvil, Vise and large box of files all came from a 4th generation welding shop that made everything from car batteries to their owns acetylene through the depression , World War II, all the way up to a few years ago when the last owner passed away there's just so much history in this old anvil if only it could talk. Now the young man that has it @finches_forge gets to help the family celebrate by making a set of knives from the old industrial files that came with it. Eric Finch spent last week cleaning and polishing the old Anvil with wire brushes and wire wheels I will keep you all updated.


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  • 1 month later...

HH yours is one piece. The op's anvil looks like a fix. I haven't been able to find another one like yours. I've been looking since I seen the first picture of it. I'm dying to know what it was made for specifically. 


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Same here man (i doubt we will ever know any solid info on my anvil) I use the "step" horn for many many projects. It's a softer steel but better than cast iron. And your right about the OPs anvil, looks like repair instead of intentional. Having a mini horn, or a bick is a really handy tool. He will enjoy it, good for tight bends, and eye work on hatchets and hammers.

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