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Beautiful it is Alex. I'll bet it's just as beautiful from a boat. Nothing with a motor something sleek so it doesn't make much of a wake, a kayak or rowing shell. I used to canoe and dawn on calm water is almost spiritual.

Frosty The Lucky. 

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I'm pretty sure I could spend several days in each of those cities easy and that'd just be a quick look see. 

Thanks for another series of beautiful ancient cities pics. I'm always taken by how low castle and city walls appear to be as opposed to popular stories. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Just reread wiki about Jim Bowie's "Sandbar Fight"!   He found bringing a knife to a gun fight quite useful---his opponents; however, didn't agree!

"Bowie, rising to his feet, drew his knife and charged at Crain, who struck him so hard upon the head with his empty pistol that it broke and sent Bowie to his knees. Wright appeared, drew a pistol, and shot at the fallen Bowie, missing. Wright then drew his sword cane and stabbed Bowie in the chest, but the thin blade was deflected by his sternum. As Wright attempted to pull the blade free, Bowie reached up, grabbed his shirt, and pulled him down upon the point of his Bowie knife.[10][11] Wright died quickly "   wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbar_Fight


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7 hours ago, Scott NC said:

  In case you forgot your glasses at home and couldn't hit anything?

You don't have to reload a knife and may not have time for the gun. Nothing wrong with bringing more than one gun of course and if I think I may HAVE to engage in a gun fight I'm bringing one that takes two hands to operate. You know, Go ahead, hide behind a car door from THIS!

The sandbar fight is a great story. I don't know if it's up to the Hugh Glass story though but close. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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I think it's better to know how to use what you have. Had Wright know how to use is sword he would've lost. Same for being able to shoot. Think of Wright as chlorinating the gene pool for cause. I'm betting he would've had a better chance of winning if he'd brought beer and sandwiches.

Frosty The Lucky.

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