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I Forge Iron

Secret Santa and more dragonfly.


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Thanks Gergely. The dragonflies are something I can put together from parts that I can usually get more easily.  Last time I was at the Re-Store I bought 25 butter knives( about all they had). 

Thanks JME. The hammer rack is made up of connecting rods on a vertical shaft stand on wheels. Has a pulley on top that holds some hardies. 

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Thanks Bhutton. That's just some goodies I got recently. Other stuff in in buckets and bins around the shop at the moment. Plus there is a growing scrap pile outside.  I'm clearing a spot right outside my shop now to be able to lay out the better stuff that is cluttering up my shop now. Small bits will go in bins around the inside wall of the shop. Also I plan to make racks for longer stock. It's all a work in progress While I'm working haha.  I'm also fighting with lack of daylight and cold weather at the moment. Here's a picture of the mess I'm clearing to be able to sort better pieces and also I'll be building a coal bin to be able to access that easier. Right now my coal pile is above to the right of the yellow tiller on the right. It'll go just outside to the right of the garage door. That area was overgrown and piled with less then usable scrap other then the mine bolt rebar.

never enough scrap. :) 



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When I lived in the inner city of Columbus I had "code enforcement" come by and tell me I had to move my wrought iron pile inside.   Several tons from the old Ohio Penitentiary's water tower.  Unfortunately I was recovering from being off work for a month with pneumonia and could barely stand up and walk.  No Excuses! So I moved the entire pile piece by piece into my detached, (well, not so much detached as positively insane) garage stacked it up on edge to fit it all in and then closed the door took a long time but made the Code Inspector happier.  Later my garage was broken into through that door.  I can but hope the perp actually tried to enter through my old and rusty wrought iron plate "shredder".  The tetanus show would cost more than than he could have gotten away with...some of that pile is now in NM with me!

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29 minutes ago, Frosty said:

Very cool scorpion Das, how do I get on your secret Santa list?

Where's the scrap pile? All I see is a little seed stock.

Frosty The Lucky.

This was the secret Santa list for my work. Want a job? Haha. We should start one here next year. Hey you'd be comfortable here today it's only 10 degrees F :) 

Scrap is in the garage, up on the hill, at the neighbors house that I havnt drug over yet........ Need to organize it into a searchable stack outside the garage on the right in that photo. Still have to level the ground and have something to keep the stuff out of the dirt. 

Thomas, code enforcement has come knocking before. Never too seriously. Usually about vehicles. I just move them around and they leave me alone for another 3 to 4 years. 

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My new neighbors  were not happy with me running a smithy; they wanted a Farrier's shop!  The joys of living in rural areas---I asked the builder who was going to put up the first section of my shop what the offsets were from the property line; he replied that it would be nice if the drip line was on my side of the border...

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Do you have a stand where you can lay the torch in and hold the work piece in the flame? I need something like that. I did recently get a gas saver which helps a lot, I can just hang the torch on it and it will estinguish, than pick it back up and wave it in front of the pilot. I'd still like to make a stand to hold it while lit.

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No I don't bigb. A stand and a gas saver would both be nice. I honestly don't use the torch a whole lot. Usually I will clamp the workpiece in a vise and torch with one hand and bend with pliers with the other. On bigger things I have made a makeshift stand of sorts but nothing permanent. I don't know why I haven't yet. :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know how I missed this post, das. Great dragonfly - I like the way you do the eyes with the bearings each side of the nut. Very neat and realistic. Kitchen knives make great wings. I get mine from op shops for about 10c each.

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