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I Forge Iron

blacksmith thanksgiving


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We don't have Thanksgiving in Australia, but I believe it's that time of the year in the U.S. People will be having thanksgiving dinners, Mr Obama will be pardoning turkeys and everyone will be thinking about the good things in life.

So, what should a blacksmith give thanks for? What are the things that make you appreciate the craft? Why do you keep coming back to the anvil? I have a few things in mind, but I'll reserve publication of my list for the moment.

In short, as a blacksmith I give thanks for ......

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being able to *make* stuff; turning discarded materials into treasures; luring other folks over to the dark side.  Hot metal and Cold Beer---but not at the same time. Camaraderie of smiths---I know so many that while I would never turn my back on them if they were holding a hose I would be happy to hand them my wallet and keys if they had an emergency. The fact that these interwebs have anvils in the pipes as well as kitties... 

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Well said Thomas. Tho I'll partake a bit in my leisure while forging, for now.

I'm thankful I have what I have and have a place to do it in. I'm thankful for the knowledgable people on here that give their knowledge freely to help us young or inexperienced people learn and grow in skill.  I'm thankful for all the hard work of others that went into that knowledge and God willing the hard work I'll put into learning it. I'm thankful for my own two hands and a mind to use them. And I'm very thankful for creativity of others and the ability to be creative. 

Thank all of you. 

Oh and the turkey. ;) 

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I have too much to be thankful for to list, even in brief. I'm alive, I have challenges to make life worth living, friends, the love of my life. Maybe best of all I know how lucky I am.

Life is good. May this be the best Thanksgiving you've ever had and the least of those to come. Be well and glad Brothers.

Frosty The Lucky.

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The knoledge that with nothing more than two rocks and a fire I can turn a scrap of steel into a usable tool, that knoledge gives me peice, practicing the skills keep all the squirels running loose in my head in harness and going in the same direction. That brings me back to the forge. 

I am certainly thankfull for frinds (both gosts on the interweb and ones I know in the flesh) and family, especialy Miss Sandra. 

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Thankful for the chance to spend time at Dinner with Family & Friends. Thankful for all the Blacksmiths who have come before us leaving their knowledge behind for us to learn from and continue.  To all the 1,000s of workers who worked hard to manufacture the anvils, vises and tools that we are still using 100 yrs or more later and others will be using after our time is up.  To all the authors who wrote the books now and 100 yrs ago that we can still use.  Thankful for the new friends I've found through Blacksmithing, esp on IFI.  Thankful for being able to be Thankful. 

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All of the above, and a few personal things (successful surgeries, good stuff at work, etc). Plus, as a smith, I am particularly happy this year and grateful to my son for pushing me over the edge into restarting a long-neglected hobby and to everyone on this forum for all the support and encouragement and free information.

A particular thank you to all the curmudgeons for being curmudgeonly. When you've been out of the loop for so long, getting a serious reality check from people who aren't going to waste their time and yours can be a particular blessing.

Now, who is planning to cook their turkey over the forge?

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