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Everything posted by C-1ToolSteel

  1. I'm no pro photographer, but it seams like if there really are creative elements in you, than you should be able to figure it out. I don't mean this in a sarcastic way. One thing that helps me is to take pics at a bunch of different angles until I get one that looks creative but not goofy. Just my $0.02. C1
  2. Good job! Just make sure your English teacher knows what an anvil is.
  3. Can't beat a Hay Budden. How huch did u get her for.
  4. That's probably what the spiders would say every time you brush away a cob web if they could talk.
  5. I don't know what to say other than I'm praying, and I hope to hear good news soon. Be strong! He is in control.
  6. You should also remember that once you spend money on an expensive hammer. You will still need to buy chisels, tongs, punches, drifts, hardy tools, borax, hot cutters, etc. About handle lengths, the "proper" length is what ever you prefer. You can choke up on a longer handle if need be, but your more limited if you have a short handle.
  7. I haven't listened to music while smithing I a while, but I'm really into the Isaacs right now.
  8. In general, TP is right, but to a knife maker, that design could be more desirable.
  9. I wouldn't limit an 80 pounder to a 2lb hammer. I started out with a 20lb railroad rail and used a 4 pounder all the time. It definitely isn't as efficient as my current anvil, but it wouldn't hurt it. Cast Swedish anvils are usually excellent quality, and even though they can chip if you miss, that's just part of learning blacksmithing.
  10. Wow! So delicate it looks like if would just flutter right off your table.
  11. I just stand there and crank the blower. I never use headphones. I just turn it up really loud. Every once in a while, I get a song that is in the same key as my anvil!
  12. What ever you do, it's YOUR knife, so don't do anything that YOU don't want to do to it.
  13. Yeah. I've seen Burr King belt grinders on there go up to about $300, then be bought back at at the last second.
  14. That seems kinda like using a table cloth. People don't want to get their beautiful walnut table top dirty, so they put a piece of fabric over it. A less noticeable way to protect against rust is to coat the blade with mustard for 20 min, then wipe it off, and you have a patina. A polished blade will be much more rust resistant than a rough blade. If you oil it every now and then, you shouldn't have a problem.
  15. The only thing that really stands out to me is that the blade looks like you just pulled it out of the oil. Are you going to sand that off?
  16. That's funny. You probably would have had to pay a little more for it if I was closer. I seriously thought about bidding on it. It's nice to see something sell for a good deal on Proxibid. Usually, if it goes for less than they want, they will just buy it back at the last second with their "onsite bids". Ugh.
  17. Nice! That wasn't Proxibid was it? Saw one up there the other day that looked just like that.
  18. You're right. I just looked it up, and they're all over the place. My bad.
  19. I know I'm late for this post, but I'd say the face plate is way too thick to be a Vulcan. Maybe Fisher?
  20. I've been blessed with low -maintenance hands, so i get more time for smithing.
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