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I Forge Iron


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    New Hampshire

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  1. Other than a block heater or something along those lines, what do you guys do to keep your tank from freezing solid during the winter months? Could I just dump a bottle of windshield washer fluid in it? Or would this have too much of an negative impact on the quenching process?
  2. Yes, I was told that there are specific welding sticks that work great for exactly this.
  3. Got it in the spring, the guys at NEBA said it wouldn't be bad to resurface and that its an industrial anvil shipped over from a large shop in England at around 200 years old or so.
  4. Plan on getting it professionally resurfaced to fix that missing chunk and the various dings on the face.
  5. Just thought that this may generate some good chatter. My question is this; what do you find yourself doing while your iron is in the forge? I tend to organize, sweep up cold slag, and get a bit of grinding in on future and uncompleted projects. Well and of course check iforgeiron posts lol Also, am I the only one with headphones in while working? If not, what's your forging playlist? I have been on a Moonshine Bandits kick lately around the forge. But there's not much for music that people would be surprised to hear I listen to lol
  6. I haven't yet, my father has though; he goes to the open forges they host. I've gotten alot of tips from him. Unfortunately for me, those events are on a day i work, so I haven't had the chance .
  7. Thanks, Im wondering where the others got their info.
  8. Anything really, most likely knife making or something decorative I could use as a Christmas gift . With looking at several different forums and sites the only one I heard quoted was 1050
  9. Through my research, Ive found that it's most likely 1050. And to be honest Im still new enough at all this to not really know if that's good or not. I know it won't be as hard as good knife steel like 1080 or 1095; but would it still be decent steel to work with?
  10. Does anybody know what type of steel railroad tie plates are made of?
  11. Thank you everybody, it is all very appreciated
  12. Thank you all for the advice, it's truly appreciated . As for buying better stock, I haven't been able to locate a local vender for good steel that will deal with a private buyer at the quantity I would be buying. I see good stock for sale online, however the shipping costs usually end up higher than my actual purchase cost. Which may just be something I'll have to get over for the time being. Arfist, I love that list; thank you. I'm honestly not even 100% about what 100% of those things are. Which is all the better; it let's me look more things up and learn even more. I know from just my limited experience so far, that I'm in dire need of certain tools. I've got absolutely nothing for the hardy, and only a ground 2x6 for any kind of swage. And tongs that won't help me add any more burn marks to the floor would be nice lol
  13. Thank you all for the much appreciated advice. I did definitely enjoy making those hooks, and of course the second one seemed much easier. Im sure with enough practice I could whip out those things with ease.
  14. So I'm roughly a month into forging, and still wouldn't dream of calling myself a blacksmith yet. I've created a few things that Ive posted on here, and am somewhat proud of what I've figured out on my own with trial and error and of course google. Clean solid forge welding is still tough for me (tried some mokume gane and some chainsaw blade damascus and it was a disaster, however i made a decent weld with an old wrench head), but i feel i have gotten a VERY BASIC feel for shaping and getting there with hammer control. My question is this, what is a good project to work on to hone my limited skills with the material I have to work with? My materials are at this point only Lowes bought stock and RR spikes. I would love some suggestions as to what I should be working on to "get there".
  15. So after 2 failed attempts (I don't want to talk about it lol) at some mokume gane this morning, i decided to make another heart hook as my project today. But apparently its going to be another picture that has problems uploading .
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