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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daswulf

  1. It's my first one ever. thank you. I just get down on my work at times thinking I should do better but in reality I look back and it's a complete success. An artist is his own worst critic and I woke up today, looked at it and realized it was rather silly of me to think I was unhappy with it. More so before I post about it. A success is a success and I'll bite my tongue from now on before I've slept over something I've made. Again. Thanks for the compliment. Learning experience for an aspiring artist. .
  2. Thanks so much Charlotte. Think I was being hard on myself can only improve from there.
  3. Rose piened to the stem 


  4. Ok. I've used a mapp gas hand torch to do that and if the pieces were cleaned to start with I didn't get any kind of scale or coating, just colors. If the forge is your only option then I guess Thomas's method would work.
  5. So you heated the petals in the forge then quenched to anneal the copper?
  6. Nice work. Might help to know some more specifics, like what type of forge and what your process was for forging them for other more knowledgable people to help.
  7. Lol. I'm not one to discriminate much on what someone chooses to wear. Tho I wouldn't think sandles while forging is a good idea unless you like dancing or have a high pain tolerance. Even with that I've seen videos of guys in India forging knives in bare feet. Who am I to judge. I'll stick with my boots tho.
  8. That'd make for a picture. put that on an IFI shirt!
  9. Hah! My neighbors already think I'm crazy. That would put the poor people over the edge.
  10. Ok, my first rose that I wasn't happy with so I made a sculpture out of it. I pictured a snake biting a petal of the rose. Beauty with evil biting it and ruining it. Purity and evil, nature and man kinds quest for purity.
  11. You did right with the wire wheel and oil. Lol no, wouldn't trust a bucked to even set it on. Never know. There's lots of forums on here about anvil stands. I think it's more personal preference with some common sense. Good and sturdy is the way to go. Stump, steel, 4x4s 6x6s. If you go with wood at all try to do it so the wood grain is vertical to get the maximum support/ strength for your hammering. Read around on here then look around to see what you have on hand. Just secure it well. Don't want wobbling when your working.
  12. Looks good and usable. Price sounds good to me. Keep it as is. Don't do anything to it except a light coat of oil until you start using it. It's a small step from tool junky to trying your hand at blacksmithing. Haha.
  13. Looks nice and clean. Happy hammering.
  14. I know I'm not really experienced but I'll have days where nothing goes right and everything I try seems to fail, and others where everything seems right and goes smoothly. Then there's the times where I can't think of anything to make or do and others where my head is spinning with ideas and there isn't enough time in an evening I think it's just in the stars
  15. It does look functional. let us know how your friend likes it if thats the rout you go, and keep up the good work.
  16. Thanks JME, Matto. hmm Christmas lights hehe not a bad idea for the holiday season
  17. I like the style of the blade, and the style of the handle. i just think that the handle would be better lower center of the blade. just a thought and a good save on this one. looks like it'll work great. keep up the good work.
  18. Just an artistic view of a centipede in sculpture.
  19. Nice work. Broom could use better bristle work but all in all good work. I think if you snipped off the bristles off even it would look better but just an opinion from someone with little experience making fire place tools it works tho. Great job for some early off projects. Twists all look to be in the same place.
  20. Good to see it's coming along. if it's balanced then thats good.
  21. very cool look. I was going to say rivets, but I like Alans idea better.
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