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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daswulf

  1. Ok, in the first picture the "chuck" doesn't seem to have any visible way to change out the punch and it seems locked in good. It has a pin holding it to the shaft it rotates on that inside of the threaded outer shaft. Picture 2 shows the inner shaft handle that rotates free inside the dial crank of the outer threaded shaft. Pics 3 and 4 are size reference.
  2. Vaughn, not sure it would work fast enough to do what you said before the piece losing heat. Good ideas tho, thank you. Couldn't hit to mount it up and try. Alan, here are some more pictures. I'll post a reply a lil later. As my brother just showed up with some coke for me . Post will dissapear if I wait
  3. nice work. I'd just give it the old wire wheel and wax at a warm temp. is the horn friction fit or is it mounted some other way?
  4. Man, you opened up a can of worms with this one. I'll be more then glad to follow along with what everyone has to say because I'm in your boat on this. In my opinion " Traditional" is in the context of what you are referencing. Even if you talk about traditional farming or whatever. This could go any which way as far as replies, so I'll sit back and sip my coffee while reading what everyone has to say.
  5. Ah, the old broken off face plate. Still has a hardy, pritchel hole and a horn. Offer him $50. Or something. Or continue the search of money is tight. Yeah I wonder why the guy gave up blacksmithing.
  6. Jason, good to hear. On the handle, yes it needs to suit your grip. All hands are different and the handle needs to fit your hand. I was told to keep my thumb off the top of the handle as well. Don't know if you do that or not. I'm finally kicking that bad habit. If your first blade is that nice I'm sure you will make some very fine blades to come.
  7. was quoting the poem, but i'd say you are a pioneer as well.
  8. we are not foolish, but Pioneers.
  9. Well I wanted to make a fish tail for a fish sculpture. Well the tail wanted to be a seahorse. Really? A seahorse? Yeah. Some times you start out making one thing and it wants to be something else. So I curved the tail the right way after having it curved the wrong way, and gave him a fin. 



  10. Daswulf


    Really cool idea. Nice work.
  11. The guy I got the stuff from was a big time antique car guy and I told him I wasn't looking for good parts, just scrap. If I had that guys garage and stuff I'd be making some big sculptures . The guy is currently in the process of selling the usable parts. So whatever I have is probably not really useful to the car guys. I do have a heart for the antiques and classics so I wouldn't be depriving anyone. Thanks. It will. He did tell me they were for pulling logs. I could see the short ones being used like that. Pretty cool.
  12. Beautiful work. Thanks for sharing some in progress pictures. I always love seeing those.
  13. Thank you for sharing Curly.
  14. Welcome aboard Jason. Fellow heap jeeper here, as all of mine are heaps. I like the pattern you made and even more that it's made from jeep i know one guy out by you that's in traverse city. MI. There could be some reasons for the hand swelling like how your swinging the hammer, anvil height, blah blah. Haha there are some threads on it on here. Anyway hope ha heal up and can get going without beating your hand up.
  15. Fergy, just turn it around the owner will be able to display it how they like to see it. As far as the leaf goes, I'm thinking that's the way to go. I'm happy with it, and it could be placed anywhere. I'll make a few more leaves for practice and see which one looks best. Thanks so much Scrapartoz. Im actually happy with this one. Already have other things in the works. I really would love to go bigger on things but that will come as I start to know how to go about it.
  16. LOL, well just the burdon of me being single.
  17. Thanks. it might just be display as i'm fond of old military stuff.
  18. Thank you very much for the info Thomas. i will check the tamping rod. i had thought of using it as forge material. the canon ball i'm pretty sure is empty now but better to be safe then sorry. and im thinking of using it as a tool all in all at the moment. i'll be careful and check it. I have heard of people putting old canon balls by the fire place and them blowing up so that has been in my thoughts with it. I was planning on using the bits as art because they are pretty interesting as is. and again, thanks for that info.
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