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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daswulf

  1. Lol I'm not trying to forge that. It was a fused canon ball but it's rusty and hollow now. Was thinking of using it as a round form. Don't know yet . Found it in a guy's garagein pennsylvania. Paid $10. For that sucker. worth it either way to me.
  2. Horizontal leaf. Funny enough I'm starting to think a lot of leaves would look good but that could be on another one. This one will remain fall. Another leaf for another day
  3. Ok so some pics of some of the score. We sorted stuff from blah stuff that I'll actually scrap. Not all of it as some went to respective spots so far the one big spline gear is solid brass and is soaking in the parts washer with the 3 other straight spline gears that will probably become a 3 legged anvil stand. Mine drills and tamper, cannon ball, buckets of gears and fun stuff, some tire chains I need to hang onto, log chains, yeah, lots of stuff. And that's just most of what was packed in the truck just some fun stuff to work with.
  4. Cool thanks. If it's good enough for a boat it should work fine for something that will stay on dry land.
  5. That would be a neat idea if I can find one like that that is still solid enough to use. Pretty sure there is a resin that can be used to impregnate wood to pretty much preserve it and strengthen it. I'll have to look into that.
  6. Very true. Also what tape is good for.
  7. That was a great program. Thanks for sharing. I noticed that with the hot cut as well Glenn.
  8. That could work too. Simplicity is usually best.
  9. Thanks JHCC, Rashelle. Yeah I could get it horizontal. Not great at soldering but I could drill and tap it and use a small screw, or just a tiny rivet. Many ways to skin a cat.
  10. Computer stuff frustrates me but it is also a joy to be able to talk to people from all over and learn. So I guess it's a double edge sword to those of us that are more hands on physical oriented. All in all it's helpful. I only even mention it because what you and others post is very helpful and if I can help you in helping it's a win win something like that. I appreciate the posts.
  11. Ok so I was playing with a leaf design. Not a final product, let me know if the size looks too big. I'm unsure about it. But here are some arrangements of a single leaf. I'm almost thinking of making a couple to put on it. Again it's art and it's all in how it makes you feel, not always on scale. Art pieces are relevant to what you see in them.
  12. Like it. Just have to find the right log to even begin on that idea.
  13. Cool I'll look it up. Thanks. At the moment I'm thinking about getting a log cut to see how it would look in a log cross section stood vertically.
  14. I refused to jump on the text band wagon but eventually got sucked in. For me it's convenient for quick communication that I don't have to look at right away. And I can also reference back easily say for a parts list or something like that for when my own brain memory lets me down. Of course leaving a message is about the same. There's nothing wrong either way. It's communication.
  15. Frosty, I agree to a point. I mainly just got the app to use just for this forum because as you said, the ITguy in momma's basement made it where I gave up figuring most of that stuff out. I have better things to do with my time. Also when I'm taking pictures I don't always think to hold the phone to the side to take it. But since I'm out and about all the time it is convenient for me to pay a bit extra to be able to research and send and read emails on the go in any down time I can find. Anyway the app is easy and free and it works for me.
  16. Matto, I get the idea, but would think it helpful if you could post pics. Thanks.
  17. Curly I agree, nice tongs, and I'd love to see the jig. Joel, as far as the question I prefer fire tongs that are hinged at the back behind the hand as I can use them one handed with my big paws, tho mine don't have any loops. I'm digging Curlys scissor type handle design. I'd like to give one like that a try.
  18. There is a very simple app I downloaded for my phone that resizes and also corrects the sideways pictures. It was free. Don't know what kinda phone you have but look around out there. And believe me technology computer stuff is far from anything I'm good at.
  19. I've taken a wood block and drilled holes to hold punches and chisels. All organized and neat and you can see right away what your grabbing for. Need to make a new one myself.
  20. I do it all the time. Go to make one thing and somehow it doesn't want to be what I want it to be so it ends up being what it wants to be. its never bad when it doesn't end up back in the scrap pile.
  21. Nice work! The finished look is great. Man idea for others on that first one about the head, how about a small ring of rebar attached up there like the crown?
  22. I'm pretty sure those are bung drills. Yeah the cone is a reamer. I could be wrong but i think they were used on barrels. Or possibly just for making a tapered hole.
  23. Sorted through a bunch last night. As soon as I get a car fixed and out of my garage I'll get pics before the majority heads up to the pile. A neighbor just saw the stuff and invited me to pick through his pile he does demolition derby and I had asked him before but I don't think he really knew the kind of stuff I wanted till he saw this. All I have to do is trade him for stuff of mine I can't use. Win win. I'm ganna be busy. Nice score.
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