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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daswulf

  1. Yeah, I need a bigger better pickup, but this one doesn't cost me much of anything. As far as the wheels go they have bad spots on them where they sat in the dirt for a long time. They are only good for decoration/art now.
  2. Last night I made a set of claws. Basically one heat draw and curve then cut off. Wait a bit and I'll show you how I'll use these.
  3. I coulda hauled more if my suspension could handle it. love the countryside.
  4. you got it down. keep up the good work.
  5. Whelp. A friend turned me on to a place and it was a win win. I barely made it home with the weight in my lil truck . I'm building a scrap pile.
  6. Yeah I understand now. it's a good idea.
  7. Lol Frosty! If I were that good at wood work I would carve a log into a tooth and set one in there BigGun, I've been thinking about adding a circular saw blade. Cleaned one up last night and it turns out it was made in Pittsburgh. It's also a good art candidate as it has a couple cracks where it isn't functional. Also been thinking of putting them into a round log cut. As far as drilling their own holes I think maybe three of them could. Others are pretty dull and I figure pre drilling ( by modern means) would work. I like the ideas coming out on here. Obviously I'd have to choose a design but I appreciate the ideas you all put forth to get in my head to push it along. Panday, I'm not positive I know what you mean by forks but I almost picture it. Just don't think what I picture is what you do. Charlotte, dreadlocks? Lol.
  8. BigGun, matto, thanks for the ideas. JHCC that's a nice idea, and well stated.
  9. Man, I'll miss the forging nights. until you go you know your welcome. I really appreciate what you taught me. if you are ever back in Pittsburgh after, let me know if you want to hang out. I hope the job works out well, and i'm sure you'll be in great company out there.
  10. Copper may be the way to go. The original plan was copper cherry blossoms. I did tests on how to get a good pinkish color and found that simply cleaning the copper well then heating it up to a reddish ( almost hard to see it red) and quenching it quickly in water gave a nice pinkish/ peach color. But any way. A coppery color would work well as I'm from Pennsylvania and it's a good fall leaf color. I like the idea. Thanks.
  11. What size leaf are you thinking? I think it deserves a leaf or so too
  12. I like it Quint. It's retaining the rebar yet it looks like a functional opener with forged ends. Good work.
  13. This started out as a commission after someone saw the frog i made. It started just to even get a concept before I could quote as I've never done it before. The idea was going like this but was going to have more going on and also tiny cherry blossoms made of copper all over it. I was unsure what really to quote so after running it through my head I gave her a lowball quote. Well my low ball quote scared her off and I got a " thanks but no thanks" already had time invested in the concept so I made something out of it. When life hands you lemons... Im not upset, how could I be. I can't pay to work and I can't quit either. So I named it Fall. Might add to it might leave it alone. I dunno.
  14. Oh well better that I got a dissapearing post.
  15. Lol. Sorry but can't help it. A guy I work with told me how he drank a mouth full of laqor thinner when he was a kid in his dad's shop because his dad had put it in a coca cola can. Hmm. Is there a lesson here? I came close to taking a drink of some bad stuff once but caught myself in time. I sure won't use a beer bottle for chemicals.
  16. News paper maybe? Check out pawn shops, second hand stores, yard sales, fleamarkets, estate auctions. There are lots of places to look. I look at Auctionzip to find local auctions going on, and lists of what they are selling are there usually pictures too. I'm sure there are other auction listing sites, it's just the one I know of. If you are in more of a hurry to get a good one and don't have the luxury of biding your time then bite the bullet and buy a good one new.
  17. If I find a nice hunk of anvil like that I would love to copy that design. I think the only thing I'd do differently would be to drill the wood and use lag bolts. Just preference, nothing wrong with yours at all. I already have 2 anvils but one like that would be nice to work on for sure. Thank you for sharing.
  18. I'll be making them for a vise I'm fixing out of whatever mild steel I have. I honestly see no need for hardening them. Far as price, it depends on your location, what condition/ brand, and what someone is willing to pay. I couldn't say.
  19. Either that and re wax here and there or automotive clear coat.
  20. Just an idea on this one, maybe you could trace the tang on another piece of metal and cut it out to use as an insert guide then clamp the handle and brass end on end to do the file/sanding work off the knife. It atleast for the rough shaping. Just an idea.
  21. Haha, well I'm sure it will serve its function flawlessly. Tricking the picky youngsters that have to use an " anvil". Well it's an anvil because you made it one. Good job.
  22. Nice work! It even looks aesthetically pleasing.
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