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I Forge Iron

Dragons lair

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Everything posted by Dragons lair

  1. If the spring has broken 3 times I would say your living on borrowed time now. Pay the experts if it fails and ya get hurt sue um. Had a co worker yrs ago in FL Had a 150K boat. Only trailered it 2-3 times a yr. Broke a spring thought "I can make a new set" 25 miles up the road hit a pot hole. Springs broke rolled the boat. Ins investigator spotted the springs and would not pay. How much are your parts/life worth? Ken.
  2. Second that, Have run the gasser over 1/2 hr with the doors closed. Small exhaust fan at roof peak. CO meter never moved. Drove the JD in for maintance alarms went off in less than 30 sec. If ya run any thing inside get atleast a CO meter or better yet A CO& gas meter. Ken.
  3. Ya need to put up some pics. Unless ya have a good background in welding Find someone who is a welder and has repaired anvils before. There are several posts here on anvil repair. Hardface comes in many forms. Underlay, abraiaison resistant and impact resistant. Rockwell varies about 30 points. Some listed As welded some after work hardening. Tell us where ya are someone here may be close. Ken.
  4. The bracket has 2 wedges to tighten it on the leg(drive one one way the other the other way) The ears on the bracket sit on the bench or post. Mount in the ground? If your not using a post or bench(welded to a rim/tub of concrete) replace the bracket with a U bolt to hold the spring. Have one just like it No clue to age or mfg. Ken
  5. Just a note here. The question was can he make $12-15 PROFIT. My shop is dormant at the moment. That $600 a mounth overhead still comes due every mounth. Can it be done? Sure ya just need to add in the overhead. A few steady outlets are what ya need. Ken
  6. Around here drop prices are 50% of new. Scrap is about $.20 a lb. Scrap is always cheaper. Ken.
  7. Only if he got the # reversed. Trenton Has weight on left And serial on the right. Ken
  8. Keep the iron HOT Vulcans that small can't take a lot of cooler hammering. Ken.
  9. Where ya getting them? Here in WNC a 100 lber is $607. A usable 300 lber vs a new 100 lber I am going heaver every time. That anvil is 20 minutes from me. I already have a 88 and 142 lb H-B and a 194 lb trenton total cost $610. Ken.
  10. Phil, Hope ya got something for cutting his labor costs by 75%. Beer? Had one friend stop by "I need to finish this today can I borrow your gasser anvil and hammer" I had to tell him. Bring your own gas anvil and hammer. Or buy some coal for your forge. Says I can't afford it. So what do I get for making him money(lots) Nada Zip Ziltch. At this time my welding/blacksmithing shop is closed so no income still paying the overhead. Oh well 1 less FRIEND. Ken.
  11. Yes they do die. place I worked had an old dialarc HF 250. One day I started seeing reflected sparks in my hood. Got one of the guys to watch. He says you watch now. Looked like a cutting torch under the welder. The main transformer(copper) was melting. Finished the part and it was still working. 4weeks and $780 later I got it back. Bought it when they closed. Used it in my own shop for 2yrs then upgraded to an older 330 A/BP. Ken.
  12. The smaller one was described as a rivit hammer. By the same mfg. Ken.
  13. Harold, Two words for you and yours, Semper Fi. Ken
  14. How fast can ya cook a pizza at 2400 degrees? Pulling your leg. Solid fuel or gas? Don't think ya can go less than 36 inch for a pizza oven. Would think indirect gas oven around 36 in would be doable.
  15. Just think of the ball gunner(belly turrent) landing with the runway a short way from your butt. And I thought door gunner in a chopper was bad. Ken.
  16. Yeh have used that one and the gel from the big box stores. They do work. Still need to work as quick as possable. Try it on some scrap so ya know how long ya have. I have moved inlets and outlets on them without the gel. Now I have a bottle sitting on the tigger. Ken.
  17. Hey Mike, I didn't count your 3 as they are in the office(with the AC) So the handles are the same. Ken.
  18. No matter what fuel ya use spend the bucks for a good CO meter. If ya got gas get the one that reads both CO and propane. About $50. Ken.
  19. Tried one like that. Was harder to drive it in. Ken
  20. Bentiron, seems I remember reading semisteel is chilled cast iron. Ken.
  21. I would not pay more than $1.50-2.00 a lb for either. That being said. How many turn up un your area? Might check craigslook. If ya don't pick an area it will give ya the whole country. Also depends on your idea of good condtion. I like mine with flat faces, unchunked edges, minimal cuts and dings. A beat up brand name is no better than a minty bottom of the line brand. Ken.
  22. Phil, After ya clean out the crud in the holes get an approprate size bore brush. Chuck in a drill and polish them. Boss was gonna toss one cause of bad contacts. Ken.
  23. Favorite machine would be the one that helps me do the job. Ken
  24. Had one of those the other day. Have done a lot of farm repairs for him and his dad. Called on Sat Asked if I could do a 10 min fit up on a push bumper. 2 1/2 hrs later it was done. If ya haven't done it before and well go with the clock. Ken.
  25. Hey John, Is it all weekend? I might try for Sunday. Ken
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