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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by ThomasPowers

  1. The used to make special drillbits with shanks to fit into a post drill. Adding a modern jacobs check is a major upgrade!
  2. Perhaps sharing how large of flat stock and how much you are looking to get might help a bit... The New Jersey Steel Baron offers 1075 (and you do know that carbon content is generally a range around the spec point.) He generally deals in fairly small orders for knifemakers; and may be at quad-state, he's been there before! If you are going to Q-S I'd call and see if he can bring your order with him and so no shipping...
  3. I seem to recollect a bit of unpleasantness around Pea Ridge during the ACW as well as Prairie Grove...
  4. Nice hard face. no ring; I'd agree with Dire! We generally advise folks to use a new anvil for at least a year before they *think* of doing anything to it!
  5. Was that supposed to be "Fullering Hammer"? Cast Steel top tool for sure and Atha Tool Co is a well known brand.
  6. Made in England I believe from the thick waist and "clunky" look. That narrows it down to only several hundred makers!
  7. The size of the coconut makes a big difference too!
  8. My copy of Moxon's "Mechanick Exercises" includes a section "Mechanick Dyalling shewing how to draw a true Sun-Dyal on any given plane, however scituated; only with the help of a straight ruler and a pair of compasses, and without any arithmetical calculations." I may have to see about putting one on my shop door.
  9. Mainly staged stuff for loading Monday in prep for leaving Tuesday for Quad-State; so I will probably be offline for over a week; hope to meet some of you there! I also took a load of trash to the dump; trying to get all my "chores" done before I leave so they won't be in crisis when I get back.
  10. See if you can find them falling apart or just the tyre and try to get them much cheaper! Also be sure they are wrought iron before buying.
  11. I plan to arrive Wednesday night; but not be set up to sell until Thursday. I plan to have some stuff priced US$5 Thursday/Friday, US$4 Saturday and US$3 Sunday, choice, each. The best bargains I've found to buy were during vendor's packing Sunday; 6.5" post vise for US$50 sticks in my mind.
  12. Spent 2 days with NMABA demonstrating at the NM State Fair and have been doing very well in sales and have a number of commissions to do once I get back from Quad-State. Had a promising lad show up for his first lesson today, 13 years old and we did an S hook and a Friedrichs Cross. Hope to see him at the forge again.
  13. Why would I want my stuff back? I guess I'll have to visit you and tag *your* stuff! Back from two long days at the State Fair; resting up for Quade-State packing. Did an intro course for a 13 year old I hope will show up here sometime. He did better than a lot of the College kids! I guess it was that he focused and remembered what he was told. Didn't have so much stuff to "unlearn".
  14. Brass/Bronze will really increase the possibility of theft by scrappers as it scraps for a lot more money than steel!
  15. I happen to know the capital of Assyria; and am a retired geologist among other things. Now to plant tracking devices on all that stuff of mine Billy plans to get...
  16. Blown Propane Ribbon Burner and at over 7000' altitude it heated a LARGE forge to welding heat---had another smith accidentally weld their piece to mine in the forge when they were repositioning it. (Had to sledge it off!)
  17. When I was working 2.5" sq stock, we welded a piece of 1" to one end to not need tongs. Perhaps you can see it in my avatar picture.
  18. Those edges are not bad at all. On my "wall of shame" I have a small Vulcan where the edge damage nearly meets in the middle.
  19. For most of my Bickerns I use bull pins that I find at the fleamarket for US$5 and under and then forge or weld a hardy stem on it. Smaller ones can be made from the end of a section of sucker rod. Forge the connection to fit your hardy hole, forge the taper you want and then bend to parallel the face of your anvil. As you must have a good sized metal lathe and a taper attachment I would lathe one from a truck axle. As you must have a large power hammer I would forge one from a truck axle or RR spike driving sledge. (Here is an example of a non tapered use of a RR sledge---on the left) some not forged but found mandrels: Left most is a penetrator tip from a ballistic missile and has a lovely RING to it! (Quad-State one year.) (make sure it's EMPTY!) As you haven't given us enough information to give a good answer; how high is UP?
  20. I don't think it was modified; I think it was manufactured that way to begin with! Back when anvils were "hand" made; you could order special designs. A lot like you can order a vehicle with a larger engine and a towing package right from the factory nowadays.
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