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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by matto

  1. the clinker braker in two of my forges are mild steel. and have held up just fine.
  2. The copper cup I use for my Margarita has a nice pink patena in it from the limeaid. try a light acid soak in some lemon or lime juice.
  3. matto

    post vise

    It is an iron city vise great vise have a couple and love them. Iron city is the company.
  4. lot of great smiths around you!!
  5. hear ya there to, you a member of rms?? lot of great knowledge there. wish i was still in contact with alot of them.
  6. And there is nothing wrong with that.
  7. i have 37 postvise and 18 benchvise, most i have paid for any is $100. the average is $35. i have been through every one and repaired or replaced what has been needed. i use 4 in my teaching trailer (have 4 full forging stations) and 4 in shop, one main 3 on perimeter benches. one bench vise on a bench. one on a 2" receiver to go into multiple 2" points around the shop. rest on display. i like them almost as much as hammers.
  8. Neil nothing but put together take apart put together enough times till it is put together and use the crap out of it because it made me put together and take apart to many times,
  9. when i get back in the shop i will take a pic of my parts maybe someone has one and can show me a pic. if i see it complete again i can put it back together. frosty i am half way there. when i get back in the shop i will take a pic of my parts maybe someone has one and can show me a pic. if i see it complete again i can put it back together. frosty i am half way there.
  10. sad thing is the day before i just turned 40
  11. has anyone else had their brain go blank with putting a tool back together? i told my self to take a picture and did not because it is just 6 bolts and i will remember. NOT!! i took a small shear apart yesterday to clean it up and do minner repairs. Now for the life of me i can't remember how it goes back together. taking my big post drill apart was no problem, and there was a week before it went back together. this shear must be to simple. hopefully it comes back to me this coming weekend.
  12. the 1st two pics are 4.5' tall and shaped with my concrete braker on my skid loader. the third pic is big blue stem and is 12.5' tall. this is a pic of one of the last railings i did sorry for the fuzzy pics.
  13. matto

    First coat hook

    really looks good. on the next one try to keep room for one more mounting hole. one mounting hole the hook will spin on mount. two mounting hole the hook can't spin. to know if you need one or more mounting holes just think on what it will be used for and the weight. you don't need two to hold a hat but for a coat i would put two. handles are the same in my book too.
  14. that is a beautiful anvil if price is right will be worth the drive and you can always resale or get another one. If you get it you may never want to use another one after you use it. great anvils to work on.
  15. the only thing about a crane weight is the fact there is no way to pick it by the crane. but i also think some sort of counter weight. you could use it as an anvil. it does have the mass and if you are hitting hot metal will work well. you have unlimited attachment options with the slots. will be a fun piece to play with.
  16. Looks like a rail pick to me
  17. We use alittle bit of the wood ash to clean our stove glass. Just spray a paper towel with alittle glass cleaner dip it into your wood ash and clean your door glass. Wood ash mixed into a past works great for that spring cleaning the winter dirt and grime off your house Windows too
  18. at the museum we run our 100lb lg on a 8" slab. we use it 2 to3 times a week. it has a 1/2" rubber stall mat under it and is bolted to the floor.
  19. 60/40 mix of Portland cement and perlite or vermiculite. Make some wire rings put a layer of the mix in put wire in then put mix on top of the wire. Form your ducks nest let dry and do a couple of slow heats to finish setting of mix. Mix should be more like mud. Not to runny not to dry.
  20. If you know who you are going to work with ask him how he would like a striker to swing. Then practice that swing splitting wood. You can set a stump up so your wood to be split is about the same as what you will be striking. Then try out different sledges. Also remember that you can make a stump. Don't have to have a real one. Put some two by twelves together and bingo stump. Easier to make different heights to.
  21. What I was told in shop was you don t use a lighter because you don t want it to blow up in your hand. That is it. When I was an ironworker we would light with what ever was handy. We had a lighter or two in our bags plus a striker on our belt. What ever was the first thing you grabbed you used. The guys that smoked also used their cigarettes only one would try still in his mouth.
  22. 8 to 12 pound short handled sledge. Split fire wood with a wedge and sledge.
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