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Everything posted by swedefiddle

  1. swedefiddle


    Your local hydraulic hose supplier, or welding equipment supplier. Fuel hose should have left hand thread fittings. So you can't make a mistake and use it for something else like oxygen, argon or co2. BEE SAFE!!! Neil
  2. Good Morning, Hydraulics is mathmatics. Pump Gallon Per Minute (output) to working ram diameter = GPM to PiR2 (surface area of piston) X stroke speed (calculate). 50 Ton = 100,000psi (pounds per square inch). If surface area of parting tool is 1/10 of a square inch, 50 Ton = 1,000,000 effort on the parting tool. If you haven't held the parting tool straight and it kicks, you have created an uncontrolable projectile. Stay sober!! Think before you do anything!! Make sure your Life Insurance is current!! Don't cry if you have an owwey. Enjoy the pressure :) :) Neil
  3. GOOD Morning, I guess they would work with twist-tops too!! :) :) Neil
  4. Talk to Frosty for a hand. He is in your neck of the woods. I know there is a group of Blacksmith's in Alaska, check them out Neil
  5. Good Morning, Make ledges below the outside edges of the forge. This will hold fire-brick that you can use as front and back doors. Controlling the openings will retain some of the heat inside the forge. You do not need hi-temp fire-brick, just regular fire-brick. K.I.S.S. Keep It Stupid Simple!! Neil
  6. Good Morning, a Kohlswa is an excellent anvil. Kohlswa anvils normally have quite a high pitch ring, if you silicone it to your base that will help a lot. Normally anvil faces are not very hard but they work harden with time. I would not hesitate!! Being a neighbour, check out Vancouver Island Blacksmith Association, www.viblacksmiths.com and NorthWest Blacksmith Association www.blacksmith.org VIBA is having a meeting this Sunday, at Luxton Fairgrounds. NWBA have monthly sessions at Longview, Wash. as well as a Spring and Fall Conference. August 22-24 is Western States Blacksmith Conference at Mt. Hood, Oregon. Accomodation and a lot of the venues will be at Government Camp, on Mt. Hood. Neil Gustafson
  7. Savage, Iron or steel particles are added to the Borax to make it less slippery. A little sticky with your slippery. Stops two pieces from moving just before and during the first hit. Neil
  8. Instead of doing that, wait for the Blacksmith Yard Sale this month. it is posted on the NWBA web-site www.blacksmith.org Someone for sure will have a REAL Anvil, not a pretend one, for an affordable price. Patience is a virtue not a necessity, If you don't want to pay very much, you will get exactly what you pay for. :) :) Neil
  9. If you want a relatively flat surface, take a piece of any thick plate, off-cut, old machine surface. The anvils are flat when new. What you have in your picture is what we call a cutting plate, when you are using a hot cutter it won't accidently harm the anvil face. The cutting plate is a piece of whathaveyou, normally mild steel. Neil
  10. There is proper quenching oil. Different cooling rates. I have drums of two different grades. Drop over and get some. :) :) Neil
  11. Big enough to be ledgible, Not so big to be out of place. Under a foot square :) :) Neil
  12. Swords, Swords are good for holding marshmellows over a fire!!!!! :) :) Neil
  13. Normally an anvil work hardens. When you get a owwey from a mis-hit, a dent, take a round nose punch and work around the outside of the dent, slowly working toward the ridges. This will move the material back to where is was before the fateful WHACK. Don't be in a hurry, work around it and it will magically disappear. Neil
  14. It our part of your ISLAND, that is called a Slick. It is used for removing bark from trees, works better when the tree has just been dropped. A real quick Hot Cut is a 3" piece of a shear blade, welded to a piece of square that fits your hardy hole. I don't know if there are any Saw Mills near the Gulf of Mexico :) , but there probably are sheet metal shops with press breaks. Neil
  15. Make the person a realistic offer, leave your contact information. Soon it will come home with you. If it is any good. :) Neil
  16. Good Morning, A secret I bought at an Auction (a NWBA Blacksmith Auction) is the best tool for cleaning files. Take a rifle brass (empty cartridge), pinch the open end (where the projectile would sit) about 3/8" down (I use a vice, Post vice, bench vice, Vice vice). Find a round shape piece of wood, plastic, leather, stick, anything for a handle. Drill a shallow hole (+/- 1/2") for the base of the shell, so it is a tight fit. Tap the handle onto the shell casing. Done! Finished!! Stroke the shell at about a 15-20 degree angle, up and down the file, the garbage magically jumps out. If something is still sticky, use the pinched end, like a knife blade in the file teeth to flick out what is stuck in the file. Stroke from both sides of the shell casing, it will create an always sharp end like a two sided chisel (cold chisel??) Absolutely simple, hurts nothing, sits in your file drawer. Neil
  17. Farriers use a piece of triangular Bar, called "the Devil". K.I.S.S. Makes the mark or the cut anywhere you lay it down. Werks Gudd Two :) :) Neil
  18. It must be comfortable for when you are working. Don't have your back bent over so you can see what you are doing. Gyana, anvils are on the ground. The Blacksmith stands in a hole beside the anvil. There are no stumps. Simple, dig deeper or fill in the hole a little. If you are working on tall things, lower the anvil. If you are working on jewelry, raise the anvil. An anvil base filled with sand makes it real easy to adjust height.(the anvil also doesn't ring). Neil
  19. It's a SHARK!!! :) Just missing the eye-balls!! It's his anvil to fix as he see's fit. If it works, it's good. If it breaks, no loss except for a little time and effort. Neil
  20. Guilders Paste = Dutch money ground up :) :) Guilders Paste comes in many shades and colours. Don't be shy with experimenting. It is easy to wash off or mix like paint. Dorothy Steigler sometimes puts a drop of perfume in her flowers to make them SMELL like flowers as well as looks like flowers. Don't be shy about giving them 'a ladies touch'. Let the ladies pick the perfume or you will never hear the end of it!! :wacko: Neil
  21. In the world of Heavy Equipment, they call that "a 40 Gallon Tune-up" :) :) Might not work any better, but you will look better wearing your Harris Tweed suit, Playin' the Hammer!! Neil
  22. Coffee Table??? Wine Rack!!! or Small Block Whine Rack :) It would fit with the Bar-B-Que made from a Big Block. (have to lift the hinged heads and intake manifold to access the fire grate). Yes, momma wouldn't enjoy the ambiance. Neil
  23. You mean WAR is CIVIL??? That is going to make someone VERY HAPPY. That someone should be you!! Enjoy the journey, we all have the same destination. :) :) Neil
  24. Good Morning, This is available on the NWBA web-site www.blacksmith.org , put together by Steve McGrew http://www.incandescent-iron.com/foweflre.html What I have learned about forge-welding is, The Harder you Try, The Greater Chance of Disappointment. Relax, Take your time, Don't be in a Hurry, It will stick everytime!! :) :) Neil
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