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I Forge Iron

Another One From an Olde Man's Front Yard


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Howdy!!  Just finished up this one..This will be on the cover of book IV as well as in the text under grip fluting by hand..

Sword specs: Blade 27" welded from 1070, L-6 and a small amount of meteoric material thrown in for grins and giggles...welded in my "wood grain" pattern.. Grip is custom mixed bowling ball material/acrylic in what I call "petrified wood" colouration. The fittings are phosphor bronze. Sheath is leather, dyed in my "red wine" stain and mounted with a phosphor bronze chape and locket and  set with a nice piece of carnelian I hand cut about 20 years ago..The colour matches quite well and the banding in that agate even works with the colouration patterns in the grip.. Overall length is 35".. Not too bad if I say do  so myself..I just hope that the Doctors at the VA give me the OK to go back to work on a full time schedule now that I am more or less healed up. What a ride that was.. Gotta keep bacon and beans on the table ya know...the purse is getting a bit empty..

Hope these photos work...

This will be posted to my website tomorrow sometime..







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Steve:  Get yourself  some  2 x 2 lumber..make up a dozen or so dummy grips and start practicing. I have done so many of these that I don't even need to lay them out any more..I just start cutting and adjust as I go along. I use a 1/2" dia drum on a flex shaft machine..goes quick..takes me about an hour from start to polish depending on material..wood and acrylics go fast as does horn..Ivory when I use it I take my time cause I can burn it and besides..the demand for it has pretty much went away and now I am stuck with a  bunch of pre-ban ivory that I am afraid to use for anything...


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Steve: I am stuck in the coop with the other chickens,, H.E. the gov has opened up another NG branch and it looks like I am headed that way once I get the OK from the Drs now that this surgery is done..Time will tell until then I am on admin hold...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thos:  I am doing the photography at present and started the line drawings..still have a wee bit more work on the crucible stuff as well as pressure  and vacuum stabilization as well as bone processing...Just did the Euro composite patterned section as well as most of the equipment..this is going to be a BIG book.. so as soon as I can I will have it to RedInk...



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