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It followed me home

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You forgot to add "of the same dye-lot!"

Perhaps we should create a handout on smithing just for the TSA to include in our suitcases.  Ahh for the good old days---I remember getting on a plane carrying two steel swords and a guitar; or the time my carry on was full of scrap as they didn't weigh the carry ons---it weighed 90 pounds...Or the time I carried 50 pounds of sewell seam coal back from quad-state in an army duffle bag...as checked in luggage of course!

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2 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

You forgot to add "of the same dye-lot!"

Madelinetosh doesn’t do dye lots!

4 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Ahh for the good old days---I remember getting on a plane carrying two steel swords and a guitar

About thirty years ago, airport security gave me a very hard time about a Buck folder in my pocket — but ignored the pukko with the 5” blade in my carry-on!

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Go ahead and laugh! Oh, it's all a big joke to you folks....

"Your tax dollars at work" Our citizens must wake up to the dangers of  Zip Ties increasingly intruding into our homes and daily lives.

By being proliferated by reckless consumers, the Ziptie-istas have almost ruined the string and rubber band industry. Wake up America!

Thank God our nations "Hero's" rendered them harmless! All at the cost of a mere few fistful's of tax payers dollars. Gladly give up your privacy for security!

 I know I feel safer........

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You at least have the option of driving.  Down here we have Border Patrol checkpoints on the roads and they have the authority to search your vehicle even to taking it apart!

I have a swiss army knife that's logged enough air time in my pocket to go around the world; I remember one trip when they were tightening up the regs and the Security guy had to look at the knife blade because serrated blades were NOT allowed but plain blades were.  My SAK passed even though the next blade over was a wood saw that rather carried serration to an extreme in my mind...Soon it only travelled in checked luggage and so lost it's survival knife designation. (A survival knife is the knife you have ON YOU when you are put into a survival situation---that big heavy clunker tossed behind the seat of the pickup doesn't count once you are out of the pickup environs!)

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But how many Border Patrol  Stations do you have to go through in your regular day to day travel? I go to my dentist---stop at the BP Station On I10 west of Las Cruces NM and the one between Deming and and Columbus NM.  I go visit my wife: stop at the BP station on I25 north of Radium Springs NM, I go to visit my daughter when she was in Roswell, BP stop on HW70 near White Sands. All of these are continuously manned stop points along major and minor highways. I, of course, am not counting the actual border crossing stations at the border; so on a regular work day I get to go through 4 of those: two US and two Mexican...    .

And you never ever burst into a business's front door yelling "La Migra!"

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4 hours ago, Jackdawg said:

So your saying your border patrol has setup stations within the country on major roads? IE not at the actual borders? I thought that was the land of the free!

Supreme Court has ruled that border areas, to include withing 100 miles of the border are subject to different search and seizure laws. They do exactly that on highways near the border, especially near Mexico, and checkpoints in Az were a huge pain when I lived there. And they absolutely can take your car apart.

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Yes I was saying that; there was a recent article on people who live undocumented between the border and the check stations and the issues they had when things like health problems occur.  Ambulances get checked too and some folks have been arrested at the hospital right out of surgery.  Of course we are currently don't have any refugee camps set up in other countries for folks trying to enter illegally...I though Australia was having some problems with those....Manus Island Papua New Guinea for instance?

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Yes - Our Govt set them up off shore about 10 years ago(maybe longer), closed the on shore ones. Bit like the US sending their political prisoners to Guantanamo - get them away from the local courts authority. Pretty despicable in my opinion, bu tI suspect I am in the minority. But it has stopped the flow of people trying to come here by boat, giving the Govt big PR wins in the papers etc. Albeit most of the illegal immigrants here have always just stepped of planes on some sort of tourist visa and just never left.

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I've used stainless oven/processing belting to make large grills, I once has 160 pounds of steak to cook for a wedding,  They had a long BBQ pit and I rolled out the belt from a chicken processing plant.   Hickory was the wood for the fire.   I had planned to go to the fleamarket today but we had strong winds this morning that didn't die down till too late so I took a walk in the desert.  Doing so leads me through the Farm's old equipment pile.  I need to ask my landlord about re-using some of the stuff; but 2" sq stock in medium to high carbon steel really calls out for a large power hammer!

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This didn’t follow me home: it was already here! Ten one-pound bars of lead, all ready to be melted into the head of the treadle hammer. 


With the ten or so pounds of dental foils I’ve already collected, that will put the head weight just over 35 lbs, which should be about right. 

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3 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

If I talk my landlord into giving it to me I'd be tempted to make a lot of small stake anvils from it...and some hammers, it was about 14' long IIRC.

I'd like to see how you would go about making a stake anvil. 

JHCC, happy fun lead melting times. I have a box of ingots I have been saving up, melting them from old wheel weights as well as two halves of what looks like a giant round stock of lead I picked up at auction dirt cheap. 

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10 minutes ago, Daswulf said:

JHCC, happy fun lead melting times.

Thanks, Das. I don’t have a ladle, so the plan is to cast in place: simply melt everything in the hammer head and let it cool. I filled it up with water and there are no leaks, so I think we’re good to go. 

(And yes, I’ll let it dry first. I’m not smart, but I’m not dumb.)

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technically I ended up following him home, but I met this guy 5 years ago at a blacksmith demonstration, he told me that he was also a blacksmit and I recalled seeing his posts in one of the facebook groups I'm in, we started talking a bit, he asked if he could forge something, I gladly allowed him and now, 5 years later we're the best of friends and renting an apartment together and we got a lovely little smithy set up in a shipping container, those who remember my first posts here might start thinking that I have a thing for shipping container smithies  


IIRC he's also a member here @kobbsky

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Thomas, so the spike is forged down from the larger mass? 

Biggun, I'll try to get you specs tomorrow. Funny story about the belting, its owner didn't want to let it go but his wife and brother are trying to " get rid of junk".  I was lead to a basement on a trip out there and told to take what I wanted " by his wife". Understanding of a mans "junk", I asked him about the belts and he explained that they are expensive and could use them to refurbish/ fix a machine. Fully understanding I left them be and gathered other stuff with his approval. 

Well 2 of the belts followed his brother here to end up with me. :rolleyes: they had sold on the house the stuff was in and had to move the rest of it to storage. I think it was a conspiracy between his wife and brother. Now I almost feel bad. 

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