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I Forge Iron

It followed me home

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BTW... I don't own a jeep. As a plank owner in the Big Boys club I can only ride in pickups and full size sedans. In case your wondering how big.... Life starts for me at XXL, or better yet...anything less than a 12lb sledge is a toy.

Now if I can get someone to buy my Hofi 3lb hammer so I can buy a 4lb one...

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WOW! 31-32f Shall I send a care package? Emergency gear?

We can send a long hair a dog but would want her back before next winter. We don't need her now the temps have warmed up so much. Heck, it was 3 ABOVE this morning! T-shirt and shorts weather!

Frosty (who wants to be known as Toasty)

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Only joined IFI 2 days ago and allready this blacksmithing is wrecking my body. Sore neck shoulders and back, headache - and that's only from trolling through 300 BP's and 145 pages of posts in this forum alone. Been worth it to find out that all that 'stuff' that has been following me home for the last twenty years is actually more than enough to set up a well appointed "smithy".
Can't wait to get back home (1500 miles) from this contract and get started. Now all I need to figure out is how to get some of the 1.2 million tonnes of fine coking coal they pull out of the ground here every week to follow me home.

Edited by Mick
Dyslexic keyboard.
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Mick, welcome to the addiction, I suggest looking at the blacksmiths anonymous thread to prepare you for the inevitable. We have a lot of resources here, even a home for wayward tools if you decide to bail. Anytime you make something, we want to know about it, pics and all!

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Welcome aboard Mick, glad to have ya.

However I must caution you before it's too late. This is a horrible addiction, just horrible I say! Spare yourself the anguish of burns, unsociable personal scent, sooty discoloration, the looks of your friends, neighbors and spousal unit when you do a screaming stop on the highway to pick up a piece of iron you spotted from the corner of your eye at 70+mph. And that's just the start!

Oh woe unto you if you begin the long slide into our affliction. Save yourself before all those evil blacksmithing tools steal your soul!

Seeing as I'm already hopelessly lost I have generously offered to take all those awful things off other poor helpless folks hands before irreparable harm comes to them. I promise to keep them securely locked away and dry so you will no longer have to fear addiction and it's terrible ravages.

I'll PM my shipping info immediately.

No, no, don't thank me. I do it for humanitarian reasons only.


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The problem with my current portable forge is just that- current! I have no speed control on the blower so it is either on full or off. Today I was looking at some shelves of general junk whilst the photocopier was churning away when I saw something I can use to control the speed of my fan. It is..... a fan speed controller. (Should do the trick?) So this weekend that will be wired in! Should give me good control and save me a lot of coal!

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I will probably try and sell the sugar cutters - I had thought about using them in a beetle sculpture - but seems a shame to alter something that is potentially over 100yrs old (i think they are cast iron anyway)

Hammer face is nice and smooth - slightly rounded, the only damage is a small nick out of the edge of the pein. Stamped L P.

Sam, is it one of yours, can you be certain? 19'' long, top twist has chiseled lines, then
there is an X in a box, another twist half way down then it tapers slightly then widens before it tapers to a point.

Would be nice to know who made it.

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2 40' utility poles chopped into 4 20' uprghts for the long planned shop extension, (adds another 20'x30'), followed me home from the local Electric CoOp Thursday. They give away old ones; but these babies were only in the ground 10 years before they got pulled to expand a RR line.

Sunday some of my students/friends came over and hand dug 3 of the holes for them.

Except for the typical 60+ mph spring winds around these parts the coal shop extension si really zooming!

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I picked some up the other day, but they were 10 footers, and much older, I figure I'm gonna need an outside forge for the summer time, so it will be covered, but open sides, and I want to try making one of the wooden forges I saw, lined with refractory cement, made out of heavy timbers, and firebricks etc. Looks a lot easier than a whole brick job, and should work just as well.

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After reading these I had to tell of my greatest "find" that followed me home. It wasn't a tool, but it allowed me to buy some tools.

I had told a friend that I wanted some axles to build a trailer to haul scrap with. He soon after told me his dad had an old boat trailer at his farm, and he wanted someone to just haul it off. I could have it if I could get it moving. They said one hub was seized up. He didn't know how bad of shape it was in. Now I should say this is a wealthy family. Well I drove out to get the "old" boat trailer and found an aluminum, tri-axle trailer, with aluminum wheels, over 20' feet long and not 5 years old. I did not find anything wrong with a hub. I just hooked to it aand drove away. A tire wasn't even flat. I sold it for $2500 4 days later. I told my friend's father to give me a call if he ever wanted me to haul anything away again. :D

Edited by Winston
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I sold it about 6 or 7 years ago. I have never had a title or a tag on any trailer here in Alabama. You can get a tag, but most people I know do not have one unless commercial use. I have heard that they are tightening up on this. Either way nobody asked for one when I sold it. One more reason I like Alabama over California. :)

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