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I Forge Iron

Start of failed bottle opener

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4 hours ago, bill duckworth said:

,it was too cold and split 

Must have been really cold if it was mild steel. Or maybe you meant it was too cold outside, so you left the forge area. Just kidding, Did you try to include a video? The video is blank for me. Try a picture or two instead? And I am not sure if  you are asking a question, (how to fix the situation) or just making a general comment. :)

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I recently cracked one just starting the drift a bit cold. Mine was in hotdog steel. Good reminder to keep the work in the upper temps for this. 

You want a full heat to start punching, then duller red to punch the slug through from the other side. Black heat is no go. Drift at full heat. 



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Bill, are you floating that tank in water? Helps keep the ice down.

This past winter i froze my ice bath one day so i invested in another tank. For a while i would bounce from one to the other as they would frost. About 2 months ago my boss gave me a 3rd tank. Rather than try and bounce between 3 tanks i looked into this a little more. From what i gathered it is all about surface area. I invested in some fittings and plumbing and ran all 3 in series. When they get very low, i mean like 1" in the bottom they will get a little bit of frost but not much at all. I do not have to run near as much pressure and my gas is lasting much longer. I went from about an 8 hour run on 1 tank to close to 40 on all 3. 



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When I worked at the forge in winter I put a tank blanket and two magnetic engine block heaters on my 100 lb. tank the night before. A 100lb. tank won't freeze up. Propane freezes at - 40f. but still sublimates enough to run your kitchen range provided it's at least 1/4 full.

I only use a 20 lb. tank for short portable runs, even the NARB starts slushing a full one in about 2 hrs. at it's too small a volume to make sufficient pressure. A 40 lb. tank is good for about 6hrs. on both NARBs running welding temp. Audiences love a bright yellow forge even if it's not really necessary. But demos are theater so you do the entertaining stuff.

If your tank's full and freezing, get a larger one. Easy Peasy.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks for the tips, I'm just a hobbyist with many years of attending meets and 2 abanas. Made my first chisel when I was 13 and then a knife, made some knifes over last 20 years, only now trying to blacksmith vs forge knifes. So much easier to play with mild steel vs high carbon  have a homemade charcoal forge but gonna change from furnace blower to hand crank and to coal finding time is my biggest problem 

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Frosty, i actually got the idea of running in series from my drag racing days. We would run 2 NO2 bottles in series to keep pressure from dropping when you hit the juice. A pressure drop will cause a piston to blow. Anywho, one of the other ideas i was floating was the heated blanket. We would wrap the bottles with a bottle heater, a heated blanket. That was also to keep the pressure up. I actually almost posted here asking if you could do that. I was going to get a 40#er but my dad gave me 1 tank, my boss the other, and only 1 i purchased at $30. The hoses and fittings cost all of $20. So $50 bones or shell out another $90 for a 40# and have 3 20# just lying about for who knows how long. Oh, i consider it a sin to use a propane grill so no cooking with them. 

I am by no means saying my way is best, just what works for me. If my ideas help i am happy to have helped. 

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Billy: While most of us have our own way of doing things and we positively delight in disagreeing in print I THINK I can speak for all of us in saying  you shouldn't plumb your propane forge with NO2:o

I want VIDEO though!

No need to buy new, keep an eye open at yard, garage, etc. sales, read the cert date and remember most folk have more trouble getting rid of old propane cylinders than fining them. 

Any grill in a storm. We're all sinners after all.

Frosty The Lucky.


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Check with your local propane dealer and get a used 100# tank. Then take that to a welding supply store that does exchange programs with the bottles. I get 100# of propane for just over 60 bucks. That's about 1/3 of the price I was paying with the grill sized bottles...

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Oh, lord no. I was meaning i got the idea of running the plumbing from my NO2 set-up. Not using NO2. Nothing put propane and propane plumbing. 

100# for $60, i am guessing i am paying about the same per pound. Is that the price for delivery? Cause my old bones cant see hoisting 100# of propane in and out of the truck every couple weeks. Oh, another thought i just had, i live in suburbia i may not even be allowed a tank that size. 


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Good Morning,

Propane Tank freezing means you are drawing more than the surface of the Liquid can deliver. Simple, join 2 or 3 bottles together, just need a couple Tee's and a couple hose adapters, still use one regulator. By doing this, you increase the surface area of the liquid Propane, you cut your draw from each bottle in half or in thirds.

Did you ever wonder why Drywallers have up to 6-100lbs tanks hooked in together, trying to dry the drywall mud. Same theory!! Look at a Residence or a Business that uses Propane, the big tanks are on their side. Lots of surface area = lots of draw.


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8 hours ago, BillyBones said:

Oh, lord no. I was meaning i got the idea of running the plumbing from my NO2 set-up. Not using NO2. Nothing put propane and propane plumbing. 

Darn, I wanted to see the video. It WOULD BE HOT:) 

And too dangerous to actually try! Anybody reading my last couple posts I AM JOKING about hooking your forge up with nitrous injection, it'd be WICKED DANGEROUS! :o

Right now Propane is in the $2.50?/ gl. range here and a 100 gl. tank holds around 25 gls. That's a rule of thumb number I'm not looking it up. A 40lb. tank holds roughly 8 gl. If you think you'll go through 100 lbs. in a couple weeks you might consider having a residential tank, say 100 gls. installed. Rental (demurage) isn't bad and they deliver. 100 lb. tanks don't freeze up even in sub zero weather. It has to drop below -40 f. before propane starts getting slushy and in a large tank enough will sublimate from the surface to run appliances. I don't know about forges though, they draw considerable volume.

Frosty The Lucky.


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The last time i had them filled 3 20# took about 12 1/2 gal. The bill came out to just about $33. So around $3 a gal, a little less. 

A couple places around here charge a flat rate to fill the tanks. $17 for a 20# no matter if it is empty or half full. Needless to say i do not go there. TSC i have found is about the cheapest in this area. 

I live in suburbia and i would bet a dollar to a doughnut that i am not allowed to have a residential tank on my property. Heck i am supposed to keep the grill 50' from the house. That is a long walk to flip a burger. 

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  • 3 months later...

TSC is where i usually go. They are the only ones around who sell by the Gal. and not just $18 a tank no matter how much is left. 

4 hours ago, Glenn II said:

Or a long walk back to get another beverage...if tending a long-term BBQ delicacy.

I do like the ribs and a brisket on occasion, i would have to take a cooler with me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I deliver propane for a living, it's very common to see 123 gallon tanks in the city. However to have propane delivered (here in Ontario anyways) you must have any propane powered equipment inspected for safety. 

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