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2 hours ago, Nodebt said:

I have to ask, of all the places to visit in the world, where would you pick to go on your next trip if you could?  Anywhere.

I would love to drive a car along the Mediterranean coast of Italy and France. Very beautiful places. I love traveling around Europe.

40 years ago I worked as a sailor, then I really liked Canada. And to be honest, I would have left Russia. Every year it becomes harder for a free person to live. But this is about politics, it is banned on the forum.

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  I don't bring politics up.  Sorry if it seems that way.  My question may have been wrong.   I was a sailor too, and visited many places like Italy and France. But I would never drive a car there.  I sometimes wish I was a sailor again.  

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4 minutes ago, Nodebt said:

I don't bring politics up.  Sorry if it seems that way.  My question may have been wrong.   I was a sailor too, and visited many places like Italy and France. But I would never drive a car there. 

No problem, the question is normal. I just spent the whole day getting home, instead of the usual 5 hours. Planes to Russia from Europe do not fly. Have to get through Estonia. Before covid I was in Crete, I traveled the whole island by car.




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I don't know how sanctions are affecting the travel of individuals but if you ever came to the US you would have LOTS of friends to visit.  As Frosty says, there would be so much visiting there would be little sightseeing or forging.

Madelynn and I have a trip to Scandinavia planned once it is safe to do so.  We are very covid cautious so it may be awhile. Hope to be able to meet some of the IFI folk in that part of the world.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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23 hours ago, George N. M. said:

I don't know how sanctions are affecting the travel of individuals

It is difficult to leave Russia, planes do not fly to Europe. Only Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. I had to take a bus to Tallinn and board a plane there. Serious check at the border. Before the war and covid, I crossed the border in a maximum of half an hour, this trip took 5 hours !!! Many consulates are closed, it has become difficult to obtain a visa. An American visa in Russia cannot be opened at all, you need to go to some other country.

21 hours ago, Frosty said:

I'd have to figure out how to set up group meetings. I love sight seeing too much to give it up. 

Every year, since 2010, at the beginning of January, we gather in the Moscow region. Informal meeting. Blacksmiths come from all over the former Soviet Union. There are also many blacksmith festivals in the summer throughout Russia.


















витебск 2.jpg


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Alex:  Congratulations on completing your sextuple decade.  You look good.  In a few years your grand daughter's parents are going to have to start stringing barbed wire around their house to keep the boys away.

The food looks very good.  What do you do with the flame?  Warm up the already cooked cold food on forks, sort of like fondue?  I assume this is a Russian birthday tradition, like a western birthday cake.  Madelynn asks what are the types of food shown.

I have to tell you that we really enjoy seeing the photos of St. Petersburg, your life, and your work.  It really helps to keep perspective and is a good balance for us to the news from further south of you.


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