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I Forge Iron

A collection of improvised anvils

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On 8/11/2019 at 4:22 PM, ThomasPowers said:

Frosty, I thought that Black Bart the Birch dealt with that point years ago?

Black Bart the Great White . . . birch didn't get near the hat I keep the point under, that one's in the mud room. 

Where's the, "Earth shattering kaBOOM," Martian death ray, Charles? There WAS that Earth shattering kaBOOM some 65 million years ago. Darn Martian death rays!

Frosty The Lucky.

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Maybe I should have mentioned hand forging Titanium; didn't think to list that for an IT job...

When this move is finally done I have some pancake flippers to make with steel basket handles and titanium blades as I was gifted with some Ti sheet.

I had a friend once borrow my bench mount sheet metal punch to punch holes in Ti for lacing some lamellar armour together. It did the job but he said it sounded like a gun shot going off for each of the hundreds of holes he had to do---he also went through several punches/dies IIRC. (And returned it with  new set installed.)

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I tend to not lend tools to folks that won't return them in better shape than I lent them...I once lent my Bader to a friend who was frantically trying to finish a project for his MFA, he wore out a contact wheel on it and the replacement was dropped ship to my door.

The current crop of college students tend not to get anything lent to them and quite a few of them get to forge in class with a dead soft hammer...a french pattern cross peen that lost it's temper when the factory it was in was bombed during the war.

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Just found this thread and figured I'd post my improvised anvil


It's a 2 inch thick piece of steel I picked up from the scrap yard for $38 bucks.  It weighed in at 110 lbs and my brother in law welded it to a piece of railroad I had.  Seems to work pretty nice.  I'm going to try cutting a hardy hole on one end. 

And here's a rebound test in case anyone is wondering. 

Wish me luck!

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All we need is a percentage rebound number.  If you have read how to do the test you will note that it suggests to place the end of the scale on the anvil and drop the ball bearing from the 10" mark, then the rebound reads off directly as a percentage: 8" = 80%, 6.5" = 65%, etc.  I'm not going to try to figure out the percentage from what you did. Please just post the number.

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Hey everyone. New to the site and fairly new to forging. So much to learn. Couldn’t afford an anvil so I put together this beast out of an old forklift tine. I haven’t even had a chance to try it yet but should hold up pretty well




New to the site and fairly new to forging. Still trying to get myself set up on a budget.  Working with a railroad rail anvil I build or a while now but found the top wasn’t big enough and flat enough so I decided to build a bigger one since the prices for used anvils(that are in rough shape) are way to expensive for my budget. Here’s what I put together with an old forklift tine I’ve had beside the barn for years now. Figured it was time to put it to good use. I just finished it and haven’t even had a chance to pound any steel on it yet but soon. I’ll update on how it handles The pounding once I have a chance to use it. 






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