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The RPG connection, or "blacksmithing, the game"

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Was into the looking glass the one where they use bosun higgs particles to open parallel universes?

Why stick with the serious or military scifi? (Although several of the ringo series read like a rpg...march to the sea, etc comes to mind.) You could have a heck of a time doing one with Discworld...

Ayup, a low energy generation of a Higgs Bosun takes out a goodly part of Florida and opens the door to nasty critters.

I agree, it can be any genre, serious or military anything is only an option. The March series is one of  my favorites. I LOVE "worm turns" stories, that the spoiled brat Roger turns out to be a properly ruthless Emperor. Flight of the Fury is also a good story I was sorry to see didn't turn into a series.

The Aldenata series IS a RPG campaign and is being played, I just never tuned in. I dearly LOVE Robert Aspirin's Myth adventures and Phule series, just plain fun stories, especially if you like puns. David Weber's "Honor Harrington" if you  like fleet warfare space opera or David Drake's "Hammer's Slammers' if you like tanks or Alen Dean Foster's "Ice Rigger" "Spellsinger" "Flinx and Pip", He also wrote for Star Trek, LOTS of fun there.

Sorry, got sidetracked. I may talk mostly Sci Fi but I've been a Sci Fi guy my entire literate life, I learned to read because Mother turned me onto Sci Fi, "The Spaceship Under The Apple Tree" was the first book I read cover to cover and "The Dinosaur Of Walnut Canyon" was the second. Those were the days when a parent could just show a kid where the library was, we lived two blocks from one and the librarian was delighted to show a kid something like 8 yrs old how to find books.

Anyway, been reading Sci Fi all my life, only some "fantasy" but enough to hold my own. Just because I refer to Sci Fi a lot doesn't mean I'm not really wanting to play something, anything. Ooh ooh, how about Clive Cussler books for a world model? "Dirk Pit" stories are fun if unbelievable.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Been wanting to get into the Robert Asprins again.  Had to laugh in Phules company when they won the obstacle course in full kit by flattening it.  And a big joke between the wife and I is all the Vampire Cows along the roads on holiday from the Myth series.

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Reminds me, when I was stationed in California, they were gonna ban Navy guys from the Catholic service on post. Then they found that without Bosun Higgs, they couldn't have Mass............they couldn't have mass, Frosty. :P

I think I lost most of my Rob Asprin novels to either the great bookworm infestation of Ought Three, (bad storage situation), or one of the merciless military move book purges. I just thank god with all these punsters around, no one mentioned piers anthony.....oh, crap.


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Reminds me, when I was stationed in California, they were gonna ban Navy guys from the Catholic service on post. Then they found that without Bosun Higgs, they couldn't have Mass............they couldn't have mass, Frosty. :P

I think I lost most of my Rob Asprin novels to either the great bookworm infestation of Ought Three, (bad storage situation), or one of the merciless military move book purges. I just thank god with all these punsters around, no one mentioned piers anthony.....oh, crap.


Piers got too into his ownself and philosophy to the detriment of his writing so I stopped reading his work. Loved the puns but I actually do have standards you know.

My Mother had a GREAT T shirt and she never wore T shirts, it said, "Electrons have mass? I didn't know they were Catholic."

Frosty The Lucky.

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So, Schrodinger's cat walked into a bar...and didn't.

Sure you've never played Kingdom of Loathing? Online stick figure MMORPG, that basically is one long set of puns after the next. Think I last played as a Sauceror....or was it a barbarian from the frozen north? (because as they put it, there's always a barbarian from the frozen north...).

Addictive, but they put a limit on how many turns you can play a day. You can make combinations to play more, but they may involve alcohol, and then you have silly drunken adventures.

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Piers did write stuff other than Xanth. His Incarnations of Immortality series is interesting.  As is a lot of his other work.

Read incarnations, <sigh> "The Tyrant of Jupiter" series pretty much lost me, I tried a couple more but he cleared the shark handily so I swam otherwhen.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Read incarnations, <sigh> "The Tyrant of Jupiter" series pretty much lost me, I tried a couple more but he cleared the shark handily so I swam otherwhen.

Frosty The Lucky.

Fair enough.  One of my favorite authors is Heinlein. 

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I once used that quote from Heinlein's "Glory Road" on a smithing forum and Paw Paw Wilson recognized it right off the bat. We were supposed to meet in person for the first time that Quad-State; but he died beforehand and so I wore an aloha shirt and lederhosen Friday at Quad-State in his memory. I continue to do so  every time I attend and the weather doesn't interfere...The disreputable red hat is worn the complete time at Quad-State!

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So, Schrodinger's cat walked into a bar...and didn't.

I would hate to have an entanglement with that cat.  There ought to be a range of Schrodinger’s Cat Food. Half the price but a 50-50 chance of the tin being empty.  Wanted dead and alive...

 Dr Schrodinger would have been 126 today, or not....

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