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I Forge Iron

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Nice looking hoard of axes! Funny thing is my computer was a bit slow in loading and all I saw a first was the bottom of the handle and they all looked like canoe paddles and I'm thinking "What did he do? Get a deal on surplus paddles" but after all of the picture was loaded it was like "WOW!!!, Those look really great". Nice work and if anyone gives you any grief about that last axe just tell them to lay their head on a stump and you'll be glad to demonstrate it's effectiveness for them. :lol:

I like the last one....angel wing.
Imagine as a double bit or two axes carried behind the head in a back sheath.... Ric

I was thinking gargoyle instead of angel!

Absolutely fantastic! They look great and theres plenty of variation there as well. The last one's beard is almost over the top, its great. I love it!

Do you teach?.......
Sadly a bit beyond my skill level at the moment.


Yeah, I'm one of those people that really like the second ax. ;) I like them all. Please, tell me that you used a power hammer or strikers to draw out the beard on the last ax head. Awesome work!



thanks all for the kind comments. the axe is mainly made on the power hammer, punched on a press and drifted and tweaked on the anvil.
I would love to work with a striker it would make a lot of this much easier.
and TomN I do teach and have an axe class scheduled for december.....


Very nice Owen, I like em all. The second one's pol is a little peg hammer for me but a little drawing and it'd make a fine war hammer. That's just me though.

As for the one lacking a handle, you're gonna HAFTA fix that!

Frosty the Lucky.

  • 2 weeks later...

was about to say something similar about the bowler - class! i have a very dusty stuffed boars head sitting above me on the wall with the same hat on... :) (maybe i should have it off him and wear it...) i really like the second axe, but as a non axe maker, of course, this is pretty meaningless to you in terms of a compliment... the shape looks right to me thats all. am intrigued also about your courses, i will look on your webpages....


thank you all ,
I find axes very interesting to make , for a smith they have about as much material manipulation in them as one can do. Starting out as 40mm or 45mm square and ending up as mainly 5 to 7mm thick . I have been making these as a one piece axe and I wonder if I am adding work to do this. most of the larger axes would be a lot easier constructed by forge welding from multiple parts to get the shapes needed ie using 8mm to end up with 5 to 7mm!!
like everything else its all a work in progress (the learning that is).


thank you all ,
I find axes very interesting to make , for a smith they have about as much material manipulation in them as one can do. Starting out as 40mm or 45mm square and ending up as mainly 5 to 7mm thick . I have been making these as a one piece axe and I wonder if I am adding work to do this. most of the larger axes would be a lot easier constructed by forge welding from multiple parts to get the shapes needed ie using 8mm to end up with 5 to 7mm!!
like everything else its all a work in progress (the learning that is).

I love your work, it is verry inspiring, if i could afford to go to across the pond to your classes i would! I have been trying to make some axes but have managed to screw most of them up.... oh well i guess they just go into my practice bin

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