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I Forge Iron


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    gloucestershire uk
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    mother of three artist blacksmith
  • Interests
    metal work including silversmithing, interesting vehicles
  • Occupation
    self employed artist blacksmith

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  1. Yes it's all cool since the flood although I think most people lost a Lot of kit at that time.. and stuff that was saved all got full of silt and river crap etc.. the anvil and hammer remain, but the hammer needs a total overhaul. Jake seems to get along great with his hand crank forge his own home made fuel and a hand hammer, so I don't think he's in a tearing hurry to have that thing in pieces The carving axe I posted was made in that way. Yes it's quite a job to get to Galena - I don't know when I'll next get there - sooner the better! Thanks for the offer frosty!
  2. Now don't go taking it personally Frosty he's probably just not much on the forums recently, these things are cyclical - well, they are for me....
  3. Yes your right - I always thought it's magic and I still do. I managed a few smaller ones a while back and I'll try again. It's all change this end, but I intend to get busy as soon as I've moved workshop. Here's one of the sculptures I've been working on.. no heat used except a Mig welder! It's even harder making money from sculpture !!
  4. Jk Jake did it really not me I was just his workshop slave.. the welding was cool as you know I'm always impressed by this, but he does it in such a cool way - makes the charcoal each day and finds any old bit of iron from out of the bushes or something, so there are many inconsistencies in the process. Plus he's done all this with a hand hammer which is a lot of work .. I never did get the hang of making tools, I'm an artist who uses a forge that's all ...!
  5. Interesting job and a brilliantly informative reply John! Long time since I read your posts! Hope your well
  6. Hey frosty yes I'm always in contact with Jake - Ive even been a couple of times to galena and last time I went we made a very cool wood carving axe. I'll let him know he is missed! JK Yes I read that the photos had gone I loved this thread! I can't remember how to add a photo or I'd show you this marvellous axe .... Thar ya go! JK there were some really good detailed photos on the thread - it IS a shame ...
  7. JK I will ! The little thumper is about to be moved - I'm relocating - and although it has paid for itself a while ago it has been neglected ... Glad your busy - I'm browsing the forum I might come across some of your pieces! Good to hear you
  8. Hi JK ! Long time no chat I got the email reminder that this thread was activated - have not been actually ve to n here for ages.. yes it was a Most fascinating thread - it was probably a bit abstract for some ...! Jake is good, we are in much contact! oddly after a couple of years of all kinds of other things, sculptures mainly, I am back to my forge, so I thought I'd check in here and say hello. Hope everything is good with you? I'm guessing you never did get that Prince (RIP) job....?
  9. Hi Beth!

    An old thread was resurrected on the site, and I saw your name and realized I hadn't seen you around in a very long time.

    I had always enjoyed your posts and seeing what exciting items you were working on.

    I hope all is well with you, and the lack of activity doesn't mean you've given up the craft!

    Drop a note sometime.

    Take care, - Jim (JimsShip)


  10. owen what a brilliant week! i really love your attitude towards this course, difficult but absolutely do - able. and with the right encouragement and guidance so much can be achieved :) im very happy that a group of virtual beginners can learn all that, and produce something so good in only a week! good teachers like yourself are of HUGE value! nice one! really interesting thread - you are going to be inundated..... :)
  11. good luck to you toby! what a frendly energised intro post - i dont reckon you need any special advice - just give it a go, and get yourself next to as many people as you can, who can show you some stuff :) you can collect up bits of tools as you go - you dont need to spend much. as for the adhd and autism, you will meet your own personal difficulties like we all do, but i have some very close friends who have the autistic way of looking at the world - and they are some of the most broad minded interesting determined and open people i have met. and yes, i too make friends in the oddest of places :) go for it toby!!! :)
  12. what fascinating information! arftist - i bet your uncles and grandfather had some hair raising tales to tell from their days in this work!
  13. dog nose those crosses are really something - very beautiful - some of them are so soft looking - i particularly like this one also the hill of crosses - amazing, i love a place where we can go mad with piling things up, and nobody says "thats enough". places that mean things to people. i expect it is a very powerful place to be. thanks for that!
  14. thats a really good looking grate. i like how you've made that! its chunky and appealing, and i also like your no messing approach, it does not need messing with..
  15. dog thats lovely! i particularly like the split arms - and the large rivets look great - the whole thing is really unusual :) nice one!
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