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Prayers for the soul of my oldest son


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Ptree, Sorry to read this, prayers for your loss and strength for you and your wife at this juncture in your life. This has been a tough year for members of the forum and prayers abundantly needed to strengthen the members in their loss of sons. May God grant us strength and peace in this time of need. Jerry

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Jeff, Sorry that I did not know about your loss until today, even though I am a regular reader of your posts. Having read so much of what you have written I have come to respect you greatly. I can only say how sorry I am to hear of your loss.

With the greatest of respect,

Chris, (from the UK)

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  • 5 weeks later...

To all my friends who have posted and prayed, I offer my deepest gratitude. They past 6 months since my son took his life have been very hard. We continue to heal, but it is very very slow. I have not posted as often as I should, and have not been able to read the good thoughts you sent often as it is still very very raw.
From the bottom of my broken heart, thank you.
With good friends sorrow is divided, and joy multiplied.

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PTREE, Your postings no matter how often are welcomed. The shock and heartache you are going through for the last 6mos is beyond most of our comprehention. My prayers are still with you. My GOD comfort you as only HE can and heal your broken heart. Post when you can but don't feel quilty when you don't, we will understand and we are here when you need us. a friend, TDean

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  • 5 months later...

Today is the year anneriversary of my son's death. It has been a hard year. The prayers and thoughts of friends near and far have been of great help. My famiy continues to heal, but some very slowely. My wife faces empty nest soon as my youngest goes away to complete schooling, and my younger son has graduated and seeks a job that will most likely have him across the country. The oldest heals from her medical issues and is still at home, and that is some help as they help each other.
My prime job is yet to be there to catch them when the fall, boast them when they need, and listen if they can bear to talk about it. Mostly not, and I am just here, ready, and wishing there was something to pull this great hurt from their hearts. Nothing can help the heart of a parent that has lost a child. Just not the way life should be.
My close to here blacksmith friends treat me like I treat my family, they are quiet, but ready to catch ME when I fall, boast when they can and listen when I can talk.

From the bottom of my broken heart, thank you.
With good friends sorrow is divided, and joy multiplied.

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Thanks for sharing your load. I amglad you can be strong for your family, as husbands and fathers thats what we do. On the other hand you also need a listening ear. Iknow we have never met but if you ever want to talk pm me and I'll give you my number. you and your family are on our list we will include you in our prayers daily. In Gods love, Phil Cox

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