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I Forge Iron

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heres a railing i did and have been meaning to try and post! lets see if i can get the photos on.... :)post-4935-0-98560700-1292281241_thumb.jp

Congratulations Beth!!!! You have made a very nice railing!!!! - Looks great!!! - :) I knew you could do it!! - JK

it's getting there Beth, slowly slowly.... will be going back to work in January, horrah! Anyway, you look like you've been busy!!

Did you have it galv'd first before powder coated? It's a really nice railing, kind of reminds me of japanese style... rigid geometry softened with a spray of organic curves!

What else you been up to? Bet the kids are getting excited about the jolly man dressed in red who's about to come visit soon!! And I bet you're being really naughty so you end up with a ton of coal in your stocking!!!



yes please to the coal - and a great excuse to remain naughty! great news about your hand colleen - you must be itching to get back in the workshop.... yes i have been busy but not, annoyingly at the forge - i made that railing in october - i have a job designing and making a range of furniture prototypes which is really good fun and a huge learning curve (its all rolled stainless tube done cold) but i have lots of deadlines with it and it is keeping me away from other stuff - i will have to address the balance in the new year! i want to do both...!!

im sure i will say it again but HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you gals and guys and heres to fantastic fulfilling work in new year :)


it is keeping me away from other stuff - i will have to address the balance in the new year! i want to do both...!!

Now I don't feel like the lone ranger so much. I've had quite a year with many other things going on keeping me from my iron art. Thanks for the pictures. Very nice work! There's nothing like a project completed.

You forge like a girl...

... I hope that someday I can forge like a girl!

That is beautiful work.


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