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My 9 yr. old son made this S-hook at our Hammer-in this past weekend with little assistance from dad. He saw that I posted my project and wanted his project posted to.

He is very artistic and imaginative in drawing and clay modeling along with Blacksmithing, its about the only thing he doesn't get bored with. He thinks its neat that you can communicate with people across the pond, and is always asking me when I'm reading posts where are they from. So please respond and let us know where your from.



My 8 year old son (soon to be 9) loves to smith as well. It is great to have them interested young. He is good help in the shop too, though he wants to fire up the forge by himself...I haven't allowed that as of yet.

Tell your son nice job from Montana, USA!


I know Dad is very proud of him.. He is doing good.. Please keep us posted on his progress. and keep that hammer in his hand,, that'll keep trouble from finding him.. thanks for sharing with us..Tom


I know Dad is very proud of him.. He is doing good.. Please keep us posted on his progress. and keep that hammer in his hand,, that'll keep trouble from finding him.. thanks for sharing with us..Tom

Tom, Trouble doesn't find him, He finds TROUBLE!!!!

Nice hook. My younguns are much older than that now. I am looking forward to the day that my Grandkids get to come out and work with me. We are in Devine (South), Texas.
Keep up the good work.


hi bad creek junior - NICE ONE!! i love the hook its very cool - my children like to play about in my forge too - we should start a kids section....! keep it up boy - there are worse things to become than a talented designer and metal smith :) from UK. :)


hi bad creek junior - NICE ONE!! i love the hook its very cool - my children like to play about in my forge too - we should start a kids section....! keep it up boy - there are worse things to become than a talented designer and metal smith smile.gif from UK. smile.gif

Beth, thats a great idea starting a kids section.

I want to Thank everyone for taking the time to comment on his hook and on the encouraging words to my son.

Hi from Tamworth New South Wales Australia, Tamworth is known as the Country Music Capital of Australia and has an Equine centre that is the envy of the world.
Good work Bad Creek Jr. I like the way you finished off the hook ends-very neat and tidy. Cheers John


Nice job young man, neat and tidy, a great start for the 'smithing journey, welcome to the University of Life, and well done Dad for showing him how.

Looking forward to seeing his progress over the next few years, better open him an identity on the site so we can follow it.

Good idea for a youngsters section, will post a new thread for a contribution for that section if the mods want to transfer to a specific post area, Don't want to hijack this thread

  • 2 weeks later...

Beth, thats a great idea starting a kids section.

I want to Thank everyone for taking the time to comment on his hook and on the encouraging words to my son.

That is a very cool hook. My boys (8 and 10) both like to work in the forge they even have their own RR track anvil. :D

+1 on the kids section

Hello from Ft. Wayne, Indiana
  • 1 month later...

That's a brillaint piece of work for a youngster,my boys just want to weld up go carts etc.or use ironworkers and triphammers to mangle things. Obviously dad has got the touch! keep it up , Regards from Durban South Africa.

  • 1 month later...

Oh, now he's raised the hook standard. I guess all of us are going to have to do a little better than a plain old S-hook in the future. ;) Keep up the good work.

I originally thought the thread was for a project that was nine years old, not the smith.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Bad Creek,

That is a nice hook, better then my first one! No split ends for to begin with. . .

Seeing as one of the most significant aspects of blacksmithing is being able to make tools, how about trying some small clay modeling tools, or a bit more complex but doable light and collapsable easel?

Northern Illinois,

Caleb Ramsby



Thanks for the idea on the easel........He loves to draw and he can make something for himself. Tomorrow we are demostrating at the county fair so its something he cen work on. he wanted to work with me yesterday but had to go with his mother.....Boy he was mad.


Hey there Little Bad Creek, You have some real talent beginning there! Keep it up and soon you will be as good as Albert Paley and he is good. My son started young but his friends made fun of him so he up and quit one day and that was the last art he made until he was 19, DON'T let there be a ten year gap in your creativity, it will stunt you. So listen to you dad and have a good time with him, it won't last forever, but every time you pick up a hammer you remember these times you had with him. It's as good as it gets. I remember times I had with my day, great fun they were. Keep hammering and stay in school! :P

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