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I Forge Iron


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    Lozere - France


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    France - Loz�re (48)

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  1. No, if you don't vary the freq they become FFD (fixed freq drives) ;)
  2. Did you rate the bpm ? Seems angry :D Very nice little hammer ;)
  3. A few hundreds pictures of PHs on my hard-drive and still collecting :rolleyes:
  4. A round back flatter to smooth out tapers and such things where a regular flatter would dig steps in the work or be thrown out... No pic sorry and I'm not sure of the real name of the tool but I'm sure you've seen one before...
  5. I wish you a lot of fun Daniel ;) This is imho the most interesting pic, with the safety chain across the one under tension It also shows the reminder on the wall above your baby seems to work, I may try it... 'think safety, work safely' :P
  6. A microphone facing the hammer, some computing stuff in a dust-heat-moist/proof container and some speakers 360° around the hammer to emit a cancelling sound wave just opposite to the hammer noise :rolleyes: Daniel.85, it doesn't sound more complicated than induction heating, right ?
  7. Yes men, he did it ! Congrats John, now there's not much left to improve, hélas :rolleyes: The control you've got with a 150lbs ram is really stunning :wub: Do you get the same 'tup follows treadle' effect that Ken have allowing yoyo without having the ram topping between each single blow ?
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