welder19 Posted February 4, 2010 Posted February 4, 2010 I rarely ever ask for anything of anyone but I'm in desperate need. All I'm asking is a little prayer, I've been out of work for a year now due to a disability. Four years ago my back finally gave out after years of abuse, mainly from a career as a marine diesel mechanic. I now have 3 herniated discs in my lower back, premature deterioration in most of the rest, problems in my neck two knees that are shot, a bad right elbow and left shoulder, but even with all of that I'm not really looking for prayer concerning my wreck of a body, I am unable to work and my wife can't find any work, before losing my job my wife has been a stay at home mom for 6 years so we only had one income and now have none. I have a lawyer working on a workers comp case and ss disability, and neither are going very fast, I have used up all of my funds including my 401K retirement money and am just about out of things to sell. So if you could say a prayer or two and ask the good Lord to help me out with my financial crisis I would be forever grateful, wether it be my wife finding work, speedy outcome with my workers comp case or the gov. approving ss in a timely manor or any kind of guidence in the right direction to be able to keep the roof over my family's head and some food on the table or even a miricle that I wake up tomorrow pain free (I don't even remember what that feels like). I'm not picky about what form the help comes in, just that it comes in time to pay some bills so I can keep my house, the only options I have left is prayer and I'm not just resorting to prayer, I have always put my faith in God, I'm just now resorting to asking others for their prayers as well. I hope I haven't been too long winded, I just wanted to try and explain the depth of my situation. I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and for your prayers. welder19 Quote
chyancarrek Posted February 4, 2010 Posted February 4, 2010 Hey Welder, You're definitely on the list here!! Keep your chin up best as you can and I hope things turn around for you soon!! Quote
Dave Parker Posted February 4, 2010 Posted February 4, 2010 Kneemail sent, "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3 I know many others facing tough times (me included) but I always fall back on the memory of a talk I had with a Jewish friend of mine. We discussed all his problems and I told him too remember he was among God’s chosen. His reply was that he could deal with a little less love. Mine was just be glad you didn’t anger him. Have faith, help is coming. Good Luck, Dave Quote
HWHII Posted February 4, 2010 Posted February 4, 2010 Heavenly Father please bless and kept Welder19 in his time on need. AMEN Quote
jimmy seale Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 prayers sent from west texas,alot of us is in bad shape right now, all will wwork out,jimmy & mary Quote
RLD Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 Welder19 Prayers have been sent and will be reposted. Good Luck Quote
Ted T Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 Prayers sent from eastern Utah.Keep focused on the answer to all things. Quote
Thomas Dean Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 Praying for you friend. GOD knows and it is always in HIS timeing. Keep the Faith. Quote
welder19 Posted February 6, 2010 Author Posted February 6, 2010 Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your support. It's one day at a time and pray and hope for the best. welder19 Quote
Bentiron1946 Posted February 6, 2010 Posted February 6, 2010 It is the lion pit dealing with Social Security Administration but they are strictly followers of the law, no compassion there. However they do bow before the throne of God, they won't acknowledge Him but His will is imposed on them through prayer and supplication of His people. Hang in there and keep the faith. I wish there was more that I could do for than pray, however that will have to suffice for now. May the Creator of all bless you and hold you close. Quote
welder19 Posted February 6, 2010 Author Posted February 6, 2010 It is the lion pit dealing with Social Security Administration but they are strictly followers of the law, no compassion there. However they do bow before the throne of God, they won't acknowledge Him but His will is imposed on them through prayer and supplication of His people. Hang in there and keep the faith. I wish there was more that I could do for than pray, however that will have to suffice for now. May the Creator of all bless you and hold you close. I like the way you worded that, I never quite saw it that way....thank you! Also prayer is all I ever could or would ask of anyone. welder19 Quote
MRobb Posted February 9, 2010 Posted February 9, 2010 Prayers sent from Florida. Good luck & God bless. Quote
kasper Posted February 20, 2010 Posted February 20, 2010 I here you brother, i to have been in simalar situation ,year round long line fisherman,stay at home wife,taking care of childern and the farm and then i was in a bad motercycle wreck dislocation of my neck 50%and 26 other bones brocken,4 months in the hosipital and then all that recovery.all we all have differnt paths,hills and corner.i pray your next corner is the you been waiting for.Best regards DAVE Quote
Frosty Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 You're on the list here Welder 19. Frosty, living proof prayer works. Quote
welder19 Posted March 23, 2010 Author Posted March 23, 2010 Well I wish I could post something more positive but unfortunately it is not the case, things have not improved much and now the only thing that is keeping me from loosing my house is that I have had to resort to selling things which was going fairly well but now has come to a stand still. If you would'nt mind saying a prayer or two that will send some buyer's my way I would really appreciate it, I have a couple larger items that really need to get sold in order to keep up with at least the mortgage. The good Lord has gotten us this far and I trust him to get us through this one way or another but he does like to hear prayers so I figure a few more from some of you folks might certainly help. Thank you! welder19 aka Jeffrey W. Hyer and family, just in case the Lord doesn't keep track of our on-line handles ;) Quote
Bentiron1946 Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 Jeff, I have been praying for you on and off but I guess that I need to be more faithful about it, sorry about that. Keep us up to date on how things are going. Jerry ;) Quote
welder19 Posted March 30, 2010 Author Posted March 30, 2010 Thank you!! I've managed to sell just enough each week to get us by but of coarse I'm going to run out of stuff to sell eventually, but I know the good Lord will see us through. I sold my sheetmetal brake which was tough to do but that lump sum was a big help, if I can get my quad sold and my big Snap-On tool box then I would really get a few months of relief. It's really tough watching all the things I spent so many years breaking my back (litteraly) to get but I try and be positive and look at it as at least I have the stuff to sell to help get me by. Well I don't want to sound like I'm complaining so I will again thank you all who have sent up a prayer or two for me and hopefully I'll be able to post some good news soon. And if there is any one looking for a 4x4 quad or big Snap-On tool box then by all means pm or email me and I'll gladly show you what I have. Thanks & God bless Jeff/welder19 Quote
chyancarrek Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Hey Jeff, You're still on the list here! Hang in there buddy - it's gonna get better! Quote
welder19 Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 Thanks guys, I really appreciate it! I may have a potential buyer for my quad....I hope so, that will get my bills up to date and maybe even another months worth. I can't even describe how much of a blessing that would be. Thanks, Jeff/welder19 Quote
Bad Creek Blacksmith Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Welder 19, You are on the list, I'll be praying every day for you and your family. I've been there and know how it feels. I'm going to give you some advice and please use it... first off write a hardship letter to social security, your attorney's should send it out just explain all your financial problems and ask them to speed up your claim. I did this and next thing I knew I was awarded my SS and didn't have to have a hearing. If you haven't applied for any kind of financial assistance through your county (food stamps, help with utilities,etc.) do so.....I know it's hard to do but you have to be humble and just do it. Remember you pay taxes which goes for this type of stuff. There is a lot of lazy people taking advantage of these programs that are perfectly healthy, so why shouldn't you receive money that you have payed in by working hard. Good luck and keep us informed. Paul Quote
welder19 Posted April 3, 2010 Author Posted April 3, 2010 Paul, thanks for the advice and the prayer, I need both. I have heard about writing a hardship letter to SS and I have started to write one, it's good to hear it worked out so well for you, with any luck maybe I'll have the same luck. I have tried to get help through the state but with little to no success, I did manage to get food assistance and have applied for utilities assistance. For no good reason they denied me for cash assistance, even though at the time we had zero income and now my wife finally found a job so they definitely won't give me any even though she is only making $8.50 an hour which isn't even enough to pay the mortgage, the system does not by any means work the way it should and so much money is wasted and handed out to so many people who don't need or deserve it that there isn't enough left to help the people who really need it and so many people are out to get somthing they don't deserve and to scam the system so that is way you get treated when trying to apply for any of it, it doesn't matter that I've been working on the books and paying taxes since I was 13 and have never even so much as collected an unemployment check.....sorry don't mean to complain, just blowing off some steam. So with the hardship letter, I should write it but have my lawyer send it in? Thanks, Jeff Quote
pkrankow Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 So with the hardship letter, I should write it but have my lawyer send it in? Thanks, Jeff You want it reviewed so it says, means, and reads as it is intended. Use of fancy language may not be good idea, but clearly state your situation, stick to the facts and include documentation where appropriate. I agree it is a shame that some people can leach the system without contributing, but upstanding individuals who worked hard and payed taxes get denied. Phil Quote
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