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I Forge Iron

Ted T

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Duchesne, Utah
  • Biography
    Welder/Blacksmith for over 50 years an a dull uneventfull life
  • Interests
    UFC Fighting
  • Occupation
    Retired -- Mostly tired

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  1. I will never forget that Frosty. We were so glad that you made it!
  2. I am still kicking, and greatfull for the support that Glenn and I Forge Iron has provided to me over the years. So I just wanted to take a minute say Thank You!
  3. Recently due to my wife experiencing serious health issues, Neurological Technicians were sent to our home to set up equipment to monitor my wife’s health. When the last one left, he took more than he brought with him. HE TOOK (STOLE) HER WEDDING RINGS AND A DIAMOND BRACELET THAT I GAVE HER WHEN WE GOT MARRIED FIFTEEN YEARS AGO ON THE 15THOF FEBRUARY. It was the perfect crime. The medical community has harbored them, and will not Provide any information about the people they sent into our home. They will not even provide information to the Sheriff’s Department. I watched my wife silently process what happened, and it was heart breaking for me to see her. I write this knowing that only a few people will read this. But if it gives you a “HEADS UP ABOUT BEING VERY CAREFUL ABOUT ALLOWING ANYONE IN YOUR HOME,” it will accomplish what I wanted to do. KEEP IN MIND: they came wearing their official medical clothing, representing “the distinguished medical profession” that somewhat disarmed me. So Now: “IT IS TIME TO GET UP AND DUST MYSELF OFF” I was a blacksmith (by trade and as a hobby) for over 60 years. As I got old and ill, I no longer had the strength to forge. After I become ill, I specialized in forging small items, and the trick was to learn how control heat with small stock, and that is what made it a challenge for me. As opportunity would have it, several years ago my wonderful Mormon neighbors ask me to make them some Horseshoe Nail Rings that they called a “Prairie Diamond Ring”. The Mormon Pioneers were frugal, and made due with what they had as they crossed the prairie to come to Utah. Over the past few years I have made close to 500 rings that they give out when they travel (called the Trek) part of the Mormon Trail. SO NOW IT IS MY TURN. I forged out a “Horseshoe Nail Wedding Ring” for my wife. I forged the head and crown of the nail into a heart shape. She is happy, and then, so am I.
  4. Hello Blacksmiths! It has been a while, so I am no longer familiar with the protocol used in “I Forge Iron”. I am hoping this would be an appropriate place to post this. Aging and illness has taken a toll on my body, so I am no longer on my “A” game of life. It is now more like I have used the whole alphabet and I am down to my “W” game. I am getting pretty close to 80 so I am just proud to still be here. With that being said, “I WANTED TO THANK GLENN WHO HAS NOT FORGOTTEN ME, ALL THOUGH I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO BE ACTIVE ON THE SITE”. Cancer, Heart Failure, and as a result, Kidney failure, have been trying to have their way with my body. So it is an everyday battle to keep on the green side of the sod. GLENN HAS SENT ME ”T” SHIRTS SEVERAL TIMES, AND THE SPIRIT OF WHY HE WOULD DO THAT, BOOSTED MY SPIRITS. I want to show you one of them that seemed to be right on. 3 years ago I was given 6 weeks to live with cancer, and 2 years ago I was given 4 days to live with heart failure. I have had Radiation Therapy, Chemo Therapy, and then several surgeries for cancer and also for my heart. I now have a 2-year old experimental Aorta Heart valve that is struggling. A series of undeserving miracles interceded, and I am still alive. This shirt that Glenn sent me, reflects my expression of gratitude!
  5. Coding of Steel I write the following just as a matter of discussion in response about the “dilemma about color-coding steel”. I have been out of the business of blacksmithing for about 10 years. I was involved with blacksmithing for over 50 years. Cancer and a few other things limited my ability to continue. Glenn Connor of “I forge Iron” has treated me like a king all these years although I have not been active on I Forge Iron. This is why am attempting to respond about your issue. At one time, I was a government (Industrial) blacksmith, and then over my lifetime I have had three different welding and blacksmith shops. So I am speaking just from past memory and “ONLY MY EXPERIENCE”, WHICH MAY NO LONGER BE VALID. In simple terms, “Uniformity of Coding of Steel” was a problem for me years until I trained under a “Repousse’ Artist Nahum Hersom (1918-2011) of Boise Idaho. GRANDPA WAS A TASKMASTER AND A GREAT TEACHER. He said “KEEP IT SIMPLE” about Steel Color Coding: Color Coding is only as accurate as your understanding about the coding details given by from the manufacture or the sales outlet. After that good Luck! So he taught me, and reinforced what I understood about “JUNKYARD METALERGY’. After that it was easy, I KEPT IT SIMPLE. If I bought new steel, I would follow their “KNOWN CODE” for heat-treating. If it were UNKNOWN (junkyard steel) I would follow my understanding of junkyard metallurgy. I apply “Sacrificial Testing” to (ALL) the steel that I am going to use in order to get the results I wanted. This will most likely not be of much help, but I wish you well in what you are doing!
  6. I agree with Glenn, although I would add one other question. What is the rate that you use the material? Material can take up valuable space in many shops, so prioritize how you use your shop space according to your needs. Tools take priority. I would suggest that you store 12” x 12” sheets (or smaller) on their edge (vertical) so you can just pull the selected size strait out of a bin. On longer sheets you may stack them, or just hang off of a chain with clamps securing the material as a means to keep it out of your way. Calculate “how much stock that you will actually use in a day, week, month, or year. Keep only the amount that you will “NEED” to use on hand, for quick access. Construct the size and number of storage bins according to your needs. Anything beyond that, just keep stacked in a dry area, or cover with a tarp. My best to you, that you may become the very best you can be, at whatever you choose to do!
  7. Thank you seldom, sometime things become more complicated with health issues than the norm. It has been a whole new challenge to keep all of the issues in balance. You might say; "The order of operations" have changed for me. But one thing has not changed, and that is my hope and encouragement for all of the members on "I Forge Iron" to move forward in developing their skills even if it is an inch at a time. One thing I would suggest is this: As you learn and apply each aspect of the forging skills that you acquirer by do them "Perfectly Each Time You apply it". Do it "S L O W" but correctly at first, so you are able to develop muscle memory, cell memory, and habit. Slow practice is how you develop high quality neural pathways, motor neurons, and smooth, efficient technique. Once you’ve got the neural pathways built and your technique is smooth and efficient, you can start increasing speed while maintaining accuracy. It is much harder to unlearn a bad practice, and then have learn to do it correctly. All of you have My Very Best Wishes here at I Forge Iron.
  8. Hello Ted,

    My old friend, it been a long time, I had to do something for myself and that was completed in December of 2016, since i am done I decided to look up my old friends. I have time to work on my blacksmithing stuff. I hope you are well, in health and spirt.

    I hope to hear from you soon.

  9. Marc1 and ausfire, THANK YOU! I am a blessed man. I see so many men who are laying in the VA Hospital, or who are stranded in life out here alone with no support, none what so-ever, and in many cases "NO HOPE" There is a saying that goes like this. "Hang onto dreams, for when dreams die, you are like a broken winged bird and cannot fly" Otherwise "HOPE" is valuable, and so it is also to be loved with the milk of human kindness. I have no problem speaking this way, my life has been spared many,many times. How does this have anything to do with blacksmithing? We (Brothers) come and go from "i Forge Iron" and life. Some get their feelings hurt, and some get very sick, and some die. You cannot forge if you are not in fairly good shape mentaly or physically. I can no longer do much over the anvil any more (being over the anvil was home to me). But there are plenty of skilled and kind blacksmiths found here at "I Forge Iron" to support anyone who visits, with skill issues. My focus is directed to the "BLACKSMITH his self! The Blacksmith is the brains of his operation. If the brain is not working well, ....... you know what I mean! I traveled the wonderful, and sometimes very rugged road of being a Blacksmithing for over 60 years. So I learned that many things can, and will try to derail you from this craft. I hope in some way (and I don't know how), to be able to chat with any one who may get discouraged and needs some help to keeping their life compass pointing toward success. Living on the other side of the planet is no issue. because if you think about it, we are only a thought away from each other. The greetings you men have presented me with this morning was like sunshine to me. This old sore body was given some positive fuel by your posts. And that is all I am talking about! You are doing the extended right thing (beyond your craft skills) to do as a person and as a blacksmith. And that is what I want to encourage you to continue to do for others! Thank YOU!
  10. Diddo. And Thank You Frosty! RLTW
  11. There are lots of very smart people in the blacksmithing craft. They have an issue, then they solve an issue. Then when we see the results of something they have done, we have to scratch our heads at times to figure out how or why? That has been the fun of 60 years of blacksmithing. I was able to see how truly clever other men and women were. This stacking design has been around for a long time. It will help a person adjust to the height that serves them best. Then they usually make it more permanent. Some will use sand. The blacksmith will adjust to what ever configuration his tools and equipment will allow. REMEMBER: A tool does not have a brain!!!!!!!!!!!! You furnish the brain, and what ever that does, "is under you supervision". So don't ever cuss your tools, but instead do some brain soul searching. The tools seem to work better! Bless oll of you. Think SAFETY FIRST, ALL WAYS! Your friend and neighbor: Ted
  12. Thank You Steve. Life is valuable. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said this: "We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now. Steve I truly believe we all have the same value, and we are not any good with out each other. Although sometime we are not always being who we was meant to be, if you look deep inside you will see love that is hidden, covered over with fear and hurt. I have seen it many times while ministering to the gangs and with people who are considered throw away people. Grandpa Jones wrote a song that contained the following last verse: "The only thing we take with us, is what we gave away". Just as everyone continues to give in many different ways here at "I Forge Iron", I try to do the same as all of you!
  13. Glenn, I just received a wonderful surprise from you. I now have a very nice "I Forge Iron" "T" shirt. It says (in some artistic design) "IRONHEART" with a heart held by some tongs. It don't get much better than that. Who says blacksmiths can't fix a broken heart? I believe that kind words from a blacksmith can go a long way toward fixing a broken heart. This jesture, and all who have spoke encouraging words help pave a very rocky path. THANK YOU"!!!!!!!!!! Ohhhhh, one thought. As soon as my huge mussels relax a bit, I will put it on, take a photo (wide lens of coarse) and post it.
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