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Scot sword ban


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govorning authorities can be like over-protective mothers sometimes. they take away bad toy's, they keep us from the out-side world. but one day they step over the line and the child snaps, then revolts, then things are never the same.
i just hope the govornment, not just American but all govornments see what can happen if they take away our rights, our personal defence, our money, and our freedom. i hope it never comes to the point where the people try to take control then make fools of themselves and only get people hurt.

well thats my deep thought of the day. hope i didn't offend anyone.

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Currently, the Massachusetts state laws allow any single edged blade of ANY length to be carried on your person, so long as it is not a switch-blade. If so, the length limit is I believe an inch and a quarter or so. I collect non-gunpowder weaponry, and currently have...well, let's count...*after a few minutes of counting*...44 knives and swords. They stay in my room mostly, except one which I carry on my person DAILY for work and whatever else I may possibly need it for. My father and I built a cabinet for my blades, to be hung up later this month, with a locking plexi-glass front. All of my "illegal" blades have the edges ground down to about a 16th of an inch to make them not have a sharp edge, and therefore not illegal. You can't have a double-edged blade without the "edge" part of it. I have 3 books about weapons and armor from almost any time period and all geographic places in the world. I both collect and study weapons, and hopefully armor soon, and am focusing my college studies on the history of feudal Europe, and feudal Japan (Knights and Samurai). I plan on expanding my collection as much as I can, buying more expensive and well made reproductions, and eventually authentic antiques. There are MANY objects that can be used as weapons that are in everybodies house, beyond kitchen knives. Books, pencils, scissors, glasses, a phone, etc. Just because something was originally made to BE a weapon, doesn't mean it it has to be used that way.

Done ranting now...

The End

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I like weapons. Weapons have been very, very good to me.

I am a retired US Army officer.

I have 25 years in law enforcement and the judiciary.

The Government can have all my weapons: firearms of various kinds and vintages; blades of many sizes and shapes; axes, 'hawks, clubs, hammers and other items both offensive and defensive in nature.

After they pry my cold, dead fingers from them.

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Ever wonder why there is not massive blood letting at a knife show? It is not the swoards and knives killing people, it is the people killing people. They been doing it since near the beginning of time.

Better hide your sticks and rocks, they will be next.

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Actually, if the gov't wants to save lives, ban CARS! Auto accidents kill more people every year than all gun deaths, and knives, and other weapons combined! I tend to hunt and fish by myself, hike by myself, etc, and the most dangerous thing I do, is drive down the dang road.

Bob Harasim
Coyote Forge

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Oh man!! This stuff really irks me. Being from Canada and having to put up with the gun registry, which has cost the taxpayer over several hundred million dollars - and edging towards a billion, and is still of no use to anyone, I resent the government telling me what I can and cannot own or have in my possession, be it firearms, knives, toilet paper or napkins.
Governments are not to be trusted with this kind of information. They will and do abuse it. Police here have defended the gun registry say they need it because they use it daily many times over. They also refuse to elaborate exactly why or what they do with the information. Although I have a lot of respect for the job they do on a daily basis, I don't think I trust them with lists of people who have weapons. Our glorious RCMP have, over the years, been successfully sued by individual firearms owners for illegal searches and seizures.
Don't give them an inch because they will then take as much as they want without you even knowing about it. I participate in several organizations here that fight against hunting bans and restruictions on persoanl ownership of firearms and other weapons. Unfortunately PETA has made some strong inroads with politicians in this country as well. This, as well, does not bode well for hunters.

Brian in Ottawa

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Prohibition of any sort has never worked and never will. We, the U.S., found that out in the 1920s with alcohol. All it does is provide a great source of easy income to anyone willing to violate the law and it does so at the expense and peril of the law abiding citizens. Usually these laws are rammed down the throat of the apathetic majority who oppose them by a very vocal minority who have the ears of the politicians. If the majority is not willing to stand up for what is right and what they believe in, they must be willing to live on their knees at the whim of their masters. Freedom is not free, at times it must be defended on the battlefield with weapons but more often it must be defended in the halls of Congress and/or Parliment with your time and effort. If you do not make your views known to your legislators, you will know what your opponent's views are when they are passed into law. If you are not willing to expend the effort to defend your rights, be prepared to lose them.


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No guns, now no blades? This is just sad ! Any armed criminal would be like a wolf in the sheepfold there. A ban such as this will never stop real criminals from hurting/ killing/mugging/robbing people. I think it is within reason that average Joe shouldn't own an atomic bomb but limiting the size & shape of his kitchen kinves or telling him he can't carry a pocket knife with a blade longer than 2 inches or making a family heirloom sword illegal to own seems to be going just a little too far. Armed rebellion hasn't been necessary in quite a while, but making sure the regular Joe has nothing more dangerous than a dull butter knife or a cricket bat sure does go a long way in making sure that the government in question will always be in power. Any loss of freedom is a bad thing, and reminds me of an old Dennis Leary/Wesley Snipes movie "Demolition Man" A whole society of wankers where everything from guns and contact sports, smoking and red meat has been deemed un healthy -thus illegal. Every Loss of freedom bring us closer to this horrible If rediculous vision of the future. Ok I'll get off the soap box now

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The most foolishly astounding thought, I have ever heard of is---We will pick-up all of the weapons and the bad guys will not be able to hurt or kill anyone.

I have encountered thugs in various places. One thought he was going to mug me, bare handed in a San Diego Airport restroom. He did not get along as he wished/wanted.

There is no such thing as a weapon, until the aggressor picks it up. There is no-limit to what can become a weapon at that time.

I have had friends down through the years that were dangerous to encounter. They needed no more than their arms and legs to be capable of permently ended an aggressors efforts to cause problems. These highly trained people were the easyist to get along with. I never, ever, heard of anyone of them being handled by the authorities. Even though they had the most weapons at their disposal

People. cause objects to be weapons. You can not pick-up all the objects.


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When I was at my first base in the Air Force, we had a surprise inspection at 3:30 in the morning. They took my martial arts weapons, staff, sticks, sai, because they were WEAPONS. SO, I take out my training knife, which is a dulled down butcher knife, run it across my bare leg, and say is this a weapon! Yup, they take that too. SO, me being me, I hold up my fist, with a one knuckle punch showing, and say, do you want to lock me up too? Now, this was in my room. My job was guarding nuclelar weapons, while carrying fully automactic weapons. But I couldn't have my martial art WEAPONS in my room, while I COULD have a pool stick or bat or rock? In the military, there is a right way, a wrong way, and the military way of doing things. Guess which way is used.

Coyote Bob

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Its sad. In Australia, they have all but banned guns, claiming that it will reduce crimes. Currently,you have to have your gun registered, and they are just hurting legal gun owners. THE PEOPLE WHO USE THEM TO HURT DONT REGISTER THEM!

I'm glad I live in a state where our second ammendment rights are well protected. No registering(except for special weapons, like full auto and silenced, you need a special license), and none of that BS. Only a background check, which I fully support.

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I had a bumper sticker once when I was in high school that said "if you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will have them." The principal asked me to remove it from my car...Another thing is how the word "weapon" is used. Lots of people have made the points already about martial arts... One definition of the word is "any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting". So in my book my .357 is not a weapon until I point it at someone, or something with the intention of harm. Same as my ball pein hammer. Makes great spoons, and brings my little leaves to life until I use the ball to smack someone between the eyes for asking me "is that hot?"!!!

my .02 worth...

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Grarr. Im mostly liberal, but there are liberal ideas I dont like. This is ridiculous. Some people call me a hippy liberal, based partially on where I live. I correct them, and say , No, Im a guntoting hippy liberal. Weapons are about the only place I dont share liberal views.

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A quote from a book written by Louis L'Amour. "Man has within himself the most powerful weapon ever developed - the human brain ". We had better not let anyone know that we carry these, or they'll try to confiscate them too !


They already are...

via Cable T.V. :o
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How many of us have taken a screw driver out of a box and tried to stick it in a board or just tried to stick anything in something. I admit it and boy was my Daddy upset when he found it stuck in the wall of the shop. I found out that day how to respect tools and use them properly. I guess what I'm trying to say is if people were taught how to use guns and knives properly and the ones who didn't use them right were punished like they should be, instead of maybe getting a slap on the wrist. The rest of us wouldn't be walking around wondering when they were going to take away or hammers and pencils or anything that might cause potential harm (like a cup of hot coffee in the face). My 2 cents worth.

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Parphrased News report:

"A man was recently detained while boarding an airplane. Found in his possession was a compass, a slide rule, and a pair of dividers. It was later discovered that the man was from the elite group known as Al-ge-bra. He was detained for transporting weapons of math instruction."

Yes, this is a joke, but its not too far off base from where this world is going :(

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