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I Forge Iron


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    Traverse City, MI


  • Location
    Traverse City, MI, USA
  • Interests
    Blacksmithing, card weaving

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  1. "..For all the effort involved, I really only need to find one person who likes the knife enough.." and how much is enough ??......
  2. Horse shoe coat rack ... with two horse shoe hoof picks in front
  3. Never seen copper look that color before .... interesting ......
  4. Can't get this idea out of my head. Was thinking of an exhaust fan in the wall, just above the coal forge firepot, to vent all instead of the traditional chimney arrangement. Unorthodox maybe, but it should work just fine ..... wouldn't it ? I'm going to be building a new shop and that thought popped up on me. Seems it would suck the smoke and fumes out just like a conventional side draft setup. .... (waiting to hear Frosty's input ) ....
  5. hmmm......seems I have had success with forging the hammer to shape, punch the eye, drift to size, heat to nonmagnetic, quench, heat w/ torch in and around the eye 'til the colors run.....fully quench at a light bronze on the faces. All in a nonstop sequence, one session one hammer head.
  6. shucks, by the thread title I thought he just needed a woman.... my bad
  7. SpeedyMetals.com has 1045 in 2" square, 24" = $61.78; also 4140 cold rolled 24" = $76.75 or de-carb free 24" = $96.92 I used Arlo Steel and Peerless steel to get 8' lengths hammer material
  8. I prefer 1 3/4" square stock for hammers.....almost anything 1045 - 1080 carbon steel can be used....also O1, 4340, 4140, as well as other alloys
  9. remove another frustration in your life...you don't need no more anxiety.......start with a 100' x 200' cavern inside a stone mountain and go fer it !!!!!
  10. doesn't matter the maker.....how much the guy want for it??
  11. hey kid .... is "threading the ends" the same thing as tapping them ??
  12. my solution to that problem is fairly simple. I make sure they understand that if they later cause me troubles, I'll just ....... ummm, nevermind
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