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I Forge Iron

Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

  1. Looks like you are well on the way to producing charcoal on a massive scale.
  2. It really sounds like the tank is freezing up to the point the propane is not vaporizing well, very common with a 20 pound tank. Try placing it in a container of water to see if it helps. If it doesn't help continue on with Buzzkill's suggestions. I always try easiest first.
  3. Hi welcome aboard. I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum with tips like editing your profile to show your location because we won't remember it once leaving this post. READ THIS FIRST As far as using ITC-100 in a forge, it is not the best due to rapid heat cycling and very expensive. It's designed to use in large furnaces to keep items from sticking. A better choice would be Plistix 900F or Metrikote.
  4. That would be a Champion blower. Have you tried any of the advice given? Pictures of the blower with the cover off.
  5. That would be use the grinder as designed and if you want a buffer get one designed for that. I can see a 2X72 belt grinder in your future.
  6. Don't know if this member is still active but he may be able to help.
  7. When I was stationed on a Light Station (Lighthouse) the main light had mercury as the bearing, which the rotating light floated on. The mercury had to be strained annually. The first time I did that I didn't realize how heavy mercury is. I pulled the drain plug and 50 pounds of mercury came pouring out and took the bucket out of my hands, with the mercury running down 135 steps to the ground floor. I swept it all up and strained it with out any PPE.
  8. That is the way our address is set by the 911 re-addressal does our addresses. The problem we had with them was they showed our drive way as the county road so we had traffic through our front yard for a long time. The driveway is a half mile long to the house and a quarter mile to the other entrance (a big circular drive up the hill). I had to put a sign out (with a barricade) that said Private drive no outlet, your GPS is wrong. It took us about a year to get all the mapmakers (Google, Map Quest etc) to change the maps. In the 38 years we have lived here our address has changed four times, started out as Rt 5 box # then Rt 7 then CR 594 box # to what it is today. Caused a lot of problems when we applied for a loan with the bank saying we moved around too much. ?????
  9. I don't have a clue, but I think my wife has hit the nail on the head. An antique deep throat magazine stapler.
  10. Welcome aboard... I always recommend reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST What others have said works, a good cleaning unless there is damage to a gear which will be apparent when the cover is off. A couple of pictures of the blower will help and knowing where in the world you are located will too. Is there a name or numbers on the blower? Is it hand cranked or electric? If you don't have access to PB Blaster or Kroil, a 50/50 mix of acetone and automatic transmission fluid will work just as well if not better.
  11. With the forum running so slow lately, I'm sure moderation is running a little behind. Now that the forum is back to normal, so will the moderators.
  12. If that is a picture, I can't open it either.
  13. Welcome aboard Marshall, I sure the forge/burner gurus will be along shortly with advice. In the mean time I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum READ THIS FIRST It will help you in getting the best out of the forum with tips like editing your profile to show your location because so many answers depend on knowing where in the world you are located. Other tips like resizing pictures and some to help in staying off the moderators radar.
  14. Welcome aboard Armand... Have you read this yet? READ THIS FIRST It will help in getting the best out of the forum with tips like editing your profile to show your location because so many answers require knowing where in the world you are located. There are many other tips some will help staying off the moderators radar.
  15. That's why it is rolled out of the shop before quenching. I never oil quench inside.
  16. Yep, me too and it can be rolled outside to eliminate any chance of burning down the shop.
  17. When I was in the USCG '64-'68 we used tons of red lead primer without any PPE. Maybe that's what is wrong with me.
  18. Welcome aboard Billf...I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. It's full of tips like editing your profile to show your location because so many answers depend on where in the world you are located... READ THIS FIRST there are many others some will help in keeping the moderators happy.
  19. My wife says squirrel when something distracts her.
  20. All of your axe's and hawks are to be proud of for sure. I really love the wrought & 5160 one that would be a favorite.
  21. All of your knives are outstanding. Love the paring knife, reminds me somewhat of a Karambit (although not curved. I have a Saex that I started with the ring for a pommel, I really need to finish it and my wife has a Karambit she needs to finish also.
  22. Glad to see ya posting Tommie. We had chickens that free ranged for a while but living in the woods the predator problem thinned the flock in short order. Never could get the roost shed varmint proofed.
  23. Welcome aboard. We won't remember that once leaving this post, hence the suggestion to edit your profile to show your location in this thread. READ THIS FIRST It will help with other tips as well. Sorry I can't help with the question but I'm sure folks who are familiar with melting brass will be along shortly.
  24. OK I had to resize the picture to get it to upload. You can see the forge in the background with the blower below connected to the manifold under the forge. This is looking at the end. The manifold outlet is behind the tool rest one on each opening. That's my wife looking in the forge from the other end.
  25. Welcome to IFI Christina. Have you read this yet? READ THIS FIRST I always suggest it to get the best out of the forum and it will help in staying off the moderators radar. I have a lot of experience with pawnbrokers. What did you need to know about?
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