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I Forge Iron

John in Oly, WA

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Everything posted by John in Oly, WA

  1. Beautiful work! As usual! White bakelite huh? I only ever remember seeing it in black and browns, but long after WWI.
  2. So, it sounds like it's made for gas BBQs and patio heaters and the regulator can't be removed or bypassed. If so, I'd think it wouldn't work for a gas forge - pressure is too low.
  3. Do you know what the pressure setting is for the regulator on the top of the tank? I'm assuming it's not adjustable. What do you mean it just pops on and off? Does it remove and leave the hose connected to the tank and functioning? If so, is it just a protective cap and not a regulator at all?
  4. I don't have a multi-burner forge, so no experience to speak from, but could you make that second burner removable and cap off the holder tube when you're not using both burners?
  5. That's okay, I didn't either til I started putting gas pipe together to build my forge.
  6. On a side note: Get the yellow Teflon tape, it's made for gas. The white stuff is made for water.
  7. Nice list of tools to have made. I'm on the other side of that list - starting to think about making some of those. LOL
  8. Beautiful knife. I like the woods you chose for the handle.
  9. I like the shape of the scales. You attached the scales just using epoxy?
  10. Nice! Looking good.What a fun use for an old file. I've only made one knife in my life. I made it years ago in shop class in high school. It was from a thick old file. Had to hammer it thinner to start with - a lot of hammering. I quenched it in water - mainly because I had no idea what I was doing and was just following the shop teachers instructions.
  11. Very cool videos. Thanks for posting those. That class looked great! What a lot of tools made in four days. What kind of steel was your hammer made of?
  12. And some of the worst YouTube videos are ones similar to the description above where the person starts the video with something like, "I'm making this video to show people how to do..."
  13. Very nice Theo! Unique look to it. On your 3D printing, could you describe that process briefly? Like what kind of filament you use? How well it burns out - at what temp? What resolution your printer gets?
  14. Ah, Emma Peel. The Allies (local Seattle band) song Emma Peel on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kskwZW9iQNM Not sure if a link to YouTube is okay. If not, I apologize and please remove.
  15. I'm not familiar with Diver Dan. Did he have a Lambchop character too? I remember watching Lloyd Bridges and Sea Hunt
  16. Thanks for that info Rogue. I just checked my phone - it's old, doesn't have that feature. I'll check my son's phone tonight and see if it has that feature.
  17. You mean Sherry Lewis and Lambchop? Yeah, old enough to have watched them too. But I won't mention Wanda Wanda or JP Patches (local TV personalities).
  18. Ah, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is also in the functionality of the holder. LOL They look pretty fine to me.
  19. Nice looking hammer. Sounds like a lot of work to move that metal. 7 lbs. though WOW! - I have trouble swinging my 4 lb. for very long.
  20. That is a great video demonstration. I've thought about wanting to video something like that with my anvil, but don't know how to slow it down like you did (or increase the frame rate, as the case may be). I think my anvil is about 70% rebound though. Now I want an anvil like yours! LOL
  21. Is that a ball bearing or a rubber super ball? That's amazing rebound!
  22. If you're hitting more on the top edge, is your anvil height a little low?
  23. Yes, guess I'm that old too. "Help, Cecil! Help!" "I'm a-comin', Beany-boy!"
  24. Yes indeed! I am one that will always be in the "learning from others" stage. But I'm loving this obsession, even though I haven't done anything but build tools so far. I've got to get done with that, or take a pause in that - probably will always build tools - and get back to firing up the forge and shaping hot metal.
  25. It's good to have a healthy obsession! That is one very nice shop! And congratulations on the progression of your obsession, and to future success.
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