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I Forge Iron

Michael Cochran

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Everything posted by Michael Cochran

  1. Thanks everyone for your tips and comments. I haven't taken the time as yet to try anymore. Things have just been a little too hectic lately but that'll change soon and I'll be able to get back in the shop for another go. I still haven't figured out how to get steel from the local supplier when they close at 3:30 in the afternoon and I'm still at work for at least an hour after that most days.
  2. I've been trying all day to be nice and not say just that. Thank you, Frosty for doing it for me.
  3. Looks more like it would be a drop point hunter with a funny ground tip. I have a question about the holes. Why did you drill that last one right next to the tang? I'm guessing you're planning on hiding it with the guard but I'm not sure.
  4. I have a few joints including my shoulders that will catch mid movement and then pop free. Most of the time it's after a long strenuous day, lots of heavy lifting or too much time with my arms over my head will do it.
  5. It doesn't look too bad. Looks will come with practice im learning this myself. I'm trying to learn to make bottle openers but so rarely have pop tops around it's hard to test them lol. i would like to remind you to watch your language, we try to keep this forum rated G since we have several younger members and some here have children that look at things posted on here. I've seen a couple get kicked for bad attitude and language.
  6. I didn't plan on scrapping the yet. Even if I don't ever get around to making them usable I'll probably keep them. Then when my son gets older if he decides to take an interest in smithing I can show him a progression. I know seeing that right from the start would've helped me some. I started down this slippery slope because I saw somethin on tv that caught my attention. Next thing I know I watched hours of videos on YouTube where so many people make it look deceptively easy. I know better now, obviously, but my failures could be good teaching tools later on.
  7. On a different note has anyone else noticed the influx of new members wanting to make swords over the last few days? I wonder if it's in any way related to this show? lol
  8. I see the point in worrying a little but as Ronin points out the only kill tests were done on the swords so I'm not too worried. I doubt we will go back to carrying swords daily as we (people in general) did once upon a time. As far as knife carry goes, last I saw, it's pretty much illegal (by my understandin of the law) to carry any fixed blade here in Alabama. They're all lumped into one category, fixed blade=weapon. I find that a little upsetting since I like to carry a good fixed blade seeing as it's more useful on occasion then most 'pocket' knives are.
  9. Could always build a hearth and melt it and reduce the carbon content. Then you might be able to do somethin with it. Goin that route involves years of research and loads of charcoal and several heartbreaks before you even get close. id just take it to the scrap yard and buy myself a drink with the money.
  10. Thanks, Francis, I'm liking them more but still not even close to what I want. Curse this OCD. I did manage to draw the reins down some more but stopped when I started seeing a crack or tear on one side. I though about takin my stick welder and puttin a little in there and forging it down to blend it but I haven't decided yet. I'm probably just gonna make another go, it's not like the extra practice is gonna hurt any. Btw the bolt tongs are not made by me, just wanted to clarify just in case there was confusion. I have three of them I'm assuming we're made by the same guy 50-60+ years ago.
  11. I've welded up a couple billets from old sawzall blades. It just takes a little prep work like anythin else. In fact that was the first stuff i welded up in the fire and I find it easier than mild steel.
  12. Id imagine that's goin to depend on what type of blade you're makin.
  13. You you should start with knives before you get to excited about sword making. If you read the various posts and stories under the various bladesmithing sub forums you'll have a much better idea what you need to know. My advice and the advice others will give is read and study and start small. Once you get proficient with smaller knives then you can consider moving on to bigger and better things.
  14. I've made several knives of varying quality and still am not confident enough to try a sword. I would say 1/8" is much to thin to start with. i would suggest doing as mentioned above and doing some readin. Lots and lots of reading.
  15. I'd suggest looking around until you find one you like and get some general measurements off of it to base your sword.
  16. I have a lot of drawing and tapering ahead of me before these are done. If I had some fuel, other than the wood scraps I have, I'd consider welding the reins on instead. I need the practice so I'll keep my complaints to a minimum . thanks for the comment, dogs. Believe it or not that helps. I'm really critical of my own work and flaws of any kind drive me crazy no matter how insignificant they might be.
  17. I should've taken the hints and not clicked on those videos but I didn't I really like the one Ronin shared since I have a habit of watchin that crap when I can't go to sleep. Can't imagine how well I'd sleep if that happened while I was watchin at two am lol.
  18. As usual I ended up messing up the last attempt. I started another since I was already warmed up. I watched about half of technicus joes 'flat nib' video again and went at it while it was fresh in my mind. I think this time was the best looking attempt and hopefully when I finish drawing out the reins they'll still look good. Here's where I'm at now (my 5th attempt in the last two weeks).
  19. I dont have experience with power hammers but I'd suggest bolting it down. When 25lbs+ starts moving up and down I'd imagine it's gonna want to walk some. I might be wrong about that but I think the bolts are a safe way to got either way.
  20. I've done that a couple times lol. The most recent time wast last Sunday when I saw a crosspien (might've been 20oz) and a couple other small hammers at the flea market.
  21. Ok, I did make time yesterday to try fixing the tong blanks i show above but ended up with one of the bits almost tearing off so I gave up on that set for now. Today I decided to go back to basic flat jaws and played at it for a little while. After burning all the wood I had sized for the forge and being wet enough to look like I was playing in water I decided to call it a day. Btw my wife gave me a hard time because appearantly we've been under some kind of heat advisory and its 90+f and I'm in my shop playin in fire lol. Here's where I'm at right now, if anyone sees any obvious problems please let me know.
  22. Was it your first time playin in fire? Those hooks look pretty good. What was wrong with the cut off when you got it?
  23. Let me look and see if I still have some. If I do I'd be willing to send some for you to try if the size will work.
  24. The attic is definitely no place to be when its that hot out. I've been in them when it's in the upper 80s and I'd rather not do it again.
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