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I Forge Iron

Michael Cochran

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Everything posted by Michael Cochran

  1. No, Frosty, you don't have to tell me about the air hose but thanks for mentioning it some might not know. I've seen dust blow up in a 20' cloud from just a quick puff from a compressor so I definitely don't wanna do that with bad stuff. Nor do I want to risk 'injecting' it as a result of the high pressure pushing it into my soft tissue.
  2. Ciron, try calling a brick yard. We just built a house last year and got firebrick and the mud for the fireplace from a local brick yard. I think the brick were $7 each and the mud was somethin like $40 for a 30lb(?) bag. Obviously your prices will probably be different but at least now you have another place to look.
  3. Ok, I'll just throw them to the side until I can figure out a safe way to handle them.
  4. This is why I like it here. I'm looking at bottle openers and learn about more things that can kill me I never knew about chrome just lead and zinc. Most of what I put in my forge is old an rusty anyway so im not too worried. Like I said though I have a habit of putting old wrenches in there. I have people that give me old wrenches from time to time and I just looked for zinc but I guess I'll grind a layer off before I heat them.
  5. Thanks, Michael, I now know what to look for to learn more about my new screwdriver.
  6. So we're talking 1950s? I first saw the screwdriver as potential punch stock until I looked it over a little and thought I'd better ask about it first.
  7. I'm glad you guys shared that, I never knew chrome was bad. I'll keep that in mind next time I put a wrench in my forge (something I do regularly).
  8. The other two chisels look homemade (cut and ground) from a wrecking bar but this one had me baffled. I'm just assuming it's a chisel but with one side flat and the other side rounded over like that I'm at a loss.
  9. Yesterday I had a woman give me some of her ex-husbands tools that he left a few years ago and hoped someone might could help me out with a couple of them. I know that she gave me two chisels and I think a third but I'm unsure. And I know this thing is a flat head screw driver but I've never seen a handle like this and hoped someone could shed some light on it for me.
  10. I can't give you a accurate answer. I've never really payed attention. I can tell you that it'll be different under different circumstances like general forging as compared to forge welding. Most of the time I'm welding I burn charcoal and lately I've been using a lot of scrap wood as Charles suggests instead of throwin it in the burn pile and buyin charcoal. I can say if I'm in my shop doin small stuff I can be out there for six hours or so and still have some charcoal left from an 18lb bag. I tend to leave my air goin and waste fuel while workin the piece.
  11. Water helped some but I never put much, just enought to keep from every bit of charcoal from burnin at one time. I've used royal oak and cowboy brand. I've heard some people have problems with garbage in one or the other but I haven't had any trouble with either.
  12. It has been mentioned already a couple times that if you show us a picture it'll help more than words. You know the old saying 'a picture is worth 1000 words'? This is one of those things where's it's especially true. Take some time and take some pictures of your forge so we know just exactly what you're workin with then someone might be better able to assist you. I use charcoal and I've never had 12 hours of heat from one bag even using a little water around the edges.
  13. Thomas, I haven't given up finding steel from a scrap yard. I still have yet to find one I can afford the drive that sells to the public. I have a couple I haven't been able to remember to call just yet. One of those always has cool stuff when I go to drop off some of my old junk.
  14. I believe I've seen every episode of every Star Trek made. I only learned that the first episode of the original series was not what I knew of and was instead the one you mentioned. I then had to find it and watch it. Lol I'm a Trekkie but not one of those extreme types that runs around dressed and acting like I'm part of that world.
  15. I finally made it out to the Cullman forge today and I have to say I had a good time. I met some good guys and watched a few things and spent most of my time there standin right next to The Other Dave and didn't even realize it till close to the end lol. I look forward to more visits in the future as being able to have realtime feedback is really nice to have. Thanks Dave for your help with my chisel slitter and center punch.
  16. Have you blown out the burners with compressed air? I'm sure someone here can help, I'm not much help myself but I'm tellin you what I did before mine started workin.
  17. I've finally felt out enough people's sense of humor to have and idea what I can get away with. If I had to assign blame I'd probably get in trouble so I'll keep quiet lol. I'd never guessed you were a fan of Star Trek.
  18. Check your burner tubes for obstructions. I just recently acquired an old gas forge that sat up for years and it had dirt daubers nesting in both tubes. The amount of air you're addin in might be too much but blown burners are somethin I know nothin first hand.
  19. I'd imagine you'll need to change the jet before anything else can be done.
  20. Any steel will make a good knife, unless you want some fancy features like edge retention, durability, etc.
  21. I built a paint can gas forge using a bernzomatic torch using mapp gas. It works ok but it is far from ideal. It was enough to left me know I liked gas but I have not switched fully.
  22. He's probably right, Spanky, I haven't been cute for 30 years lol. I'd love to get a better price but with limestone 85 miles away the price would have to be dirt cheap. I don't usually have but $20-30 to spend on this hobby for now and half of that would end up in my gas tank (15 miles/gallon isn't good for long drives lol). I'll keep them in mind if I ever find myself out that way.
  23. Next time I go I'll take a picture of the pile I went through. Some of the pieces were gently bent and some like the 1/2"X11" I got wouldn't take much to look like a giant horseshoe and it's all rusty from sittin out in the weather. Those details make no difference to me but I know they can't use it or sell it like that to just anyone.
  24. Frosty, I don't like causing anyone any trouble if I can help it. In fact I was told to find what I wanted in the pile and they'd send a forklift over to help dig it out if needed well even though what I wanted was at the bottom of the pile I dug it out before anyone could be bothered with a forklift. I could tell the guys were busy and even remarked to the guy in the office that they probably don't waste much time on us smaller buyers (just gettin a feel for the guys attitude) and he told me he loved dealin with smaller orders. I was actually told it was gonna cost $0.55/lb and I told him I could spend about $20 and that's what I payed at the end even though according to an online calculator my weight was actually closer to $30 and he didn't even question what I got. He had a yard guy help me get it inside to cut it and load it and I went to the office expecting him to ask what I got instead he just asked if I got what I needed. I told him I'd be all set soon as he told me what I owed him and he looked at me like I was stupid and asked, 'you said you couldn't spend more than $20 right?' I payed him thanked him and was on my way. Like I said they were good people and I'm looking forward to going back. I saw enough stuff in that pile to build me a power hammer a go cart for my son and all sorts of other fun projects.
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