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I Forge Iron

Michael Cochran

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Everything posted by Michael Cochran

  1. Glenn is probably the most powerful person on here. He owns the place and graciously pays the bills so that we can learn from those who are more experienced. Thanks, Glenn. I'm not sure if I've ever said it before.
  2. I used them at work assembling store shelving back in 2009. Never used them with any kind of smithing.
  3. I really hope that's a typo cause if it was almost 200f there it would be all over the news. ;)
  4. Nightmare was my favorite the first time around but he's made a few changes since I saw him last. The fireball and shrapnel was pretty exciting. If the rest of the season is anywhere near as good as what that first episode was then we are in for a real treat. I also thought it was pretty cool that the little girl with the lady bug has grown up and is still in it. She might be one to keep an eye on.
  5. Fox, if you look I went to put a rough 45 where the boss meets the reins. I messed up and put the 45 on there backwards. I'll probably just get rid of the 45 since I really only see that on flat jaw tong. Now that I've slept on it and had a chance to look at them with a fresh mindset I think they'll be fine. I think I was just havin a rough day and i let a few things get to me.
  6. I had a rough design too lol. What did you think about that first fight? Razorback vs Icewave. I thought that was a really good way to start out the new show.
  7. I appreciate the link, fox, I've watched several videos like that. My biggest problem today was simply not focusing on the task at hand. I might try again tomorrow and if I do im gonna make sure to keep my notes handy and pay attention to just what I'm doin right then.
  8. Thanks for that pointer, dogs. I'm headed to do a search now.
  9. I wouldn't run anything more than a wire brush across the face. That rust will start coming off the face just as soon as you start using it. It'll shine up real nice where you work your hot steel. If you do a search on here there are many topics much like this one with answer to all the questions you've asked and some you haven't gotten around to yet. Don't intend to sound rude, just making a suggestion.
  10. my half face blows are much improved over what they were a couple months ago. I credit that to the multiple attempts at making tongs in that time. So here's an attempt from today. I stopped part way through forging them when I noticed a small hiccup. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing because too many things running around in the back of my mind (work is slowing down, alternator went out on my car today wifes starter went out a couple weeks ago etc.). Instead of telling what I did I'll see just how many people are gonna see it and hopefully have suggestions for fixing it. Right now I have a couple ideas but idk how well they will work. Btw these started out as rr spikes I had lying around i cut the head off since my wood fire wasn't reaching welding temps (I ran out of coal last week and propane Sunday).
  11. Don't try to 'fix' the anvil. Chances are more harm will come to it then any good. It still has plenty of good left on it. Others will tell you what you can do to clean it up but mine still has the patina on it except for where my hot metal hits it.
  12. The one fellow had a very good looking blade given the small about of time. His knife he made in a few hours look better than any I've made and they took at least four times the amount of time that he had. Then on the other hand there was a guy there who managed to make what looked awful and I cannot blame mr nielson for not wanting to stab a steel drum with it. Those stress fractures could've given upon impact with the drum and them the pieces cause him physical harm. If his hands got messed up he couldn't make his blades, if he can't make his blades he's not making money. I doubt the show is paying him enough to compensate for months of lost production.
  13. DSW, you have a point that I didn't consider. I bought a bostitch (I think) and less than a month later it broke, I took it back and got a new one and again a month later it broke. After that I bought another different brand this time I got three months before it broke. I'd love to have some good old hard workin tools but don't ever see them for sale around here. People know better than to get rid of them lol.
  14. My son turns two next month when I was in school we were taught the metric system for about two weeks and that was it. I believe whole heartedly we should adopt it as a standard. It's already well know and used world wide but we and two other countries refuse to accept it.
  15. Looks like it's time to replace that one. I know you said the two of you have been through a lot but am sure others on here will agree there comes a time even your favorite horse has to be put down.
  16. My time in service is the only reason I can get a rough metric distance. I think if I would've stayed longer I'd be better but I did what I felt I needed to do and I got out. i do plan on teaching my son metric measures so he's not lost like most of us in the States are when someone from elsewhere mentions something be it distance temp etc.
  17. How it's made. It's on science channel now and I enjoy watching it whenever I can.
  18. It wasn't too bad but it could've been much better. I watched it all the way through and personally I had the winner pegged from the beginning. He seemed to have taken pride in what he did. Whereas the 'professional' didn't seem to know as well. Spanky, I agree the first one out should've been there one more round . I think the other guy with similar problems should've been the one to go first. ill probably watch another episode before I make a final decision of whether it's any good or not.
  19. Spanky it's about 64f. We have to remember to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit when most everyone here posts. Can anyone tell me why we measure everything different here in the US? I can convert weight in my head and I can get close enough on length for a general idea but not temp. I wish I'd learned metric when I was a kid.
  20. I have a porter cable that did the same thing to me. Even though I found a way to access the gear box I still couldn't fix it. Mine has a metal rod about 3/16 round that's bent over almost like someone tried to stop the spinning using the lock. I have a cut off wheel loaded at the time so I was able to just break it off enough to get to the screws. I'd suggest using one of those bent screwdrivers to get in under the wire and maybe you can get the screws that way.
  21. Thanks aisfire, for that lovely picture. I got up for work this mornin and checked the weather. It's still 75f (24c) and it'll be a comfortable 93f (34c) today. Unless they missed it again like usual then who knows what it'll be.
  22. The way I've been doin it is much like you described. One problem I keep encountering is my lack of attention to the fire when I get close to the end. I'll be making small adjustments and refinements on one side and forget about the other side being in the fire still. Needless to say I've burned a few pieces like that. I think part of my problem is rushing and trying to get too much done in one heat. Instead of getting stuff done I get it undone quite well. :)
  23. That seems like such a small amount to start with and be able to get much from. I'd imagine someone with more experience than me could make many more things from that than I. To be honest I can only think of a letter opener but I know there more I just can't think of anything. Im gonna make a few more attempts at tongs over the next few weeks and hopefully I'll find somethin come from my effort that im not too embarrassed to share.
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