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I Forge Iron

Jim Coke

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Everything posted by Jim Coke

  1. Greetings Joel, Beautiful piece of equipment. Thank you for your explanation and pictures. It is a fine example of leverage and the inclined plane to multiply force.. I can see the original use as being able to see how the dies and material perform prior to installation into a more rapid production press . Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  2. Greetings all, Just a fun accent that I have done on a few things.. A simple square nut under a hold down screw adds a new look . Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  3. Judson , Woops ... Bet between us both we could fill a book .. Some of what I have posted is still available . Press on
  4. Greetings Judson, As most who have followed I have posted many tools and fly press photos. Unfortunately due to a computer glitch most are lost. As I have learned there is no one stop shopping for reference to fly press tools.. It took years to develop my inventory of tools. I will try to list some as soon as I can take new photos . Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  5. Greetings Morokaye, Sometimes things make a better conversion piece than functional .. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  6. Greetings Harlow, It looks in very good condition. what are your plans for this hammer ? I have one that I use for a lawn ornament because l consider it dangerous for use in the shop.. I would do some research on what the hammer can do and it's limitations. How will you power the unit? Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  7. Interesting use of a vise that I have never seen before.. Pictures of your shop vices and screw press would clear things up.
  8. Michigan thoughts and prayers on the way.. I wish her well .. Jim
  9. For some just OK just does not cut it.
  10. Greetings Cold, Easy fix.. Just cut a shim out and put on the left side where the bolt goes through . About .020 normally works 2in square with a bolt hole.. No need to over tighten the bolt just snug.. It should align the vice jaws .. Give it a try. Forge on and make beautiful things, Jim
  11. Greetings and welcome Jordan, You have a lot of work to do to be successful at forging . First I would suggest alot of research on this sight for forge design. For starters move the cars out of harms way. Next your anvil height is way to high.. Others will chime in but a lot of reading is in order.. Take your time and you will do well .. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  13. Greetings and welcome American, Just firmly tap the face of your anvil with the ball end of a ball peen hammer. A dent will tell you what you have. You can also try a few strokes with a file . If the file slides off easy and does not scar the surface is at least hard.. I wish you well. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  14. Greetings Das, I use a large worn out grinding wheel from a Blanchard grinder . One swipe flat and all gone.. I would guess any one would work . Don't like liquids in the table. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  15. Greetings Andy. Your new space will serve you well . The only advice I can give you now is forget about painting the floor.. My favorite studio is one that is all white and lots of lighting. Have fun .. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  16. Greetings Blou, If you are going to purchase your metal from a supplier many times H13 can be purchased pre-annealed. If that is the case just bring it up to temperature after forging and let it air cool.. It will work just fine.. Like all punches they will need some touch up grinding after a while. Just this ol boys 2c. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  17. Daswulf, Long story on the arrow rock. A friend of mine ( a knapper ) gave me the arrow head after a Demo hammer in. We had a great time at the event and when he gave it to me I laughed and told him it needed some iron to be useful . The next day he had a drug reaction from his medication and passed away.. It is displayed in my studio and captioned .. LIFE TAKES MANY HARD CHANGES AND DIRECTIONS. I made it and put it in the spot where he was set up at the next years event. Jim
  18. Greetings Daswulf, i have made spring swedges for forming both sides of feather . Texturing an arrow head would work the same way . I would use small ball bearings welded opposed on the Spring swedge .. Good luck Forge on and make beautiful things. Jim
  19. Greetings Charles, I never heard the term FURNITURE use for a holding fixture .. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  20. Greetings John, In the past I have run a lot of rod and wire but I would sure like a week or so with you looking over my shoulder .. You are indeed an asset to this sight . I only hope others appreciate what you do . THANX Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  21. Greetings Andy, Looks like you have quite a project going.. Do you have a drawing yet on the mechanics of the water cooling? What will be the overall size of the forge? Lots of questions to come . Great build project and a buddy to watch you .. Have fun.. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  22. Greetings Forging Carver, What you have is part of a common bench mount vise anvil combo.. Cast iron with little or no value . Walk away .. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
  23. Greetings all. I get quite a few visitors to my shops throughout the year . Some ask why do I blacksmith and have so much equipment and tooling . They chuckle and refer to my things as junk to them. Sure enough it's not long before they show up on my doorstep saying I have a problem and am told you are the only one in the area who can make or fix it. I love to look up over my glasses and mumble . " Yep I have the tool or I can make it" Don't ya just love humble pie. Forge on and make beautiful things Jim
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