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I Forge Iron

George Geist

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Everything posted by George Geist

  1. You think of maybe dispensing with the welding formality? Get a damascus billet then cut and forge it to whatever you want George
  2. An interesting one you have there. Has a cliphorn but only one pritchel hole. Is sort of half blacksmith and half horseshoer pattern. I knew for a time they made blacksmith patterns with extra big horns for all purpose work, but never saw a real hybrid like that one before. Nice find. George
  3. In this part of the country those old wagon wheel tires were often used to make hinges. The real long strap hinges that can be seen on the old barns are still pretty plentiful. The stuff is where you find it like everything else. Is just a matter of keeping your eyes open and paying attention to detail of your surroundings. George
  4. Yeah I intend to use it. Trough weld. Is like I said I've not seen the stuff yet but I'll soon get some. Figure if not good for a rifle barrel it should definitely be good for something else. What little experience I have messing with iron I've loved the stuff. George
  5. Mr Powers, Question for you. One project I've had on back burners for a long time now is to build my own Pennsylvania Long Rifle. Yes I know there are various kits for doing that but they're essentially just a matter of assembly. I'm wanting to forge out the barrel and really do it right start to finish. To do so will require wrought iron. I located a place that has some old stuff from a bridge getting torn down that is exactly in the 3" width I was wanting. I know the information is kinda limited being as I haven't even seen the stuff yet but in your opinion would such structural type wrought iron be a good choice for a project like that? George
  6. What did you use for the clinch cutters? Leaf spring? I've used old rasps for them but really hate using old rasps for most stuff.
  7. Nice work Here's my knife: http://horseshoersforum.invisionzone.com/index.php?/gallery/album/1-hoof-knife/ Wish I'd have taken more pictures of more things. George
  8. Nice job on the stand. Looks like it should work out ok for you George
  9. I use a Forgemaster Blacksmith model. Was best gas forge on the market till the Hypona came along. I think if I were in the market for another gas forge I'd go with one of them. George
  10. Like that other guy said prices are up right now. Personally I'd pass on it because I have 5 other anvils and don't need any more. However, if that weren't the case and I wanted or needed another anvil I'd jump on it. It's a good one. Go ahead and buy it. It's only money you'll make more of it next week. George
  11. This guy has a real nice shop up in Montreal. He rents it for $5 an hour. He didn't go into too much detail about it though. Makes me wonder if it's for any smith or just people he trained? Interesting deal though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOx7m3D6guY George
  12. Only 2 things Blacksmiths can go to hell for- hitting cold iron and not charging enough. I was also told never work without beer George
  13. Also consider this. You really need not worry too much about hardies fitting your anvil. Whatever doesn't fit in your anvil will certainly fit in your vise George
  14. Is it clean? Good stuff? At that price it might be worth a trip from back where I live too.
  15. I notice there is some kind of credit financing deal on paypal too. Saw it on fleabay for something matchless antiques had up for sale. That could be an option as well.
  16. Also, Forgot to mention earlier but I'm sure on behalf of all of us thank you very much for your service sir. George
  17. Neat thing about those type of anvils is the stepped feet on them make for great upset blocks. Be sure whatever stand you make doesn't cover any of that up. Is interesting because those kind of anvils usually have church windows too. The fact that one doesn't is unusual.
  18. Put one on your credit card? Seller is happy he gets paid. Buyer (you) is happy being able to finance. Everybody's happy.
  19. This is pretty much what I was thinking. It looks like somebody else said Czech or I was thinking maybe Austro-Hungarian or south German but whatever. It's very possible the thing might be a casualty of war. Somehow it made its way to England though. If this stuff could only talk
  20. Is good that you've mastered this fundamental already. If heat control remains a problem I'd recommend a gas forge. George
  21. Did he Tig the root before stick welding the groove? Just curious as to how they did it. George
  22. I'd say on most contemporary anvils of 200# or less it's much more often than not 7/8". If not, is usually 1". Although there is no standardization it is I believe moving in that direction. George
  23. Looks like a real POS. Anybody try one yet? They just for export? George
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