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I Forge Iron



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I'll be praying for all the unemployed, I just came really close myself, the co. I work for, like a lot of others I'm sure, are looking to get rid of anyone they can to try and save a dollar, I've been at this place for 15 years and they tried to fire me, for political reasons mostly but also because I'm among the top rate employee's.
I've always been a little on the fence about the unions but they saved my job, well actually I think it was all the praying.


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Well ain't that the pits! Not the best way to start the week off. I will be praying for you and your family. It is almost harder on them then you. Just keep thinking about the sparrow. It has a lot of scratching to do before it finds something to sustain it but He knows about it's every move and yours too. He will not fail you. Praying for you, Jerry:cool:

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You are on my list here too. Hopefully it won't be long for you, I have been there myself and these days I think an awful lot of us are just waiting for that shoe to drop. Tough times. I know this sounds rough now because this sort of thing always seems to happen at the worst possible time but the big guy upstairs always has more in store for us than we know so keep the faith. Where you are tommorow will likely be better so in the short term, yea, that really sucks but in the long run these things have a way of working out for the better. Good luck. Dan.

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