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"I will never put my name on a plow that does not have in it the best that is in me." John Deere, blacksmith 

Deere grew up in Vermont where he received a common school education and served a four-year apprenticeship learning the blacksmith's trade. In 1825, he began his career as a journeyman blacksmith. In 1868, Deere's business was incorporated under the name Deere & Company. By then, the company was producing over 13,000 plows per year in the largest plow factory in the western states. 

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8 hours ago, Glenn said:

"I will never put my name on a plow that does not have in it the best that is in me." John Deere, blacksmith

“Especially not one that’s red.” John Deere, blacksmith 

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Ha; my Grandfather was a CASE dealer, first in his state; He was given a tractor when it was announced at the State Fair and drove it home ---150 to 200 miles back then.  Said the colour was great.  Farmers out in their fields would see it and had to come howdy with him about that funny coloured tractor.   He had sold a number of them by the time he got it home...Green is so you can hide it in the field when it's not working! 

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2 hours ago, Charles R. Stevens said:

Wise men must not argue with fools, as the bystanders can not tell the difference. 

i believe the say is "don't argue with fools since they beat you with experience" ... :)

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This one's mine. Idgit, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen!" . . Me, "No mirror?"

Another one I've always thought was . . . amusing. The guys who try to make you feel stupid by deliberately misunderstanding. How's that? YOU are the one who didn't get it and I'm stupid?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Believe me, I have to remind my self, “they aren’t stupid, their average”... 

a frightning realization in this age of the internet. 

I have no problem with folks not gifted with intelligence, they can’t help that as it was an unhappy coincidence of birth. And as ignorance is a treatable condition, I don’t mind the ignorant either. It’s the willfully ignorant, those who refuse to learn, those who glory in their ignorance that twist me off. In an age where one can sit on the toilet and access most of accumulated human knowledge (and unfortunantly its folly) from their IPad, I see little use for them. 

“When I nod my head hit it”..

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All this talk of fools reminds me of a few quotes,  everybody's favorite "A fool and his money are soon parted" which tells me to find out what fools in your area like to buy and start making it


Religious reference removed

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18 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Unfortunately on the internet it's "What we THINK we are capable of making; not necessarily what we ARE capable of making."

That's IT! The internet is the . . . Dunning Kruger super highway! 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Got to add in another; after a large number of PMs that should have been answered in the forums many times already and no forward progress that I can see. I pointed out that when I got started the internet didn't exist, there was only a few ABANA Chapters in the country, only a couple of books and they were hard to find---(see: no internet) and I knew nobody who was forging that I could learn from; but I went out and started to forge and made a slew of mistakes folks nowadays don't need to; but instead of worrying I might do it wrong I focused on DOING IT and learned.  So:


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I didn't have access in school I was working before it was anything but the military USENET and a how wrecking yards kept track of who had what, wrecking yards actually predated the airline's use of online bookings. Anyway it wasn't until the internet I learned about ABANA at all. 

Like so many things in life you have to DO blacksmithing or it's just a fantasy. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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I remember the RFP for a blacksmithing subgroup on the net news groups.  We had been hanging around in rec.crafts.metalworking... How proud I was of my *orange* monochrome monitor and getting a modem that could write to the screen faster than I could read...(4800, 9600, 14.4 kb!) least I never struggled with an acoustically coupled 300 baud one.

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