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I Forge Iron


George N. M.

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Thanks for the good wishes, prayers and all. I saw the joint specialist that did Deb's knee replacement and now have regularly scheduled exercises, meds and an articulated knee brace that lets it bend without turning, twisting, etc. It lets me sit up like this for going on 15 minutes now but I'm tiring and will break till I can try again. 

Don't bounce is right Charles I hit like wet laundry except for the screaming. 

I gotta lay back and let it straighten out now. Talk later.

Frosty the "Still Lucky"

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Thanks Paul, I finally got this far down the list of un opened posts. 

It's healing pretty much on schedule, it only hurts as a reminder NOT TO DO THAT! I'm at the phase of forgetting I'm injured and doing something stupid like pivoting on my right foot. High traction shoes are my bane at the moment. I'm at the point of moving around enough that my knee gets tired and achy come evenings. Lots of compensation going on to work muscles that don't do THAT.

This one is more a PITA than such a bad thing, other members have been injured so much worse it makes this feel like a sissy boo boo.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Yeah, I'm perfectly satisfied with the results of my TBI and don't wish to explore the next level.  Gravity has been getting grabbier for me for some time now, the busted peg makes it even worse. 

Let us know if you figure out where the Gravistat is and how to turn it down will you Thomas? I'll chip in if it takes a bribe.

Frosty The Lucky.

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