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I Forge Iron

It followed me home

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one day i was visiting a niehbor of mine and asked him what plans he had for the anvil i had seen from the road a week or so earlier.he stated that it belonged to his dad and since his kids never showed any interest in it hed see what his dad wanted for it,well this mans 90 yrs old and when asked he thought for a min and said i could have it.i tried 3 times for them to accept money for it and they wouldnt.we loaded it i cleaned it up and now have a 250#fisher anvil 1892.it works great and has been the begining of what i hope to be a usefull and enjoyable shop.they say good fences make good neihbors,i say friends make the best niehbors.

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How many of us have enough?

I have just discovered, under a pile of junk, a bench 4 metres x 1 metre with a steel frame and a wooden top. There are at least 5 shop vices bolted to the top of it. (They are low quality Chinese ones but you can't expect much else here can you?) I am determined to get that moved to my shop, cleaned, painted and the vices working smoothly before too long. I shall be able to give each student his/her own vice and just demo the techniques to them all and have them copy what I do.

I wonder how many people it will take to move it?

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We got a rebuilt CNC punch press machine at work with a crate of tooling. Was able to bring home the tooling we were not going to use. The crate is 30"x 48"x30". The tooling covers about 8" depth of the floor of the crate. All the tooling are S7. I take these to our meetings for iron in the hat and the members use them to make fly press tooling. Also pick up 2 overhead crane cables.





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I don't know if this is the correct place to post this. I know some guys don't want to believe some of my details- yes she does look like a film star, yes I do get paid to teach smithing etc. but I think I have got another annoying detail. They have relocated the vehicle dismantling and scrap yard to just across the road from the school. I shall have to cross a busy road to get there but am willing to make that sacrifice for unlimited coil and leaf spring, axles, gears etc. etc. Sorry guys but it is true. Don't you just hate me?

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While doing some code work at the local recycler wed, I got some unused black sprinkler piping in various sizes, 2, 3 and 4 inch, and next to the pile was a huge heap of cold roll wire strands, about 5 feet long, 3/16th, 1/4" and 3/8" just sitting there, shiny and new, never been touched. So of course I had to gather all I could afford, which ended up beingabout 200 lbs, so today I am going to do some exploring of possible projects for the wire strands, and make a couple candle cups from the piping.

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I had the holy grail of objects following me home once.........an anvil!!!!
We had stopped by to talk to one of the neighbors and somehow the conversation turned to my blacksmith work and he said well why dont you look at this anvil I got in the shed. I looked at it and he said well just go ahaid and put it in the truck I dont need it in here so I ontained a fairly good condition 110 pound anvil of unknown manufacture.

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You're definitely going to notice those potholes more but what the hey, now you've got more iron to pound on!!! ;)

Heck, rig a forge in the back and he could have a really unique power hammer! Work the iron between the axle and stops while driving on washboard roads. :rolleyes:

I wonder if the wife would notice the mod in the Saturn Vue? Hmmmm.

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