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Daswulf, if you need long skinny stirring spoons get the ones used in bars for mixing drinks - aptly called a bar spoon. They are 12" long and used in the tumblers. If you know someone who works in a bar, the can probably get you some, as many bars get them for free from various booze companies. 

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That was just a joke; I often pick up words or phrases and claim them as the name of my band or my last album or my hit song. An example that springs to mind is when I had just had my first visit to a Malaysian restaurant, which inspired the band name "Durian Milkshake".

The only band I've been in was a bagpipe band, playing the bodrhan.

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Phond memory of a great bowl of Pho and a Durian Milkshake I once had in Austin...

As for long spoons; I once forged a spoon as a gag gift of a lady doing medieval open fire cooking---it was a two handed battle spoon with a guard. Don't ask "Why a Spoon?"

John, I remember that Jethro Tull used to change their name all the time to get repeat bookings as their band wasn't so great  at first;  unfortunately(?) they were on "Jethro Tull" when they hit big and so had that name from then on---Horse Hoeing anyone?

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36 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Jethro Tull used to change their name all the time to get repeat bookings

The New Orleans rock band Better Than Ezra is reputed to have made a spur-of-the-moment decision to change their name at a battle of the bands, when they were scheduled to follow a performer named Ezra.

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57 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

bar spoon

I met someone who was opening a fancy bar in pittsburgh. He asked about me possibly making bar cocktail stirring spoons for him. I did end up just getting the stainless stock and making a few samples. Well the deal fell through probably due to price so I still have some of the stainless stock. Ended up selling the spoons I had made for the price I had wanted. 

Think I'll make me one.  12" is a bit too long for what I need. 

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On 1/19/2022 at 9:50 AM, Daswulf said:


The well that used to service the house also serviced another house (once my great grandparents house) the well was in what was a shop. When my grand parents lost that property (long story) a man built the shop into a house. He would complain there wasn't enough water for both properties so my grandparents put in a cistern. After the grandparents passed and a few years after I moved in the township ran a water line for the newer industrial park down the road they forced every house along the road to tap in so I had to get city water. I've been wanting to tie the roof drainage to the cistern and plumb just that into the laundry and maybe commode water but haven't been up to the task yet. Right now the cistern input to the house is capped off as per their inspection demands. 

I have a cistern, that is filled by runoff from the roof, and supplemented by a spring.  I use that water exclusively for everything. And have been doing so since 1996.  No other water supply available.  I guess I could risk the $$$ and sink a well. But my luck I'd end up with a dry hole for $10k.

My neighbor ended up with a dry hole. They told the driller to keep going.  At 800' they finally hit some water.  Only 35gpm.

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Guy I work with that lives in the mountains said when his well was drilled they hit good water but the guy drilling said it would be better deeper so he drilled further and hit sulfur water. He has had to severely filter it ever since. I don't know why or what on the deal. 

If the cistern works keep it and use it.

I didn't mind getting the cistern filled, or the water. Was cheaper than just the monthly cost to Have city water. I will eventually get stuff hooked up and utilize it. At least with three girls in the house it would tone down the actual water Usage costs. 

If I do hook it up to a supply I will also probably have to figure out an overflow for it. While we do get our dry spells, in southwestern PA we do get our fair share of rain too. 



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I spent some time in West Texas, everyone had a tank that was filled by a truck at intervals; no rain for a cistern and no water even 800' down till you got to toxic mineralized water.  Nice quiet area, the school kids had a 90 mile bus ride each way!

I was happy to be on city water where I am at; but I wish the well that was drilled between our house and the neighbors was on my side of the line.  I'd have a windmill and water tank and replumb the house to use it for the toilets as well as for the garden outside. (Both houses were built and owned by the same guy on family land so sharing wasn't a problem---till things were sold off to different people...)

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/19/2022 at 12:50 PM, ThomasPowers said:

"Why a Spoon?"

"Coz it's dull, xxx xxxx! It'll hurt more!!"

Prince of Thieves is still a favourite of mine!!




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