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Wine bottle holders


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Here are about the only things I've actually made. I made my first one for my wife for Christmas. The second one she asked me to make so she could give it away at our house party. The third a lady at church liked them and asked me to make one for her daughters birthday. 




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Hmm another variation start 2 of them and have the vertical sections twine about each other and have the bases form a heart---or have the vertical section form a heart and then proceed up to hold 2 bottles. the 3 bottle version: one red, one rose and one white; also comes to mind.

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Thomas is way ahead of me on ideas, I just got to checking IFI. Well done, Gergley is right, this is just the beginning of a marketable product to help support your blacksmithing addiction. It's a good thing.

My only suggestion about these holders is to put a small tight finial scroll or little knob in the helix that holds the bottle. Folk will ut their hands on the helix removing the bottle you don't want any pokey ends, even if it doesn't leave a mark a person might drop the bottle. Just thinking.

The stand curve can be left or right to make sets that can be combined in attractive ways, Thomas' heart is a perfect example. Don't scrap the idea of them all curved the same way though, a set of 3 would make a beautiful Yin Yang pattern on a round embroidered doily.

This is a seriously marketable product don't forget to show pics at the liquor store! A portfolio even. ;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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The ideas are great! and I see what you mean by the point frosty. Its not much of a point at all but I see where your coming from ill have to figure something out to remedy that. My wife told me I had better sell a few of them before I try buying anything else to support my habit haha. The only part I didn't particularly like is conversation is Thomas reminding me about Valentines day coming up :P.

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well you can do a base heart out of a single piece. I just liked the symbolism of the two intertwined (and the two bottles).  Seriously think of getting one done with a heart and some red ribbon and talk a trade with the local liquor store....(probably can't trade; but $$ are useful)

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Following Hoss's  lead and adopting Thomas's suggestions I came up with this today. I know the leaves are not particularly vine-like, but 3/8 steel doesn't give all that much to work with to get the width of  grape vine leaf. Took me way too long to get the balance right; the thing has to sit firmly with full and empty bottles and also without a bottle at all. Finally found a good compromise.

I added the grapes as an afterthought. Needs a little tweeking and perhaps some brass on the grapes, but for a first go, I'm pretty happy with it. The next one will be better. Thanks for the inspiration Hoss.

And the wine bottle was empty to start with - not emptied during the process.:D


wine bottle 1.JPG

wine bottle 2.JPG

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That's beautiful work, John. The autumn colouring on the leaf is spectacular.

I had a go at another one today, but this time I forged gum leaves instead of vine leaves. Well, it's Australian wine so it's only right. Anyway, it's hard to forge vine leaves from 3.8 stock without folding and welding. The gum nuts were a bit of a problem as I usually use the cupped ends off engine pushrods, but I didn't have any handy. These nuts are a bit rough - made from 1/4 drive sockets, expanded out hot.

As usual, there are improvements to be made next time. Every piece is a learning experience.

gum bottle 1.JPG

gum bottle 2.JPG

gum bottle 3.JPG

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Hoss: Yes, mig welded the grapes and gumnuts on, and the second leaf.

J.S.: Candle cups would certainly have the right shape, but they would be too big on this scale. And yes, a candle cup for a candle could add a new dimension.

Das: Please use the inspiration. I was just following the model put forward by Hoss.

TP: Thanks.  I will try the black pipe idea. About 1/2 inch OD would be close. I haven't had to make gum nuts before because old push rod ends work really well, but they are a bit hard to find now. The newer ones aren't much good.

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