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I Forge Iron

Found an Anvil For Sale

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Hello, this might belong in Tailgating, but I am severely distracted at the moment:

 163# Hay Budden, "$750 or make me an offer" 

This is exactly the anvil that I have been looking for, and in a good range for me to negotiate. Unfortunately, I don't want to stress my liquidity, and thus I must pass.


Robert Taylor

Mod note: Sales link removed.


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$750 ($4.60) is steep in my opinion-national average is around $3. Have you talked to the seller yet? If you can talk with them a little and explain that you will be using it and not collecting/flipping you may be able to get it down to what you can afford. Let them know what you can pay, even if it is far below the asking or average prices and see if they will accept it. It doesn't hurt to ask...

I have had people drop waaaay below what they were originally asking for items once I had a chance to chat with them and explain my situation. Case in point. I bought $6,200 worth of machinist tools in a Kennedy top chest for $550 because the retiring owner would rather see me get them ,and use them . Even though he could have made more from the tool flippers who were drooling over them. I used that set for 8 years at the last place I worked. 

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I'm with Mr Frog, not only does that look like a rare anvil, it is also quite rare in terms of condition. 

Given what anvils are going for on ebay I think we are seeing a continued appreciation of the value of older anvils. You may be able to find one cheaper but I doubt it will be in the condition of this anvil. 

I would imagine that anvil won't last long.

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$4/lb isn't that bad when you consider the quality of the anvil you're getting.  It looks nearly new in condition so you should be paying nearly new in price.  If you went out to get a new anvil in that same weight, you'd certainly have to better than $4/lb unless you got a smoking deal on shipping, etc.

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Someone is driving out from NEW MEXICO to pick it up - after I offered full price.

I really really wanted that anvil (sigh)

I am trying to be sad about it, but Mrs Taylor looks so beautiful this morning, and the chronic pain is isolated to one small spot.

Life must be good after all (sniff)-_-

Robert Taylor

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Threads like this one are constant reinforcement of how happy I am:

1. To have gotten my anvil over thirty years ago.

2. To have gotten a really good one, despite not knowing anything about anvils other than "Heavy is good", "Bouncy is good", and "Ringing is good".

3. To have hung onto it through the twenty-some years that I wasn't blacksmithing.

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Fred was wanting to get my Powell until he found out that it was missing the heel; now I can sleep at night not worrying about it...(Nice to have a "heavy use anvil" that is not in such danger of walking off.)

Actually he's a nice guy; I've been to see his collection with the local ABANA Affiliate before. He told me that the first time he went to Quad-State he bought 30 anvils and had to buy a trailer to get them back to New Mexico.   I find it strange that someone who doesn't use it has such a fascination for blacksmithing equipment and he has definitely affected the local anvil supply and cost factors; but that's his right.   Someday things will change.

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I will go out this morning and caress my beautiful little 88# Soderfors, and continue some cold work I've been doing.

It will be quite cathartic just as the words from The Gang on this thread have softened the blow of losing what I never had, my sweet dream trampled by Savage Nature, and the Weak and Pathetic groveling forth in this life, miserable, and bereft of Glorious Anvil Victory. :rolleyes:

Natenaaron, at least my seller let me know the status of the deal, which I appreciate.

Robert Taylor



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