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At LAST!! Hand surgery DONE (GRAPHIC PIC)


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Well as some of you are aware I have been fighting with the VA since last August to get this tumor removed from my right hand..Well after all sorts of delays, hassles and general frustrations..I FINALLY had my hand surgery on Monday (June 8..) and none too soon..what ever it was (will get the pathology back next week) that was in therewas infected and necrotic..It was a wee bit more complicated than what I was told and they were not able to take WIP pics but here's the aftermath  3 days after..now I can't really count the number of sutures..the suture line is about 3" in length..so if the first one to come up with the correct number gets awarded the grand prize of a High Colonic followed by  40 mile hike with full combat pack...How's that for a deal??


The thing was decent sized as well..about 3 1/4" wide by 5" long and a good 3/4" thick...much bigger than I expected...Had to get put under instead of using a local like we originally planned... Anyways...


Also shown is the VA approved way to make a fist as PT..(You have GOT to be kidding right?? But they aren't...) ... Your tax payer $$$ at work here folks...and they want me to make a 65 mile long round trip, twice a week to the VA hospital to sit there and make a fist in front of the PT tech?? (Now there is the  the SE VA Clinic out this was which is like 2 to 3 miles from where we live...) ?? Ohhhh K..I may even throw in  a few individual finger exercises as well..ya know.."Digit Dexterity"  routines..??? (I'm sorry..for some reason my middle one doesn't bend much)  Oh come on..I can do this at home...geeze..


So I will be out of work for at least another two weeks until the sutures are removed..I am hoping for a ready gnarly and groovy scar to come out of this whole thing...So for your viewing pleasure...





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I only count 16, Steve. Not sure this old ground pounder is up to doning 95 pounds of gear and humping 40 miles right at this moment. 

Glad to see your on the mend. Delays in treatment are a realy bad deal. Slip on a rubber glove (autozone etc caries nice black non latex ones for mechanic work) my experiance is that swinging a hammer is not somthing you want to do but you should be up to some "putering" soon. 

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When you said "graphic" I was expecting much worse. Blood and gore, exposed muscle bone etc. I'm glad you at least added a warning. I've opened a few safety threads other places to some really graphic images that really aren't the best thing to look at while sitting down a dinner.



Glad you are on the mend. I hear you on the VA, having to deal occasionally with the military health system with both my parents ( dads retired Navy) Not to get too political, but if anyone wants to see what a mess the government can make of health care, all they have to do is look at the VA and military health services. Last year they diddled so long trying to figure out a circulatory issue with mom, that in the end they had to take the left lower leg. About the only good thing of the whole mess was that when they chose to do the amputation, she was close enough that they sent her over to Walter Reed. If there's any place the the country that's a specialist in amputations, it's probably them.

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I'm sure Steve's count is right and we DON'T need pics of him receiving his prize....(actually I'd pay NOT to receive them...)

If I was doing surgery on *you* I would want you so far under you couldn't even remember what I looked like just in case you ended up holding a grudge...(The proper way to hold a grudge: starting with your hand extended...)

Good luck dealing with the bureaucracies; Back when I was getting my second BS I remember the University telling me I had to come in during business hours to make an appointment to come in at a different time to get my "adviser" to sign off to enroll in classes. Of course I was working 60 hour weeks on the other side of of the city but that was *my* problem....

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I see 16 but without the inside pics we can't count the internal stitches so I'll put my pack back away. Oh darn. :rolleyes:

I'm not going to comment on any GVT run operation it looks like a nice day out and that just gets me steamed. Glad you finally got them to do the obviously necessary work Jim. Just do NOT strain that middle finger by forcing it to bend too soon. Personally I feel the most efficient and therapeutic method of making a fist is to do so around the neck of a GVT. bean counter. They gotta be good for something don't they?

I'm really looking forward to seeing some of your new work so do a good job of healing up will ya Jim?

Frosty The Lucky.

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When I had 3rd degree burns on my hand, my problem wasn't making a fist. That part of Pt was easy. It was extending the hand straight and slightly beyond to stretch all the new skin that was extremely uncomfortable. I can't tell from those picts, but I had to do the straight and hook positions quite a bit to restore flexibility to my hand, so I wouldn't end up with a "claw" for a right hand that wouldn't open all the way. I still don't have quite the reach and stretch with my right fully open as I do with my left, and I'm right handed.


If it's a stretchy hurt, you are probably doing it right was what I was told. I had to push myself to the point of discomfort or I wasn't really stretching things. I've seen the results of people too lazy to do the PT to that point. Almost all have some long term lack of motion due to not properly stretching and working the damaged area after surgery.

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Back when I was getting my second BS I remember the University telling me I had to come in during business hours to make an appointment to come in at a different time to get my "adviser" to sign off to enroll in classes. Of course I was working 60 hour weeks on the other side of of the city but that was *my* problem....

​I know what that's like. I had similar issues when I went back to school to complete my degree. The school just didn't understand commuter students who were working to pay their own way.

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Thank you all but this is just part of it..The surgery was not performed by a VA Dr nor in a VA facility..you see..that brand new 120 MILLION US TAXPAYER $$$ Hospital out here didn't have a Dr that could do this surgery so I had to navigate through the "Veteran's Choice" system..who in their wisdom, after  10 MONTHS finally OK'd the surgery...HOWEVER they did NOT OK the medications....so I am out of pocket of some serious lucre..  Oh they WOULD of filled the scripts I gave them on the ant-biotics, steroids, antimflamatories and pain management scripts I was given the Thursday before my surgery date but when I gave them to the VA pharmacy I was told 5 to 7 business days... Great way to treat a Vet going in for surgery in 4 calendar days huh??

Well all I can say this is what you get when the same folks send you out 5 times to get killed get put in charge of your health care..  At least I am thankful that I am in NO PAIN at all, with no negative effect on my dexterity.. Mazda provides..Mazda watches... 

So if i see the chat room with folks in there I will probably pop in for a spell meself..

Thank you all again for the well wishes..


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same group that took over the chicken ranch near Vegas when they fell behind paying taxes, and went bankrupt with in a year.  They could not turn a profit selling booze and hookers, but they want to run our heath care. be afraid, be very afraid

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I invested 32 years of my life in service to this great country of ours ( the United States) and while I was "in": I got the finest medical care in the WORLD.. PERIOD!!. I have nothing but the highest respect to the medics, Doctors and Nurses in the US Military...I received nothing less than A  No. 1 Care..BAR NONE.. 

Now I am what they call a  Mustang Officer..and well..when I retired in 2006 at the rank of O-6..I was placed into the VA system..I was OK with that cause I never had to "use it" other than my annual physical and SLTT .. well not until this happened, and what a nightmare this was... Believe me this was a Charlie Foxtrot from jump .. (All ya old Vets know what that means..) and to top it off..after building that brand new VA Hospital out here at a cost in excess of 120 MILLION taxpayer's $$ and then to be told they do NOT have a Doctor in that Hospital that could  do my surgery?? OH COME ON FOLKS.. sigh... but be that as it may...

As far as "private insurance" when you invest 30 plus years into a system that sends you out to get killed on numerous occasions ..you not only expect..but you DESERVE what you were promised... Enough on this...I am just happy that this is done and I want to get back to work. After all I have a rep to live down to.


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A cool tattoo would be a zipper ,  half way unzipped,  exposing the bone a d skeleton

have a really good exercise for you., good for your hand,wrist, forearms

1 pound weight on a string, stick on the other end,  hold arms straight out, shoulder high

roll the stick in your hands, causing the weight to lift up

bring weight from floor to waist high then down

do it 10 times    twice a day 

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I invested 32 years of my life in service to this great country of ours ( the United States) and while I was "in": I got the finest medical care in the WORLD.. PERIOD!!. I have nothing but the highest respect to the medics, Doctors and Nurses in the US Military...I received nothing less than A  No. 1 Care..BAR NONE.. 


As far as "private insurance" when you invest 30 plus years into a system that sends you out to get killed on numerous occasions ..you not only expect..but you DESERVE what you were promised... Enough on this...I am just happy that this is done and I want to get back to work. After all I have a rep to live down to.


​I agree there is NO excuse that great care you got while serving should not continue through life for all service people that have an honorable discharge for serving for any amount of time. Period.

How do we pay for it? Simple... it has already been paid for, there is no excuse, IF the DC desk jockey's get lifetime care and pay for the 'dangerous' job of wearing a suit, why not the same for those they wore a target for all of us.  

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If you did it that way and made O-6 you did it the hard way and my hats off to you. Dad retired 31 years USN at O-6, Naval Academy Class of 57. I agree the level of health care they get now compared to what was promised is just terrible.

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